Do Zones of Control work anymore?

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10 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 5:59:20 PM

I've had more than one instance now of Skaven and Beastmen ambush attacking a stack having had to walk through another army of mine and/or a city. That shouldn't be able to happen should it?

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10 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 6:19:44 PM

It depends on exact locations. They do still work properly.

If the lord is close enough to the other lord/within its zone of control, an order can often be issued that "ignores" the zone of control of the closer entity. EG: A lord that's within the zone of control of a city, but behind it, might still be attacked (assuming the city doesn't completely block pathing without being under control, like gates do).

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10 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 7:01:44 PM

No, positioning doesn't matter anymore since Empire, you can cross as many ZoCs as you want as long as you attack something.

It's really amazing that CA decided to remove one of the most basic strategic considerations from the game. Imagine Chess but rooks, bishops and queens could capture any unit in their line of movement regardless of how many pieces stood in-between. That would suck a ton of strategy right out of it.

They should revert to how it worked back in Empire. If you cross any ZoC, the army in question can decide to intercept you. Even more, it should give the intercepting army a sizable advantage of some kind.

Updated 10 days ago.
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10 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 10:12:41 PM

It's been possible to attack through zones of control at least since TW:WH2, probably since TW:WH1, as Asamu explained.

I actually ran into an instance of the opposite yesterday, though - two armies, one right behind the other, and I was forced to attack the first and watch it flee before I could go for the other.  I was surprised since it didn't fit with my normal understanding of how the game handles zones of control, but I suspect the back army was just farther back than I realized.

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10 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 10:50:47 PM

Working as intended yet sadly not really fit for purpose.

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