Tiny Changes to Giant Improvements

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11 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 5:28:03 PM

Hello CA, 

I want to start by saying that since Thrones of Decay and patch 5.2 game has become really better, and I hope these will become standard for DLC and especially for patches because 5-8 more like these it could feel like we play Warhammer 4 :D that's how much change they bring. 

So since you have been doing really well in last couple of months, I will try to give my ideas and feedback on some tiny changes that you could implement fast and without too much work, but that could bring huge improvement and have a great gaming experience for users. 

1. My first one is about landmarks and unique buildings, if I remember correctly when it was Q&A for ToC DLC you said that you had a huge number of ideas for landmarks. I think generally and overall we need more of these across the map, of course, maybe there are some places and specific factions that need it more than others, but the game becomes much more enjoyable if we have more landmarks, especially the thematic ones (lore-wise), for example when Vlad conquers Altdorf it gets this really good landmark (factionwide), or Greenskins for Kazar a Karak, Eight peaks, Black crag... , same like you did with Deeps in Skavenblight and Zhar Naggrund.  It would make really game enjoyfull to see more of these and to think oh how to truly build and benefit from these strategies, they would be great for both singleplayer and multiplayer campaigns.

Because now either there are too few of them or some of them are not as impactful as they should be if considered how important those cities are by lore. It would be really great if we could make a custom that each patch we get 2-3 landmarks or unique buildings and since you already have so many ideas for it it would be a shame to go all in waste and not to put it in the game :D ! Of course, if needed I am sure the community can help by giving great recommendations.

 2. Garrison: So there are cities that should be really hard to take, like easiest example I will mention the Dwarfs lore Kazar A Karak (which has never been sieged), Karak Drazh aka the Black Craig, Karak Eight Peaks... and so on but let's stick to these three which were really famous dwarf strongholds in the lore, it's not okay that if you are after turn 80 or 100, even if they are lvl 5, you will just auto-resolve without any problem, it's just like any other capital settlement. I think some famous settlements should have improved garrison so that you really feel, oh shit this is strong. Like instead of having 6 longbeards on level 5 give in these cities 6 ironbreakers, give them 3 instead of 1 thunderers and so on... (irondrakes...). This would be a really easy fix but big change to game and experience, of course not only to implement it with Dwarfs, each faction have some key settlements that are famous and well-defended.  If you want to be really thorough you can make these changes so that from the beginning you get stronger garrison on each level, if not then just put it once it's lvl 5 it really gets strong and that's it.  The second solution for this is to give each settlement something, like Kazar A Karak since its never been taken, it can garrison up to two armies, other have something else, storage ammunition, or something... but this would be more work of course.

 3. When taking settlement from different factions, it gets transformed, so if you are white dwarf conquering Naggarond, that those settlements change look after you take them its bad that they still look like ones from Darkelves, same thing with if you take with Eltharion some orc settlement in badlands is still like that ugly camp style. This is maybe a little harder to implement than the upper two things but it would really make it great for eyes and graphics. There is a mod that does this listed in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M31JMuf56m4 I think there is an additional one that comes combine that transforms even surroundings which is MEGA good but at least lets start from settlements, baby steps. But it would be great if you could implement it and maybe since there is mod it will be easier then :D.

These changes are not really so hard to implement or it shouldn't be too much work (not sure about the third one), but they really give a lot of rewards, its low-risk high reward situation. 

Hope to hear from you, what you think about these changes.

Updated 11 days ago.
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11 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 6:15:00 PM

WhiteBeard#5844 wrote:
3. When taking settlement from different factions, it gets transformed, so if you are white dwarf conquering Naggarond, that those settlements change look after you take them its bad that they still look like ones from Darkelves, same thing with if you take with Eltharion some orc settlement in badlands is still like that ugly camp style.

I'm pretty sure that's intentional.  Because conquerors don't wipe out the local population TWWH, they just subjugate it.  As settlements grow, they actually draw their population from the surrounding area, not elsewhere.

You know that this is the case, because when you, say, conquer a Skaven city, or even completely destroy it and build a new on in it's place, the city still has a "Local Populace" penalty to Skaven Corruption.  Because the populous is still Skaven.

If they wanted to complicate the system, they should give you a choice when you take the city.

A.  Subjugate the populace, which lets you keep the city intact, but gives Control and Public Order penalties.  The city icon remains that of the original Race.

B.  Wipe out the populace.  Which lets you replace the local populace, but you have to rebuild the city from scratch and it gives huge diplomacy penalties with that Race.  But this also replaces the city icon with the one from your own Race.

Updated 11 days ago.
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11 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 6:54:55 PM

I thought this is a thread about how to improve Giants. because Giants look cool, should be cool but are not cool rn.

Anyway 1) having more landmarks is always nice. 2) garrisons should be recruitable. Like, this settlement has a budget of 850 golds for garrison units. You will pay everything over the limit. Racial capitals and other important settlements (like K8P) get bigger budgets. 3) moddable. And DarthEnderX is right. If you capture Egypt (irl or in TW: Rome2) the pyramids will still be there.

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11 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 7:05:30 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

WhiteBeard#5844 wrote:
3. When taking settlement from different factions, it gets transformed, so if you are white dwarf conquering Naggarond, that those settlements change look after you take them its bad that they still look like ones from Darkelves, same thing with if you take with Eltharion some orc settlement in badlands is still like that ugly camp 

You know that this is the case, because when you, say, conquer a Skaven city, or even completely destroy it and build a new on in it's place, the city still has a "Local Populace" penalty to Skaven Corruption.  Because the populous is still Skaven.

Oh, interesting, but to me the problem is if you conquered something and its been a while 40-50 turns it should eventually shift in my mind and I think it would be better cause in human civs even somehow you can understand it, but here skaven coliving with dwarfs, no way, or chaos warriors with kislev same story...  But I get the point. 

Jirzik#3160 wrote:

I thought this is a thread about how to improve Giants. because Giants look cool, should be cool but are not cool rn.

Anyway 1) having more landmarks is always nice. 2) garrisons should be recruitable. Like, this settlement has a budget of 850 golds for garrison units. You will pay everything over the limit. Racial capitals and other important settlements (like K8P) get bigger budgets. 3) moddable. And DarthEnderX is right. If you capture Egypt (irl or in TW: Rome2) the pyramids will still be there.

Sorry for Giants :D, yeah if its moddable then I think it could be implemented like for me biggest problem is they are completely different races, so if Elves lives somewhere for 100turns of course it will become custom and a little bit Elvish, not some camp that looks far from it... humans are also very different in culture but at least same race, here it's a completely different story. 

I like idea of not wiping local populace but it could be change after some turns lets say 30-50-70 I don't know something like that. 

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11 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 9:49:52 PM

WhiteBeard#5844 wrote:

2. Garrison: So there are cities that should be really hard to take, like easiest example I will mention the Dwarfs lore Kazar A Karak (which has never been sieged)...

 3. When taking settlement from different factions, it gets transformed

2: I agree certain cities should be harder to take. I am pro making an absolute max size of garrisons as 30 units (I know, I know... but it's their game, damn it, so why can't they redesign the system?), as well as strengthening the garrison system generally. I also think that the building system in general has outlived its usefulness, and all settlements should be able to build all buildings, limited only by tier, and that garrisons should be their own customizable buildings. I.e., an expensive Longbeard garrison is something you build rather than recruit. This would help make those really big capitals very difficult to take and better simulate the scale of what they are.

But I think it's instructive that the list of settlements you mentioned are mostly Dwarf holds (lost or retained). The idea of something like Karaz-a-Karak being merely "a settlement" is a gross oversimplification. The new Deeps buildings I think are a step in the right direction to simulating what Dwarf holds really are. I would like to see random armies or Encounter Battle markers being spawned in Mountain climates so long as Dwarfs haven't built Deeps buildings. That would simulate the fact that if the Dwarfs haven't (painstakingly and expensively) reclaimed all the Deeps, then Greenskins and Skaven are going to keep flooding through. That, I think, would help simulate the kind of warfare the Dwarfs fight in the mountains.

3. I agree with this to an extent. Your Grombrindal-Naggaroth example is a good one. What does Grombrindal do to the tens of thousands of Druchii who inhabited this metropolis? Or what does Wurrzag do to tier 5 Altdorf when he occupies it? I think that buildings should not convert between races. That's obvious. But what about tier level? Maybe a conqueror of a different race reduces the tier level of the settlement by as much as 3? If we're talking true conquest and absorption into an empire, that probably is the only thing that makes sense. If a conqueror is merely trying to get rich, he can sack and leave. Conquest should be a much more draining prospect. The game might represent such a thing as "Oh, Wurzzag conquered Rank 5 Altdorf and now it's Rank 2, the size of a small town. I wonder what happened to all those humans?" Personally, I don't mind simply leaving such a thing to the imagination of the particular player. 

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11 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 11:02:43 PM

WhiteBeard#5844 wrote:
Oh, interesting, but to me the problem is if you conquered something and its been a while 40-50 turns it should eventually shift in my mind and I think it would be better cause in human civs even somehow you can understand it, but here skaven coliving with dwarfs, no way, or chaos warriors with kislev same story...  But I get the point. 

Admittedly, it isn't particularly lore friendly, but it DOES seem to be the point.  The Race of the local populace is always the Race of the local populace.  And the settlement's icon reflects that.

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10 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 8:51:10 PM

Yeah, I don't know guys I didn't want to get into the ethical things of, do you wipe out the populace or what... but I think for me it would be really nice graphic-wise, easier on eyes and to follow. 

Also somewhat rewarding for example to know that corruption from Skavenblight disappear after some big number of turns, otherwise even tho it's owned by a dwarves it does not feel at all like mine :D :D. But anyway I get what you say, its fair point so it is not needed, unlike the first 2 things which I think are really important and very easy to solve. 

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