Quick Feedback for CA

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a month ago
Aug 22, 2024, 1:01:18 AM

I have been VERY critical of CA leadership the past few months. I would like it officially noted that I think this patch is absolutely fantastic and the last DLC was very, very good as well. I absolutely love it when CA and the Devs show off their talent because it makes the game so much fun. Well Done CA. Very Well Done. More please. Like... A lot more, because you're on fire right now and I'm having a lot of fun.  You're not off the hook with me yet, but you're doing great. Warhammer 2 will always be my standard and expectation. Simply because of the amount of fun we were having together and then further because of just how dang good you guys were. this past month, you've definitely hit that bar. 


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a month ago
Aug 22, 2024, 11:12:53 AM

This patch really is great. I hope that with the Greenskins in the next DLC they rework the campaign map that all Dwarf settlements when controlled by Greenskins have the the wooden ramshackle look. Currently only some change. All settlements like Black Pit should change their look from Dwarf to Greenskin and vice versa. Also the areas in between where there are stone walkways should become rickety bridges when Greenskins hold them.

I hope CA focus on adding visual assets to the campaign map to further flesh out the map. Bretonnia is in need of this. It should be a lush vibrant green like its battle maps not the autumn look we have now. We spend a lot of time on the campaign map. It would be great to see them add more stuff there.

Updated a month ago.
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