There is unfinished business from SoC and ToD and still room to improve

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a month ago
Jul 25, 2024, 6:05:41 PM

The lack of Kislev rework, the terrible Mother Ostankya start position in IE, no map changes (narrow corridors again), no Nuln map and even the fact that Hochland Longrifles and Ironsides got no unique voices...

I can understand the lack of Nuln map, but how expensive would be to record two voice lines like ''Longrifles!'' and ''Ironsides!''?

There is AI that is capable of doing that or CA just could ask one or two employees to do it. I remember a post here where someone complained that their friend has bad eyesight and needs voices to differentiate between units...

Stuff like that makes me think that the next DLC will have similiar problem - the uneven quality. 

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a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 9:06:08 AM

Sagez#6761 wrote:

The lack of Kislev rework, the terrible Mother Ostankya start position in IE, no map changes (narrow corridors again), no Nuln map and even the fact that Hochland Longrifles and Ironsides got no unique voices...

I can understand the lack of Nuln map, but how expensive would be to record two voice lines like ''Longrifles!'' and ''Ironsides!''?

There is AI that is capable of doing that or CA just could ask one or two employees to do it. I remember a post here where someone complained that their friend has bad eyesight and needs voices to differentiate between units...

Stuff like that makes me think that the next DLC will have similiar problem - the uneven quality. 

I really hope that they will rework the map and remove the ugly void thingy north of the MoM. Thats where Zamoski and Fort Dolganyeir should be located. Perfect start for Mother Ostankya. 

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a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 2:56:21 PM

I want Duklys Forest to be a Magical Forest in Kislev and for Ostankya to start there.

I want Tzeentch to get a FLL.

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a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 4:17:51 PM

Amazing that you don't spend a single word on the Changeling having about the most boring and pointless campaign in the entirety of Total War. Ostankya and Yuan Bo aren't much better either, no challenged, lots of overpowered mechanics for a game that's already too easy.

Honestly, couldn't give less of a damn about any of those other issues. They kinda' pale when the base content is so sleep-inducing.

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a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 4:28:29 PM

Sagez#6761 wrote:
and even the fact that Hochland Longrifles and Ironsides got no unique voices

No unit has unique voice lines in ToD, not even the centrepieces. A joke, really.

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a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 7:16:50 PM

100% agreed on all points. Also more risk for Changeling campaign and impact of Changeling as AI. Also remove the void mountain. This thread has all the right ideas.

Plus I add this!


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a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 7:46:29 PM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:
Also remove the void mountain.

**** that!  Floating Mountain is rad!

They just need to put something in the middle of it so it has a purpose.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 10:16:58 PM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:

100% agreed on all points. Also more risk for Changeling campaign and impact of Changeling as AI. Also remove the void mountain. This thread has all the right ideas.

Plus I add this!


Thicker is better. Trust.

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a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 11:24:18 PM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:

Plus I add this!


This absolutely needs to be done. Spreading out some of the order factions and adding more hostile minor factions would make Lustria feel much more interesting. It's too safe at the moment. 

I'd also like to see the hostility mechanic removed from Markus Wulfhart and made a generic mechanic applied to any non-Lizardmen faction in Lustria. So basically the Lustrian territory would be treated as some sort of inverse Imperial Authority mechanic. 

My issues with SoC: OP pretty much covered it, but lack of actual reworks. 

- Ice Court should be unique to the Ice Court faction, and tweaked to be more interesting. With the other factions either getting Ice Court but for heroes that better suit their faction, or something new entirely. 

- Kislev not getting any map reworks, would have been nice to get a forest there.

- Changeling basically having no challenge. 

My issues with ToD:

- CA forgot to give Empire Lords/Captains/Witch Hunters recruitment rank bonuses on buildings. Warrior Priests while at least having a recruitment rank bonus is only a local one, not a global one. 

- CA didn't tweak Markus or Volkmar. The bare minimum they could have done is give them the new Elector Count State Troop unlock technologies, as their current methods take forever to do and you can easily finish a campaign before unlocking them all. I would have liked more, but as stated that would have been the bare minimum at least. 

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a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 11:41:22 PM


>Kostaltyn is still a pushver and the worst faction and lord

>The race is still bugged and devotion scarce.

>Kislev needs more lands it feels constrained.

>Boris should ateast get an option to confederate Praag

>Kairos skill line needs to be improved as equiping shards is a waste of points and chore

>Cults rework

>Changeling rework

>Manifestation rework.


>Both volkmar and markus needs rework or atleast and upgrade, they die all the time.

>Empire has no need for the tavern building line anymore.

>Empire factions die too quickly (blame the AR)


>The oathgold building line outshines the trinket line by a lot.

>Grrowth has been made too plentiful with +20 from a tier 1 building (but pointless to upgrade)

>Slayer shrine needs better effects as the tavern is far superior.

>Improvements to the way grudges are generated and fulfiled.

>Miners need adjustements if they are to be the tier 0 unit.

>By the time you start to get plagues going  you've already won.

>Plagues feel much less important.

>Infraestruture is far more important than unit buildings.

>Nurgle has some bad tech (seriously +1 nurgle corruption).

>Infections for buildings might be a tad high (again by the time you get it going you'll have already won).

>Epidemius unique trait could be improved  and the conditional changed (research rate is nothing for nurgle and the unit dot plus unit summoning only happens to epidemius army).

>Cults and manifestation reworks

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a month ago
Jul 27, 2024, 8:50:10 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:
Also remove the void mountain.

**** that!  Floating Mountain is rad!

They just need to put something in the middle of it so it has a purpose.

No its ugly, obsolete and has to go. 

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a month ago
Jul 27, 2024, 10:01:02 PM

Kairos and Kislev (except Ostyanka) also need an tech tree rework, since SoC only made special trees for Changeling and Mother O but left the original ones untouched.

PS: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch needs to be buffed or reworked too. He and Undivided DP are considerably weaker in comparison to the other Princes and generic lords (specifically Chaos (Sorcerer) Lord on Dragon / Chaos Lord of Tzeentch / Exalted Lord of Change).

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jul 28, 2024, 12:56:02 PM

Ravenclaw271#4724 wrote:

Kairos and Kislev (except Ostyanka) also need an tech tree rework, since SoC only made special trees for Changeling and Mother O but left the original ones untouched.

PS: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch needs to be buffed or reworked too. He and Undivided DP are considerably weaker in comparison to the other Princes and generic lords (specifically Chaos (Sorcerer) Lord on Dragon / Chaos Lord of Tzeentch / Exalted Lord of Change).

Another point on kislev the shield of the old world (the shield icon) has stopped working ever since IM was released, having low devotion has no drawback at all right now.

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a month ago
Jul 31, 2024, 6:31:09 AM

I am about to start playing TWW3 and Kislev and you guys worry me too much! hah

Should I start with Ostyanka?

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a month ago
Jul 31, 2024, 8:10:02 AM

Sv0gthir#6231 wrote:

I am about to start playing TWW3 and Kislev and you guys worry me too much! hah

Should I start with Ostyanka?

Absolutely not. Her start position and campaign is horrible. Go for Katarin. One of THE best campaigns in the game. 

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a month ago
Aug 1, 2024, 7:06:04 PM

I just wish we got more variants for some of the added units, they gave us two variants of Plague Ogres, so its not outside of the realm of possibility

Pestigors: Alongside the Great Weapon variant, we should have gotten Axe + Shield and Throwing Axes variants
Tzaangors: Alongside the Axe + Shield variant, we should have gotten Halberds and Archer variants
Kislevite Warriors: Alongside the Halberds, maybe a Large Shield + Sword/Axe variant, that can be used as a early line holder, could work well with the Halberd ones

I also wish we got Beastmen Shamans for both so that Beastmen could get the Lore of Nurgle and Tzeentch

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 1, 2024, 11:49:17 PM

GeneralKong#3567 wrote:
I also wish we got Beastmen Shamans for both so that Beastmen could get the Lore of Nurgle and Tzeentch

See, I was thinking the exact opposite.  I wanted a Tzaangor Shaman so Tzeentch could get Lore of Beasts.

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 12:55:41 AM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:

100% agreed on all points. Also more risk for Changeling campaign and impact of Changeling as AI. Also remove the void mountain. This thread has all the right ideas.

Plus I add this!


The WH3 one is map accurate though. It does need some more settlements and provinces, but it can get those via a provincial rework and rearranging of borders without the addition of more landmass. Same story with Nehekhara, Araby and the Southlands as a whole. It's western Naggaroth that legitimately needs more landmass at this point, or at least to be not squished into the map border.

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 5:03:40 AM

Wyvax#7456 wrote:

The WH3 one is map accurate though. It does need some more settlements and provinces, but it can get those via a provincial rework and rearranging of borders without the addition of more landmass. Same story with Nehekhara, Araby and the Southlands as a whole. It's western Naggaroth that legitimately needs more landmass at this point, or at least to be not squished into the map border.

I'd say fun factor is more important than map accuracy. Consider how Empire would feel if it was squished down to it's map accurate size, it would not be as much fun.

Current Lustria has a space issue, just like Naggaroth. In Vortex map, you had to spend some turns weaving through the jungle, not so much in IE.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 5:38:40 AM

I have a much bigger problem with Naggaroth than I do with Lustria.

The DEs, one of the biggest seafaring races in the world, not being able to access the entire west coast of their own continent is ridiculous.

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