Long List Of Changes, Not Necessarily Required

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2 months ago
Jul 18, 2024, 2:24:36 AM

Just a massive list of either missing features from classic TW or changes that could have a positive effect on gameplay/immersion.

In battle:

  • Banners. Such an iconic TW feature and thematic to the setting/tabletop game. 

  • Reloading animations. Very inconsistent. Every unit should have them, including crewed artillery. 

  • Weapon crews pushing their artillery. They're being moved by telekinesis at the moment.

  • Quivers. Just like reloading animations, missile units pull arrows out of nowhere. 

  • Instant ladders. Just get rid of them and make them siege equipment like classic TW games.

  • Dismounting cavalry. This would help cavalry in sieges immensely, it also removes the need for CA to add Foot Knights as a separate unit. Which helps roster bloat and balance. 

  • Picking Lord/Hero mount pre-battle. It'd be great to swap to a foot lord in a siege so they can defend a wall, or from a flying mount to a ground one if the enemy have a ton of missile/flying units.

  • Night battles. Lightning Strike makes this redundant from a gameplay perspective. However, night battles were way more interesting and sometimes beautiful to watch with all the lanterns/fire arrows lighting the night sky.

  • Battles that generated depending on the terrain where you were standing. Pretty self explanatory. The lack of checkpoint battles is disappointing. 

  • Less tree ache. The random forests you see in the middle of maps. I'd prefer the maps to be more realistic.

  • More maps in general. A quick way to do this could be adding some quest battle maps into the rotation. 

  • Terrain being affected by the battle. Trees and buildings being set on fire, trees being felled by SEM/magic/artillery, craters, etc.

  • Dynamic weather. What happened to rain and fog? There could be sand/snow storms, warp storms, etc.

  • Smoke effects. WH3 seems like a step down compared to Empire/Napoleon/Fall of the Samurai.

  • Duels between characters. This one is still very new, I think it was only introduced in 3K but I could be wrong. Perfect for the Warhammer setting though. 

  • Formations. Like previous games, having a list of selectable formations. Maybe even the ability to make your own and save them as pre-sets. Would make playing Empire checker boards far easier. 


  • Seasons. Would be great to see map variants depending on the turn. Having some winter maps in more temperate areas depending on the season.  

  • Control and corruption being more like how it was in WH2. It just feels so dumbed down now. You can pretty much ignore them, which is very disappointing. Especially control/public order which has been a key TW mechanic since the beginning.

  • Army composition affecting your campaign movement. Seems strange for this to have been removed. It adds more depth to the simulation. 

  • Trading ancillaries between factions. Again, I think this feature is fairly new only being introduced with 3K. However, it also fits the setting and gameplay perfectly. You get so many double ups and there's plenty of ancillaries that really aren't worth using so it'd be nice to trade them to the AI in order to secure agreements. How great would it be in a multiplayer campaign to have a Dwarf player be able to sell items to other players? 

  • Rebalance all magic items and ancillaries. Just spend a patch going through the entire list. Common items shouldn't be better than rare items.

  • Duplicate magic items and ancillaries stack together instead of separately. Removes a point of frustration, especially later in the campaign when you can have dozens of duplicate ancillaries. 

  • Auto-resolve quest battles. They're fun to play through, but not again-and-again. I know this can easily be modded but this should be a base feature. In a multiplayer campaign these drag out turns for hours as each player starts doing their legendary lords quests. You can also play these at anytime from the main menu, so I don't see why auto-resolving isn't an option.

  • Expand the map. Naggaroth and Lustria are squeezed against the Western portion of the map. It'd be great if those landmasses were slightly larger. Albion should be roughly twice the size it is now. Ulthuan should be slightly moved South. Araby should be four times the size it is now. Add in Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, Eastern Steppes, and Isles of Elithis. I understand moving the map West and South are incredibly difficult due to the most Southwest point being coordinates 0.0 but an attempt should be made. 

  • Trait rework. Unique faction traits need to be as good or better than generic ones. Talking about traits when recruiting generic lords/heroes. 

  • Power creep. There needs to be an update solely on balancing unit stats, cost, and tiers. 

  • AI being more willing to trade settlements. Not just selling to, but buying and trading settlements. Exceptions to neighbouring settlement requirements, such as: Race uses forests, previous factions capital, historic elector count region, another landmass provided that settlement has a port (and ideally the AI has a port), etc.

  • Queue character skills/tech tree/settlement buildings. Settlement might be a bit of a stretch, but queuing character skill trees and tech trees would be very welcome. 

  • Attach a hero to a settlement just like an army. Instead of adding a vanilla level 1 hero to a garrison let players attach a hero to a garrison in the same way they can join an army. With any buffing skills/traits being applied to the garrison. You can un-attach the hero from the settlement in the same way as removing them from an army. 

  • Make endgame more impactful/engaging. Endgame crisis's are incredibly dull and sometimes frustrating. Many players, myself included, often turn them off entirely. 


  • Avatar conquest. How cool would it be to make your own Vampire Count, Empire General, etc?

  • Toggle to add army limits to elite/rare units per army in multiplayer campaigns. The game is a sandbox, it's very difficult to balance. In the table top there was unit restrictions, so this being a toggle could help balance things out.

  • More stability improvements and bug fixes for multiplayer campaigns. WH3 should be the standard at which all TW multiplayer campaigns should be done. Seeing Pharaoh go back to only 2 players is incredibly disappointing (and it's not even simultaneous).

  • More balance passes for multiplayer battles. Even if it's just gold adjustments. GW has been improving immensely with quarterly balance adjustments in their tabletop games, and their systems are the most balanced they've ever been. WH3 has the potential to be a real hit in multiplayer if it just received more attention.

  • Rest the ranked ladder. There should be periodic resets to the ladder like in other competitive games. 


  • Unique voice acting for all legendary lords. Why do some still have generic voices? 

  • Unique sound tracks for all races. Seems very strange that some races have this and others don't.


  • More unit variety. Too many clones, especially in WH1 factions. 

  • Fix up model inconsistencies. Such as some Hochland Long Rifles models having an eye patch on the eye that looks down the scope.

  • Bring back the unique settlement portraits/backgrounds. Not sure if that's the best way to describe it, but it adds immersion and polish.

  • Equipped weapons matching lords/heroes: If they have a sword equipped then their model displays a sword, if it's an axe it's an axe, etc.

Legacy Content:

  • Port over WH1 & WH2 campaigns into WH3. If you own these titles they should be accessible in WH3 and updated with the new mechanics/units. 

  • Revamping old DLC. Other games do this, effectively adding value to older DLC's and re-releasing them. If a player already owns the DLC they effectively get the additional content as FLC. 

Updated 3 days ago.
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2 months ago
Jul 18, 2024, 5:02:17 AM

I agree that CA should work on most on your suggestions, it would improve gameplay.

Smoke effects (and weather effect) I remember fondly some NTW battles where the cavalry came out of the fog just a few yards from my infantry...

I disagree with some:

Weapon crews pushing their artillery. too much work to be reallistic. Synchronized animations for different races, artillery...

Dismounting cavalry. again lots of work to add animation for different mount/units. Beside, it generates issues, such as having different speed, mass or charge bonus. I'd rather have a pre battle option, during deployement, where you can decide to have some units on foot, with no animation.

Queue character skills/tech tree/settlement buildings. not needed IMO, and you may forget things that would require a change

Audio probably too much work, especially with multiple language.

Legacy Content we have the other games for that. Porting and maintaining the campaigns to WH3 is a waste of resources, and would create maintenance issues. I'd rather have CA focus on IE, maybe bringing more campaign element to it for some races from other campaigns.

And for others, CA should help, but I don't expect to do the work to the end, it's more mod territory:

Banners: too many to do properly (like provincial, regimental). CA should make it work correctly, and easier to add, and just make a few generic, and let modders do most of the job with many textures.

And multiplayer, I don't care about it.

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2 months ago
Jul 18, 2024, 7:00:30 PM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:
Corruption affecting spawned rebel armies. Say for example you're an untainted faction and you trigger a rebellion in a region with majority Chaos corruption, it should spawn a Chaos faction rebellion. 

This is actually already a thing (and varies based on corruption type). The problem is when the Chaos Rebel successfully conquers the settlement (so almost never) it just stays there and does nothing. They should really replace the Chaos Rebel with a random associated minor faction.

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2 months ago
Jul 19, 2024, 8:22:08 AM

As a counter argument to the Banners Regimental thing, in the Total War Rome Remaster they added in Provincial Soldiers Appearances to most of the units to reflect you recruited people from that area. Like having Middle Eastern Legionnaires for Rome for example.

I don't see why you couldn't do that with Banners.

Also while we are on the subject;
Unit Captains.

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2 months ago
Jul 19, 2024, 1:37:17 PM

WarbossAohd#6756 wrote:

As a counter argument to the Banners Regimental thing, in the Total War Rome Remaster they added in Provincial Soldiers Appearances to most of the units to reflect you recruited people from that area. Like having Middle Eastern Legionnaires for Rome for example.

I don't see why you couldn't do that with Banners.

Also while we are on the subject;
Unit Captains.

Three reasons

1- It requires making tons of animation/textures, even if they are mostly identical, because the animated flag means an animated prop, included in the animation. So each flag texture for each regiment means a specific animation. Now, if CA adjust the engine to allow a dynamic texture, easy to configure, without actually adding a new animation each time, it would be muchn easier.

2- The flags are added a personalities, tied to a land unit. So a new flag means a new land unit: you need to make as many land unit copies as you want regions, and this as to be added to many tables. So hundreds of extra line in table just to add a flag. Again, this could be solved by CA if they adjust their engine, and have a new column in the land_unit_to_battle personalities, where flag could be tied to the region of recruitement. Like instead of saying "we have unit_A with flag_A, and then unitB with flag_B", we could have only one unit, but with flag_A when unit is recruited in region A, and flag_B when unit is recruited in region B.

3- In Rome 2, there were a "unit resource" requirement, that can be used to define auxiliary units tied to a region. This was a left over in WH2, and was kind of working, but it has a serious flaw: the region needs to have the said resource defined, and this means editing the startos, and so make mods non compatible with each other. In WH3, this concept has been completly removed, so it's no longer possible to have unit specific to a region.

I have a working solution via script in my SWO-RD mod, with units keeping their uniform and heraldry, and also banners, based on the region where they are recruited. But it's heavy modding with thousands of lines in dozens of tables.

CA could make it much easier with some changes in their engine, but only they can do it.

Here are the changes I would recommend

1) Keep track of the region where a unit is recruited

2) In unit_variant table, make it possible to define the variant, the colours, and the icons (+porthole) based in the region of recruitment for the SAME unit. It's already possible to do that for the owning faction (but sadly it doesn't work well for allied), but not for the region of origine.

3) a) In the land_units_to_battle_personnality, add a column so the personality could be tied to a region or faction, instead of always being the same

or b) in the battle_personality table, add a column so the personality could have variant or animation tied to a region or faction, instead of always being the same.

These changes shouldn't be too hard to implement for CA, and it would make adding banners, officers or heraldry MUCH easier.

With this, my mod would roughly have 40 times less lines in my table. And some of them would even become useless, they are here only because I need them to support extra copies of unit for regional recruitment.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Jul 19, 2024, 1:41:16 PM


>Corruption changed to warhammer 2 tweaked 

>Public order has stronger malus

>AI suffer from those maluses jsut like the player

>Decreased the AR bonuses against rebels for AI

>Trees need a touch up graphically (they appear to be from a mobile game)

>Terrain needs a touch up (too blocky and cartyoony)

>Make corruption less unpleasing to the eye (game 2 had better looking corruption).

>Take inspiration from Dynamic World and  dymanic weather

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2 months ago
Jul 19, 2024, 2:31:15 PM

Steph#6413 wrote:

WarbossAohd#6756 wrote:

As a counter argument to the Banners Regimental thing, in the Total War Rome Remaster they added in Provincial Soldiers Appearances to most of the units to reflect you recruited people from that area. Like having Middle Eastern Legionnaires for Rome for example.

I don't see why you couldn't do that with Banners.

Also while we are on the subject;
Unit Captains.

Three reasons

1- It requires making tons of animation/textures, even if they are mostly identical, because the animated flag means an animated prop, included in the animation. So each flag texture for each regiment means a specific animation. Now, if CA adjust the engine to allow a dynamic texture, easy to configure, without actually adding a new animation each time, it would be muchn easier.

2- The flags are added a personalities, tied to a land unit. So a new flag means a new land unit: you need to make as many land unit copies as you want regions, and this as to be added to many tables. So hundreds of extra line in table just to add a flag. Again, this could be solved by CA if they adjust their engine, and have a new column in the land_unit_to_battle personalities, where flag could be tied to the region of recruitement. Like instead of saying "we have unit_A with flag_A, and then unitB with flag_B", we could have only one unit, but with flag_A when unit is recruited in region A, and flag_B when unit is recruited in region B.

3- In Rome 2, there were a "unit resource" requirement, that can be used to define auxiliary units tied to a region. This was a left over in WH2, and was kind of working, but it has a serious flaw: the region needs to have the said resource defined, and this means editing the startos, and so make mods non compatible with each other. In WH3, this concept has been completly removed, so it's no longer possible to have unit specific to a region.

I have a working solution via script in my SWO-RD mod, with units keeping their uniform and heraldry, and also banners, based on the region where they are recruited. But it's heavy modding with thousands of lines in dozens of tables.

CA could make it much easier with some changes in their engine, but only they can do it.

Here are the changes I would recommend

1) Keep track of the region where a unit is recruited

2) In unit_variant table, make it possible to define the variant, the colours, and the icons (+porthole) based in the region of recruitment for the SAME unit. It's already possible to do that for the owning faction (but sadly it doesn't work well for allied), but not for the region of origine.

3) a) In the land_units_to_battle_personnality, add a column so the personality could be tied to a region or faction, instead of always being the same

or b) in the battle_personality table, add a column so the personality could have variant or animation tied to a region or faction, instead of always being the same.

These changes shouldn't be too hard to implement for CA, and it would make adding banners, officers or heraldry MUCH easier.

With this, my mod would roughly have 40 times less lines in my table. And some of them would even become useless, they are here only because I need them to support extra copies of unit for regional recruitment.

I was talking more about the addition they added in the Rome Remaster where Soldiers' Ethnicities were tied to region for the faction's regular units, not auxiliary units.

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2 months ago
Jul 19, 2024, 2:48:47 PM

Same issue. The current engine and tables in WH3 do not allow it. I doesn't mean CA can't change it they want, it would be very nice if they did implement my suggestions, may life as a modder would be so much easier... 

But they can't just add banners without changing the engine a little

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 11:01:16 AM

"Queue character skills/tech tree/settlement buildings. Settlement might be a bit of a stretch, but queuing character skill trees and tech trees would be very welcome. "

Level up queue would be fine and at mid game it becomes a boredom to manage lords and heroes.

I'd also add that item/ancillaries need to be stackable to remove the inventory clutter.

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 1:04:13 PM

I’ve got the item stacking in there. :)

I can agree on the settlement building queuing. I’m just putting all the cards on the table. Happy to remove that if people want.

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