Your favourite of the 4 main Chaos Gods?

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4 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 7:16:40 PM

For curiosity's sake, I'm wondering which of the 4 major Chaos Gods is the most popular among players.

I'm talking lore, appearance, units, etc. If you had to pick the most interesting/the one you like best, which one would it be?

PS: no other Chaos Gods allowed for this poll, just the big four (no Great Horned Rat or Hashut this time!)

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4 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 7:23:23 PM

Personally, I think Tzeentch has the best looking Greater Daemon (the Lord of Change), but I'm not that fond of this other Daemon units or playstyle. The mortal side though is gorgeous.

Khorne is kinda meh for me, not fond of not having magic. Nurgle I know I would have loved as a kid, but as an adult I work in the medical field, and I see way too many diseases every day to be comfortable playing them.

I have to go with Slaanesh. Love their characters, units, and I like painting my minis pink/purple anyways. And their playstyle is the closest to my main faction (Beastmen).

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4 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 7:23:34 PM

Nurgle, of course, only after Malal. 

Assuming you accept the partial aspects of the great beast as independent deities. :-)

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4 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 7:33:05 PM

In order:

Love: Tzeentch - I am a man of ambition that values knowledge, but is also not against a good intrigue. I also hate Nurgle, see below. While primarily magical, Tzeentch also boast many melee champions and room for martial prowess. This, combined with careful strategy is my element. Oh and Im swedish, so blue and gold are my colors. All I want here in WH3 is Egrimm van Horstmann, so I can replace the Empire with a new one of arcane might.

Like: Slaanesh - Hedonism and pleasure never fails lol.

Okay: Khorne - Unadulterated slaughter and carnage is fun and all on occasion, but not as a full-time vocation. I have higher desires.

Hate: Nurgle - I despise rotting mutation, diseas, decay and especially the mindless drone mentality. In a weird way, it reminds me of the Borg from Star Trek, which I am not ashamed to admit are my greatest fear. The impossibility of escaping and the certainty of losing oneself. There are 2 races in the setting that I actively despise and must always die as fast as possible when I play: Nurgle and Skaven.

Updated 4 days ago.
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4 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 9:13:44 PM

No wonder Nurgle and Tzeentch pull more interest than Khorne and Slaanesh. Slaanesh is crippled because GW had trouble portraying his specialisation without going into pr0n until AoS (so all the interesting Hellraiser-style stuff is off-limits for Warhammer 3) and Khorne is very one-note.

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4 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 11:14:21 PM


I've felt rage in combat sport. I get Khorne. 

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3 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 1:50:24 AM

I always loved the idea that the others Brothers feared Slaanesh most of all. The Masque is such an eerie and cool idea for a daemon character. 

She Who Thirsts is still my fave.

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3 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 1:56:09 AM

Sigvald, my love of elfs and the design of keeper of secrets pulled me toward Slaanesh.

Also it feels like in warhammer fantasy lore Slaanesh has more interaction in the plotline.  What with the elves needing to go get souls from Slaanesh's belly.

P.S. Seeing that GW animation about Lucius the Eternal and watching him can you not love that.  People expect a Khorne devotee to be a superior fighter but something about seeing a Slaanesh fighter getting it done with finesse and skill rather than brute strength/force is really appealing.

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3 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 4:25:04 AM

None. I stand with Nagash.

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3 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 7:07:06 AM


Khorne by far. I like Tzeentch second and third Nurgle. Slaanesh less, but I don't dislike it... (I like every race/faction in warhammer setting) just not my vibe. 

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 10:23:07 AM

Aesthetically Tzeentch but in regards to lore nurgle. He is the only chaos god that shows genuine affection for his followers, same with his demons.

A Khorne demon for example will want to kill you just like any other mortal, Tzeentch demons will trick and use you and Slannesh demons torture you as well (although you will probably enjoy it). Only nurgle demons are all friendly and happy for you.

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3 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 11:31:37 AM

Tzeench, because to me his themes and faction bits and bobs always felt more varied. This goes with characters to. They're motivations, purpose, and more can be extremely varied. Even created demons where as some of the others can be very one note. Particularly Khorne. Sure, maybe that's the point but Khorne had more versatility back when but they've really honed on the flanderized me so angry.

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