Omitting Khorne generics and Ogre generic lord in favour of Greenskins?

Yes, more Greenskins generics would be welcome
No, Khorne should have Shamans or Beastmen and Ogres the Maneater Captain
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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 7:36:16 PM

We have an interesting dynamic coming up with the new DLC. One where, according to primary sources, Khorne and Ogres do not have established generic lord and hero choices (besides the Bruiser of course) left to add. There is of course talk about getting Beastmen generics or Shaman-types for Khorne and the Maneater Captain for the Ogres, which are perfectly reasonable by extention logic to add. However, they aren't on the level of proper 8th edition choices. Its another case entirely for the Greenskins. Missing a total of... 11 8th edition options, the most of any race in the current setting. And while Greenskins could produce enough for 2 DLCs when mixing in some unit variants, there is of course the possibility that it will only be this one and nothing else.

Against that backdrop, it has me thinking of how to maximize the Greenskins in the upcoming DLC, especially with some critically missing generic variants. Most noteably a set of Savages, a set of Forest Goblins and the Black Orc Warboss. 5 generics in total, but with only 2 spots available as per the ToD model. And then, looking at Khorne and Ogres, over how their candidates are either lore mentions, champion transfers or backdrop options, I was wondering what the mood would be if CA omitted those and transferred those spots to the Greenskins. The lord/hero spot from Khorne and the lord spot from Ogres (who still get the Bruiser) just happens to be the 3 further spots needed in order to get a full set for all of the Greenskin subraces and would go a long way to getting them to acceptable "finished state".

What do you all think about this? How necessary are Doombulls/Gorebulls or Shamans for Khorne and the Maneater Captain for the Ogres? Would getting more Greenskin generic options at the expense of the others be an acceptable situation? Genuinely curious.

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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 7:43:52 PM

CA has confirmed that it's following the same formulas a ToD, so no, GS isn't going to get the generic characters from Ogres and Khorne.

And honestly, I can understand you liking the GS a lot and all that, but this obsession of yours is starting to get annoying, specially when you start acting like somehow the GS deserve more than other Races for absolutely no reason at all.

Ask for more content for the GS as much as you want, but don't expect fans from other Races to sit iddly while you diminish their favourite Races. 

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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 7:45:03 PM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

CA has confirmed that it's following the same formulas a ToD, so no, GS isn't going to get the generic characters from Ogres and Khorne.

And honestly, I can understand you liking the GS a lot and all that, but this obsession of yours is starting to get annoying, specially when you start acting like somehow the GS deserve more than other Races for absolutely no reason at all.

Ask for more content for the GS as much as you want, but don't expect fans from other Races to sit iddly while you diminish their favourite Races. 

Pretty much this, anyway ca also confirm to expand ogres beyond what they have, how thery do it without a new lord type i have no idea

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 7:49:50 PM

Lunaticprince#9972 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

CA has confirmed that it's following the same formulas a ToD, so no, GS isn't going to get the generic characters from Ogres and Khorne.

And honestly, I can understand you liking the GS a lot and all that, but this obsession of yours is starting to get annoying, specially when you start acting like somehow the GS deserve more than other Races for absolutely no reason at all.

Ask for more content for the GS as much as you want, but don't expect fans from other Races to sit iddly while you diminish their favourite Races. 

Pretty much this, anyway ca also confirm to expand ogres beyond what they have, how thery do it without a new lord type i have no idea

It doesn't take much imagination to come up with a Maneater Lord to come with Golgfag, it's not like Master Engineer Lords were a thing.

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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 8:00:32 PM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

CA has confirmed that it's following the same formulas a ToD, so no, GS isn't going to get the generic characters from Ogres and Khorne.

And honestly, I can understand you liking the GS a lot and all that, but this obsession of yours is starting to get annoying, specially when you start acting like somehow the GS deserve more than other Races for absolutely no reason at all.

Ask for more content for the GS as much as you want, but don't expect fans from other Races to sit iddly while you diminish their favourite Races. 

Just conducting a thought experiment with how the ToD model could be rearranged while still be on the same level and looking at things from a strictly 8th edition perspective. From that view, Greenskins are the ones with the biggest holes in the roster of the three, you can't deny that.

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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 8:05:57 PM

Giving the finger to one race to splurge on another is a good way to start causing some huge complaints and hard feelings in the fanbase.

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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 8:08:45 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

CA has confirmed that it's following the same formulas a ToD, so no, GS isn't going to get the generic characters from Ogres and Khorne.

And honestly, I can understand you liking the GS a lot and all that, but this obsession of yours is starting to get annoying, specially when you start acting like somehow the GS deserve more than other Races for absolutely no reason at all.

Ask for more content for the GS as much as you want, but don't expect fans from other Races to sit iddly while you diminish their favourite Races. 

Just conducting a thought experiment with how the ToD model could be rearranged while still be on the same level and looking at things from a strictly 8th edition perspective. From that view, Greenskins are the ones with the biggest holes in the roster of the three, you can't deny that.

I don't care how many holes do the GS have, they don't deserve more over Khorne and Ogres, period.

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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 8:23:11 PM

I'm...not averse to Khorne giving his generic character slots to Greenskins.

He's missing none, they're missing tons.

I'd still prefer they make up a new Lord for OKs though.  Because they have so few options atm.

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 8:28:30 PM

Greenskins just need (Savage) Orc Great Shaman. because they are missing caster lords for the Lore of BIg Waaagh!. Everything else is just a bonus that can either be added by FLCs or be left out.

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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 10:08:12 PM

So let me get this straight.  If I am buying this for Khorne...I get less content then the other two races in the DLC? What?  Remember these are being bought separately or as a bundle.  If Khorne isn't getting a Lord and Hero slot while the other two are, I'd expect a hefty discount for his portion.

I'd be asking for a second DLC for Khorne immediately after.

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 10:15:29 PM

That's simply not fair. Khorne and Ogres should not miss out because of Orcs.

Even Khorne. I'd be fine with Khorne not getting a generic lord or hero (ideally they'd get Brass Sisters as options), but then I'd want them to get additional content instead. Not have them given to another faction. 

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 11:45:09 PM

No thank you. One of the reasons the ToD model works is because everyone is guaranteed to get stuff; generic Lord, generic Hero, LL, LH, and a bunch of units, + campaign tweaks of various natures. This is in part enforced by every race having a separate DLC now, that they need to justify in this content model. Besides personal bias, there's no reason to take things away from Khorne to give more to the race that will be on its 3rd DLC. 

Ogres especially need all the help that they can. After this DLC they're very unlikely to get a content drop, and a third generic Lord for them is a far more important priority than Greenskins getting a fifth one just to check a box. 

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3 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 12:23:49 AM

Yes, there are many Greenskin lord and hero variants. But many of those variants are redundant and fill 90% of the same role.

Imo the only unique niche that isn't currently filled is the Orc Wizard with the lore of the Big WAAAGH and a Savage Orc Generic Lord. How convenient both can be filled by the Savage Orc Great Shaman.

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3 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 4:45:56 AM

Djau#5149 wrote:
If Khorne isn't getting a Lord and Hero slot while the other two are, I'd expect a hefty discount for his portion.

Seems fair.  Khorne's part is a dollar cheaper.  GS's is a dollar more.  Complete package costs the same.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 10:14:46 AM

For me, all three should get something.

Apart of Greenskins getting more lords and heroes, Khorne should get Warrior Priest and Arch-Lector equivalents (thus for Warriors of Chaos to transform their Sorcerers and Sorcerer Lords into their Khornate equivalents). And GW has no rights here to act as the NO FUN Police and say these things are Age of Sigmar only. There are Norscan Khornate Priests and Bloodfathers, the exalted seers of Khorne, also exist. And those two are definitively not Age of Sigmar exclusive.

In case of Ogres, we still don't have the Bruiser. Would like another hero and lord choice for them too, but the only thing that comes up to me is the Gnoblar Head Honcho and as a hero option to boot. Could be doable since only most of them are hunted down for causing insurrections, thus the ones under player control are those that actually stick with their Ogre masters.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 10:25:21 AM
I d prefer not inventing options for Khorn and ogres and give more to greenskins but they are keeping old formula and said Khorn will get characters too - l d swap them for more units but we have what we have(

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 11:39:42 AM

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

That's simply not fair. Khorne and Ogres should not miss out because of Orcs.

Even Khorne. I'd be fine with Khorne not getting a generic lord or hero (ideally they'd get Brass Sisters as options), but then I'd want them to get additional content instead. Not have them given to another faction. 

not sure why anyone would entertain this as a possibility. I would prefer more GS characters so don’t mind if they did it… but there is zero chance it’s happening. They can’t sell the packs separately if they’re different levels of quality

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 12:34:58 PM

Obviously not. 
This might be the only real DLC Khorne will ever get, and you want to not even let them have as much as the other races in it? Talk about selfish. And I say that as someone who don't even play Khorne.

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