Is there a chance to get Glottkin in the game?

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 3:41:49 PM

We don't have any reason to believe that he won't be added at some point, in CAs own words they want to add as much content to the game a possible

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 3:42:27 PM

Nurgle still has one DLC's worth of content ready to be produced. Don't you worry.


Updated 4 days ago.
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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 4:03:02 PM

If only they ll add EoT exclusive chars and units then yes. Still no understanding if they ll ever do it. l think if they keep Thrones of Decay level of releases they can finish off all possible things and if even they have no right to do it now they can bargain with GW for EoT exclusive stuff - it includes 14 mounts, units and special characters in total, so it ll be less then one modern type dlc content, so easy to negociate for CA

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 5:24:25 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Максимальный#2705 wrote:

I'm afraid GW won't allow them to be added.


For the same reason as tzaangors with beaks.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 5:25:12 PM

Максимальный#2705 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Максимальный#2705 wrote:

I'm afraid GW won't allow them to be added.


For the same reason as tzaangors with beaks.

the endtimes are literally subplemt to 8 edition so imagine they allow especially we have endtimes content there anyway

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 5:30:33 PM

Lunaticprince#9972 wrote:

Максимальный#2705 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Максимальный#2705 wrote:

I'm afraid GW won't allow them to be added.


For the same reason as tzaangors with beaks.

the endtimes are literally subplemt to 8 edition so imagine they allow especially we have endtimes content there anyway

If I'm not confused, now there is not a single character in the game who appeared specifically in the endtimes. They all appeared before.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 5:56:49 PM

Максимальный#2705 wrote:

Lunaticprince#9972 wrote:

Максимальный#2705 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Максимальный#2705 wrote:

I'm afraid GW won't allow them to be added.


For the same reason as tzaangors with beaks.

the endtimes are literally subplemt to 8 edition so imagine they allow especially we have endtimes content there anyway

If I'm not confused, now there is not a single character in the game who appeared specifically in the endtimes. They all appeared before.

units and design

yes we not got the chrachter or units so far but is was so far also not the need for them to be in

Probaly khorne answer that question

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 6:23:22 PM

Максимальный#2705 wrote:

For the same reason as tzaangors with beaks.

Tzaangors with beaks are AoS, not End Times. And we already have Silverin Guard (And ET unit) and Arkhan using his ET model, so ET is clearly not off limits, though I do think things that are exclusive to ET events (Phoenix King Malekith) are.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 6:53:46 PM

If we ever get them, it's going to be in the very last DLC. I can see a Thanquol vs Nagash/Neferata vs Glottkin LP coming at the end.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 7:06:38 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Максимальный#2705 wrote:

For the same reason as tzaangors with beaks.

Tzaangors with beaks are AoS, not End Times. And we already have Silverin Guard (And ET unit) and Arkhan using his ET model, so ET is clearly not off limits, though I do think things that are exclusive to ET events (Phoenix King Malekith) are.

Silverin Guard are jus a beautiful name in the lore for Spearmen. And they "existed" for 1000s of years before EoT - it s just a name of a renown HE spearmen unit that has never had special tabletop rules as well as Mistwalkers, their name taken from Uniforms and Heraldry of the Haigh Elves sourcebook - technically all these units are basic spearmen, archers and so on who got promoted to units for the sale of the theme of DLC, i can name you hundreds of such names from battlereports and other lore blurbs.

If you read carefully to Максимальный#2705 or what i wrote about about only 14 EoT exclusive entries you d understand that Nagash,  who got a new model and new rules existed in the lore from 4th edition as well as Neferats, Arkhan and Manfred. But the Dreaded Abyssals and Morghasts appeared only in EoT lore as they never existed before - and have unique models and rules and appeared only in EoT as well as Glottkins, Skarr and other stuff - 14 entries. Nothing of it has never had beeb done or even mentioned by CA. That is why nobody is sure we ll get anything. Imrik got EoT rules update as well as Tanquol, Nagash, Malekith  and vermin lords. It means nothing until we see at least 1 EoT exclusive thing. At the current moment situation is 50 on 50 - either they do it all or nothing, time will show.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 7:12:36 PM

Максимальный#2705 wrote:
If I'm not confused, now there is not a single character in the game who appeared specifically in the endtimes. They all appeared before.

Technically we had End Times characters in the game, but they weren't playable.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 7:14:50 PM

TancredIIQuenelles#3970 wrote:
Silverin Guard are jus a beautiful name in the lore for Spearmen. And they "existed" for 1000s of years before EoT

And yet they weren't actually introduced until End Times. You're moving the goal posts.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 7:53:46 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

TancredIIQuenelles#3970 wrote:
Silverin Guard are jus a beautiful name in the lore for Spearmen. And they "existed" for 1000s of years before EoT

And yet they weren't actually introduced until End Times. You're moving the goal posts.

To clarify they weren’t introduced as anything playable. They were a lore blurb with no rules tmk: IMG_0448.jpeg

More importantly, they were never used after the fact in AoS.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 8:01:42 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

TancredIIQuenelles#3970 wrote:
Silverin Guard are jus a beautiful name in the lore for Spearmen. And they "existed" for 1000s of years before EoT

And yet they weren't actually introduced until End Times. You're moving the goal posts.

They were - it is a namedrop for 1 of hundreds of HE regiments of spearmen. They look same. They have standard Yvresse paintjob. It is worth nothing - as soon as at least one EoT exclusive thing appears, be it Dreaded Abyssals, Morghasts, Maggoth Riders, Gutrot, Glottkins, Blight Kings, Skarr, Wrathmongers, Bloodreapers, Scretch Vwrminking, subtypes of Verminlords, anything of it - then there can be a start of discussion on EoT - any other stuff is just basic classic warhammer fantasy battles and gives zero hope to get EoT shiny cool toys - so at the moment l prefer not to hold my breath and beleave CA that their trilogy does not touch EoT stuff - they do certainly toy with namedropping, but at the moment we got nothing that can be considered a solid clua that we have at least minor chance to get something/ Even if they suddenly mention Ka Bandha or make him a LL it ll mean nothing as he is just a bloodthirster from the multiverse where Chaos is fighting to dominate them as Epidemius, changeling and so on existed in FB, AoS, 40000 and in thousands of other universes GW has never specially mentioned.

I can easily take a random he, de or any race unit, take one of generic colour schemes and heraldry and invent 100 variants of lore as Silverins got - they were just a random lore blurb not to say just a unit of HE spearmen but fleshed out. They had no any rules, models, nothing just a new art of yvresse heraldry spearmen for a new lore book - there is more then 50 such units and also names for generic captains. Hope morons will not find these books or white dwarfs and start demanding them as LLs and units and whishlist dlcs just because for beauty of the story a unit of spearmen was called Saphire or Emerland company in a White Dwarf battle report or in coloured section of an armybook.

Updated 4 days ago.
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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 9:30:45 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

To clarify they weren’t introduced as anything playable. They were a lore blurb with no rules tmk: IMG_0448.jpeg

More importantly, they were never used after the fact in AoS.

Ahh good to know. Still, them being a something introduced in ET, but as a "These have always existed" is the format I'd guess CA are allowed. Something that is exclusive to events of ET are probably not.

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