My wishes for the Vampire Counts DLC/Update

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 12:23:47 PM

Hey CA,

Since you have asked us in your recent videos, here are changes/additions I would love to see for the Vampire Counts, as a Vampire Counts main since Warhammer 1.


Some general, not Vampire Counts specific fixes/changes are needed

  1. Cavalry: has still some issues charging and swinging in melee, especially against single entities. Same goes for horse mounts. They underperform in general.
  2. Living healing: needs to be nerfed. It's way too strong with %-based healing in Warhammer 3. The Vampire Counts got their undead healing nerf, would be great if the living would get their balancing update, too. It feels weird as the healing focused faction to be the only one with balanced healing.
  3. Monsters charging/attacking single entities: they still miss a lot/don't do any damage.

And the Vampire Counts specific ones:

  1. We need more hero capacities in campaign. Currently 3 of 4 hero types are capital exclusive (tier 4+ to increase their capacity). This is way too much. Other factions get more hero capacities through minor settlements. Wight Kings are an easy fix, just make the second tier of their building tier 3 instead of 4 (was already done with the first tier of this building, the ancient weapon chamber, back in patch 2.0. It was moved from tier 3 to 2. Black Knights with Lances & Barding aren't a tier 4 unit anyways, would be better to have them tier 3). Vampire caster heroes capacities are probably covered with the next Vampire Counts dlc anyways, since it would likely add vampire covens as a mechanic. But anyways, we need more capacities for them, too. Banshees should be kept as the "capital exclusive" hero class, because of the Bloodkiss mechanic.
  2. Mass graves replenishment: mass graves shouldn't replenish if there weren't any battles in its region.
  3. "Green" buildings are op: the money building giving control is already very strong, but the growth building increasing both Necromancer hero capacities and recruitment slots is way too strong. We need separate buildings for this.
  4. Unit buffs/changes: Crypt Ghouls don't have any real use-case. They are barely doing more damage then Skeleton Warriors do, but they are way more expensive. They are designed for flanking (?), but the Vampire Counts have better units for that purpose (like Dire Wolves, cavalry, fliers). They should do more damage to unarmored targets and be a bit cheaper (500 gold maybe?). Cairn Wraiths are quite good now, after all the changes, but they run out of steam really fast. They need more models (+20 probably?) and be a bit cheaper (750-800 gold). It doesn't make sense they are as expensive as Graveguard. Mournguls are locked as campaign exclusive by unit caps in pvp. It makes no sense, since they are a Vampire Counts unit, but Vampire Coast is allowed to use them in pvp. Vargheists could use some additional melee defense and maybe a bit of armor (+10?). They should be expensive and fragile to shooting, but with their big hitbox and low defensive stats they die too quickly in melee fights for a unit that expensive. Black Coaches underperform heavily until their abilities are charged up. In my opinion their abilities should be basekit. Maybe they could use some "bound spells", e.g. an explosions ability like Steam Tanks & Chaos Dwarf trains have.
  5. Missing lores of magic: Necromancer (hero & Master Necromancer lord): Death; Generic Vampire Count lord: Shadows, Death; Vampire caster hero: Vampire. While Death variants are probably just interesting for pvp, a Shadows Vampire Counts lord would be great for campaign, too. Since we got e.g. Slanns with other lores of magic as a free update, I don't count them as additional content.
  6. Missing units: Zombie Dragon as a single entity. They would be great for lategame monster doomstacks in campaign, since Terrorgheists are bad in clearing out unit blobs. Their models, animations and stats are already in the game, so they wouldn't be "new content".
  7. Missing abilities/items in pvp: Both Vlads Arcane Conduit and Mannfreds Master of the Black Arts are still missing in Warhammer 3's pvp. Also Hexwraiths lost their flaming attacks during the ethereal rework, it was accidentally overwritten by Frostbite. Since they were the only basekit flaming attacks unit of the Vampire Counts, this is really bad.
  8. Warhammer 3 abilities: like Spell Mastery and Melee/Missile Damage Deflection. The Vampire Counts don't have a lot of them. The Regiment of Renowns would be great subjects to get some of these abilities.
  9. Anti single entity/low model count unit blobs: The Vampire Counts struggle to kill blobs of tanky single entities/units with a low unit count, like monstrous infantry. This is mainly a pvp problem, but it's also present in campaign (like when fighting Chaos Warriors or Drycha). A spell like Soulstealer/Final Transmutation/Traitor Kin on a "non meta"-lord, like the Necrarch vampire lord, could fix this.
  10. Better auto-resolve value: It's a good thing that Skeleton/Zombie stacks have a terrible auto-resolve value, but powerfull lategame units, like Bloodknights, should have a better one. It's really annoying to either fight every battle manually or take about 50% casualties on every battle, even in the lategame with leveled up and strong armies.

​Additional Content

  1. The Vampire Counts lack of cheap, unarmored armor piercing, both in campaign (e.g. against Dwarfs in the early game) and pvp (to stop this boring elite blobs). Units like Skeleton Warriors with Great Weapons or Spirit Hosts could fill this hole.
  2. Minor campaign mechanic reworks for old lords: Basically the same the Empire (Franz & Balthasar) got during the Thrones of Decay dlc. Von Carsteins, the Borrow Legion and the Caravan of Blue Roses still lack of a mechanic, like a building for more "Sylvanian" empire units for the von Carsteins, a zombie-workshop for Ghorst, or something like that. Nothing big, but something.
  3. New legendary lord with a fun and powerfull campaign mechanic (since every faction gets one/some in Warhammer 3)
  4. Legendary hero (with a powerfull ability): Everyone is getting one/multiple ones, so the Vampire Counts deserve one, too. Please let it not be Konrad as a second "Mini-"Vlad.
  5. More units in general, they don't need any specific ones. Of the 4 Warhammer 1 starting factions (Empire, Dwarfs, Greenskins and Vampire Counts) the Vampire Counts are the one with the smallest roster (by far).
  6. An additional, general campaign mechanic: Bloodkisses, Raise Dead and Dead Rise Again are great, but the Vampire Counts could use some more (like Vampire Covens).

It looks like more than it actually is. Some general fixes for the game, some stat balancing, cheap armorpiercing, small campaign reworks and maybe some more lores of magic and they are great (again).

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 1:28:52 PM

After CAs comment I think a Bloodlines DLC is more likely than ever. They listen to the community and they know how much we want it. 

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 1:50:35 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

After CAs comment I think a Bloodlines DLC is more likely than ever. They listen to the community and they know how much we want it. 

4 lords, one for each missing bloodline, would be amazing!

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 1:51:05 PM

Vampiric Bloodlines Lord Pack is the way to go!

LL Neferata

LL Walach

LL Zacharias

LL Ushoran

LH Konrad

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
They listen to the community and they know how much we want it. 

I mean...they said they listen to the community.  And then in the very next sentence, announced Skulltaker as the DLC LL.

So...not listening very closely apparently.

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 1:55:05 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

After CAs comment I think a Bloodlines DLC is more likely than ever. They listen to the community and they know how much we want it. 

If anything, them committing to the ToD format and being able to purchase factions individually indicated the opposite to me. 

Not to mention them saying they want to hit as many races possible. Waiting a whole 6-7 months to just to make a DLC for a single race that’s not new doesn’t seem like the move.

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 2:03:20 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:
Waiting a whole 6-7 months to just to make a DLC for a single race that’s not new doesn’t seem like the move.

I don't see how a Bloodlines DLC would take 6-7 months. 

The current packs are:

6 Legendary Characters
6 Generic Characters

15 units

A Bloodlines pack would be:

4-5 Legendary Characters

5-6 Generic Characters(most of which would just be reskinning the Bloodline Lords into Hero versions).

Maybe 5 units at most?

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 2:05:25 PM

With Rich saying "There's factions out there we haven't touch on in a while, and there's kinda a reason for that. so Vampire Count fans, don't worry! You'll be good. Norsca fans again." So I took that to mean Norsca and Counts are in the same boat, and haven't been touched because the either are going to both get bigger dlc, or GW are working on something and CA are waiting for that.

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 2:16:26 PM

Player#50939 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

After CAs comment I think a Bloodlines DLC is more likely than ever. They listen to the community and they know how much we want it. 

4 lords, one for each missing bloodline, would be amazing!

Such a DLC would sell like hot cakes. 

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 2:18:03 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

After CAs comment I think a Bloodlines DLC is more likely than ever. They listen to the community and they know how much we want it. 

If anything, them committing to the ToD format and being able to purchase factions individually indicated the opposite to me. 

Not to mention them saying they want to hit as many races possible. Waiting a whole 6-7 months to just to make a DLC for a single race that’s not new doesn’t seem like the move.

They never said every DLC will follow that format. Or how would they do DoW. 

CoC was a success and VC are super popular. The community wants a Bloodline DLC and CA is aware of that. 

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 2:24:27 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

After CAs comment I think a Bloodlines DLC is more likely than ever. They listen to the community and they know how much we want it. 

I hope you're right but I don't think they will. I think it will be one of the races that will come with the next DLC along with Slaanesh and HE.

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 2:24:50 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

After CAs comment I think a Bloodlines DLC is more likely than ever. They listen to the community and they know how much we want it. 

If anything, them committing to the ToD format and being able to purchase factions individually indicated the opposite to me. 

Not to mention them saying they want to hit as many races possible. Waiting a whole 6-7 months to just to make a DLC for a single race that’s not new doesn’t seem like the move.

They never said every DLC will follow that format. Or how would they do DoW. 

CoC was a success and VC are super popular. The community wants a Bloodline DLC and CA is aware of that. 

What makes a bloodline dlc unlikely in my opinion, is the amount of work they would have to but into it. While they could copy-paste the mono-god mechanics (as a "light"-version) into the respective Champion of Chaos faction, each Vampire Counts bloodline would need a new, unique mechanic.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 2:34:06 PM

White-Paladin#3008 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

After CAs comment I think a Bloodlines DLC is more likely than ever. They listen to the community and they know how much we want it. 

I hope you're right but I don't think they will. I think it will be one of the races that will come with the next DLC along with Slaanesh and HE.

Vc really make no sense against Slaanesh. They have 0 connection. 

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 2:35:07 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

They never said every DLC will follow that format. Or how would they do DoW. 

CoC was a success and VC are super popular. The community wants a Bloodline DLC and CA is aware of that. 

Just like “the community” wanted Gorfang and Arbaal as DLC LLs? I’m not sure I trust that you have your finger on the pulse of what “the community” wants. I advise you to stop arguing from the position of representing a swathe of people who might not actually agree with you. 

I’d wager a lot of people would also be perfectly alright getting a VCount update with Neferata and content for two other races in a ToD style pack. Which one would be more popular is anyone’s guess and far from concretely known.

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 2:35:23 PM

Player#50939 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

After CAs comment I think a Bloodlines DLC is more likely than ever. They listen to the community and they know how much we want it. 

If anything, them committing to the ToD format and being able to purchase factions individually indicated the opposite to me. 

Not to mention them saying they want to hit as many races possible. Waiting a whole 6-7 months to just to make a DLC for a single race that’s not new doesn’t seem like the move.

They never said every DLC will follow that format. Or how would they do DoW. 

CoC was a success and VC are super popular. The community wants a Bloodline DLC and CA is aware of that. 

What makes a bloodline dlc unlikely in my opinion, is the amount of work they would have to but into it. While they could copy-paste the mono-god mechanics (as a "light"-version) into the respective Champion of Chaos faction, each Vampire Counts bloodline would need a new, unique mechanic.

It would be super easy. VC don't need 50 recoloured units so these resources can be spend on mechanics. 

4 LLs

1-2 LHs 

8-12 Units 


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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 3:46:46 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:
Just like “the community” wanted Gorfang and Arbaal as DLC LLs? I’m not sure I trust that you have your finger on the pulse of what “the community” wants.

Lol, so now because CA claims to be paying attention to the community when they aren't, that means we don't know what we want?

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 4:32:33 PM

Player#50939 wrote:
Legendary hero (with a powerfull ability): Everyone is getting one/multiple ones, so the Vampire Counts deserve one, too. Please let it not be Konrad as a second "Mini-"Vlad.

It must be Konrad.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 4:39:38 PM

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:
It must be Konrad.

And Krell being made a full LH.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 7:45:04 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

With Rich saying "There's factions out there we haven't touch on in a while, and there's kinda a reason for that. so Vampire Count fans, don't worry! You'll be good. Norsca fans again." So I took that to mean Norsca and Counts are in the same boat, and haven't been touched because the either are going to both get bigger dlc, or GW are working on something and CA are waiting for that.

I'm really hoping Norsca gets the CoC treatment as well, they have plenty of generic Lord options as well as units to flesh out the pack alongside the potential LLs. Sayl the Faithless bringing with a bunch of new cavalry types (archers, light shock cav) to represent the Kurgan and Hung tribes warriors, plus a Lord tier version of the Shaman Sorcerer (Dark Emissary perhaps); Beorg Bearstruck adding in Werekin lords and perhaps Bearmen units; Mona Mimn with Fimirach Nobles and Mearghs as monstrous melee and caster lords respectively (plus hopefully a new Lore of the Bog magic for the Fimir!) and some slightly lower tier Fimm Warriors and Shearls which could be a chaffy MI possibly, plus Fenbeasts; and Lord Mortkin bringing with Curs'd Ettin and some missing weapon types such as flails. Call the pack "Tribes of Chaos".

Personally I'd really like Haargald Ulricsson to be an Arkhan/Drycha type LL, a Norscan LL allied with Order against Chaos, but he'd fit best alongside the Ar-Ulric since they're both Ulricans and he would have access to those units instead of Chaos themed monsters (though Skinwolves rekinned as Children of Ulrich would be fantastic!)

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 9:26:00 PM
Just curious - what sort of units would fill out a CoC-style Bloodlines DLC? I can think of plenty LLs, but units, generic lords, and heroes seem in short supply in comparison t the relatively numerous marked units of Chaos.

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4 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 11:30:18 PM

Player#578443 wrote:
ust curious - what sort of units would fill out a CoC-style Bloodlines DLC? I can think of plenty LLs, but units, generic lords, and heroes seem in short supply in comparison t the relatively numerous marked units of Chaos.

They're not really missing any generic Lords.  But for generic Heroes, VCounts are missing Cairn Wraiths and Bloodline versions of Vampire Heroes.

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