Feedback on Recent Free Legendary Lords/Heroes and Community Preferences

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7 days ago
Jun 24, 2024, 11:29:42 PM

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for all the free content you've provided. It has been immensely enjoyable and valuable. However, I've noticed some changes since Total War Warhammer 2, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you. I hope this feedback is helpful.

Since the launch of Total War Warhammer 3, the focus seems to have shifted from offering free legendary lords to providing free legendary heroes. This change has left me wondering about the reasoning behind it, especially since it seems to diverge from what the community has expressed interest in. Many of us have greatly appreciated the legendary lords, and the new emphasis on legendary heroes feels like it might not align with our preferences.

I'm curious to understand the motivation behind this shift, and I hope you can provide some insight. Thank you for your time and for continuing to create content that we enjoy.

Ideally, we would love to have both free legendary heroes and free legendary lords. However, I understand that the company has limited resources. The concern isn't with the free legendary heroes themselves; rather, it's that their inclusion seems to come at the cost of free legendary lords, which many of us have come to expect and appreciate.

A few examples of free legendary lords that could be relatively easy to implement, as they are already mostly developed since Total War Warhammer 1, come to mind. These include Boris, the Red Duke, and the Everwatcher. While they might not be significant enough to warrant being paid DLC characters or to have unique mechanics, they would still provide players with more choices for the given factions.

By adding these characters, you could enrich the gameplay experience and offer greater variety without the extensive development time required for completely new content. I believe many players would appreciate having these additional options, as it would enhance the strategic depth and replayability of the game.

Another change I noticed in Total War Warhammer 3 is that all new characters have a significant power spike and tend to be very overpowered. This has raised some concerns within the community. While it's undeniably fun to play as an exceptionally powerful character like Ikit Claw, many players also appreciate the value of a challenging campaign.

Having characters that are balanced or even slightly underpowered can offer a refreshing and rewarding experience. These characters provide a great challenge, requiring more strategic planning and skill to succeed. Introducing a mix of both powerful and challenging characters could cater to a wider range of player preferences and enhance the overall gameplay experience.

These challenging characters could be introduced as the free legendary lords. This approach not only caters to those seeking a tougher campaign but also adds a layer of diversity to the game. Providing these more challenging characters as free content could strike a balance between the powerful, paid DLC characters. It would give players a sense of accomplishment and variety, enhancing their overall enjoyment and engagement with the game.

Perhaps times have changed, so I decided to create a poll to see what the community would prefer as of today. The results might provide some valuable insights into the current preferences of the player base. I believe this feedback could be useful for aligning future content with what the community truly values.

Thank you for considering this input, and for all the hard work you put into creating such engaging content.

Updated 7 days ago.
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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 12:14:00 AM

I mean, obviously getting a LL is better than getting a LH.

I still want LHs.  But we're getting 3 per DLC now.  I don't need the FLC to be a LH too.

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 12:35:52 AM

It depends. I’d much rather have just about any LH under the sun than CA ever implement a LL like Sarthoreal. Meanwhile I’ll for sure take a FLC LL like Galrauch. 

In cases like events like GW’s Skull event where we never really got much before in terms of additions I’m also fine with LHs. There are plenty of characters missing from the game that should be LHs that should eventually be added to the game.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 7:25:27 AM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

It depends. I’d much rather have just about any LH under the sun than CA ever implement a LL like Sarthoreal. Meanwhile I’ll for sure take a FLC LL like Galrauch. 

In cases like events like GW’s Skull event where we never really got much before in terms of additions I’m also fine with LHs. There are plenty of characters missing from the game that should be LHs that should eventually be added to the game.

Sarthwhoevencares isn't LL material so that is nothing to worry about. 

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 10:14:04 AM

I much more prefer excellent Free Legendary Heroes like Aekold Helbrass than the usual Free Legendary Lord slop that only deficients can truly appreciate.

There is a good reason why people do not want their favourites to end up as victims to the format. FLC LL is synonymous with low quality.

And, so, I would rather pay for Character Packs and get proper animations and mechanics than receive free leftovers I wouldn't even feed to a pig*.

*But, to be fair, my illusionary grunters have higher standards than most consumers.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 10:17:06 AM

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

I much more prefer excellent Free Legendary Heroes like Aekold Helbrass than the usual Free Legendary Lord slop that only deficients can truly appreciate.

There is a good reason why people do not want their favourites to end up as victims to the format. FLC LL is synonymous with low quality.

And, so, I would rather pay for Character Packs and get proper animations and mechanics than receive free leftovers I wouldn't even feed to a pig*.

*But, to be fair, my illusionary grunters have higher standards than most consumers.

I really don't understand your issue with FLC LLs mate. Its not like Epidemius, Masque or Skulltaker would ever be DLC LLs with ultra complex mechanics. They are super simple characters that offer almost nothing in terms of mechanics. 

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 10:29:00 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

I much more prefer excellent Free Legendary Heroes like Aekold Helbrass than the usual Free Legendary Lord slop that only deficients can truly appreciate.

There is a good reason why people do not want their favourites to end up as victims to the format. FLC LL is synonymous with low quality.

And, so, I would rather pay for Character Packs and get proper animations and mechanics than receive free leftovers I wouldn't even feed to a pig*.

*But, to be fair, my illusionary grunters have higher standards than most consumers.

I really don't understand your issue with FLC LLs mate. Its not like Epidemius, Masque or Skulltaker would ever be DLC LLs with ultra complex mechanics. They are super simple characters that offer almost nothing in terms of mechanics. 

I just clearly expressed what my issue with FLC LLs is. 

All of them could have that, especially the Skulltaker, because him I like the most. 

A beautiful Brass Citadel parapet UI, where players could place skulls of felled characters, or keep them for themselves and add to U'zhul's cloak. A twist on the Ancestor Relics mechanic. A split between personal and army buffs. Not to mention other potential dueling features. He also could have really cool animations, especially the sync kill.

The Masque of Slaanesh and Dechala the Denied One both share the dance theme. I don't really mind such overlap, but I would like he former to become a thematic LH for the latter. A dance party of sorts.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 10:29:41 AM

I like the FLC LLs but also it would be nice if races got relatively even doses of LHs. Empire have 4, Dawi have 3, WoC have tons… but many races have none. I hope eventually every race has 2 LHs

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 10:41:28 AM

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

I much more prefer excellent Free Legendary Heroes like Aekold Helbrass than the usual Free Legendary Lord slop that only deficients can truly appreciate.

There is a good reason why people do not want their favourites to end up as victims to the format. FLC LL is synonymous with low quality.

And, so, I would rather pay for Character Packs and get proper animations and mechanics than receive free leftovers I wouldn't even feed to a pig*.

*But, to be fair, my illusionary grunters have higher standards than most consumers.

I really don't understand your issue with FLC LLs mate. Its not like Epidemius, Masque or Skulltaker would ever be DLC LLs with ultra complex mechanics. They are super simple characters that offer almost nothing in terms of mechanics. 

I just clearly expressed what my issue with FLC LLs is. 

All of them could have that, especially the Skulltaker, because him I like the most. 

A beautiful Brass Citadel parapet UI, where players could place skulls of felled characters, or keep them for themselves and add to U'zhul's cloak. A twist on the Ancestor Relics mechanic. A split between personal and army buffs. Not to mention other potential dueling features. He also could have really cool animations, especially the sync kill.

The Masque of Slaanesh and Dechala the Denied One both share the dance theme. I don't really mind such overlap, but I would like he former to become a thematic LH for the latter. A dance party of sorts.

I rather have Skulltaker getting a chaotic and more simplyfied twist on Oxyotls teleport missions personally, which seems fine for a FLC LL.

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 10:48:39 AM

No way yo express it better, so l quote.

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

I mean, obviously getting a LL is better than getting a LH.

I still want LHs.  But we're getting 3 per DLC now.  I don't need the FLC to be a LH too.

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 10:51:30 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

I much more prefer excellent Free Legendary Heroes like Aekold Helbrass than the usual Free Legendary Lord slop that only deficients can truly appreciate.

There is a good reason why people do not want their favourites to end up as victims to the format. FLC LL is synonymous with low quality.

And, so, I would rather pay for Character Packs and get proper animations and mechanics than receive free leftovers I wouldn't even feed to a pig*.

*But, to be fair, my illusionary grunters have higher standards than most consumers.

I really don't understand your issue with FLC LLs mate. Its not like Epidemius, Masque or Skulltaker would ever be DLC LLs with ultra complex mechanics. They are super simple characters that offer almost nothing in terms of mechanics. 

I just clearly expressed what my issue with FLC LLs is. 

All of them could have that, especially the Skulltaker, because him I like the most. 

A beautiful Brass Citadel parapet UI, where players could place skulls of felled characters, or keep them for themselves and add to U'zhul's cloak. A twist on the Ancestor Relics mechanic. A split between personal and army buffs. Not to mention other potential dueling features. He also could have really cool animations, especially the sync kill.

The Masque of Slaanesh and Dechala the Denied One both share the dance theme. I don't really mind such overlap, but I would like he former to become a thematic LH for the latter. A dance party of sorts.

I rather have Skulltaker getting a chaotic and more simplyfied twist on Oxyotls teleport missions personally, which seems fine for a FLC LL.

The exact problem lies in these words: "which seems fine for a FLC LL". I passionately dislike to make that distinction. Paid and free content should be of the same high quality.

The teleport idea I like, though. It falls under "other potential dueling features". A nice side addition to the main mechanic.

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 10:53:37 AM

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

I much more prefer excellent Free Legendary Heroes like Aekold Helbrass than the usual Free Legendary Lord slop that only deficients can truly appreciate.

There is a good reason why people do not want their favourites to end up as victims to the format. FLC LL is synonymous with low quality.

And, so, I would rather pay for Character Packs and get proper animations and mechanics than receive free leftovers I wouldn't even feed to a pig*.

*But, to be fair, my illusionary grunters have higher standards than most consumers.

I really don't understand your issue with FLC LLs mate. Its not like Epidemius, Masque or Skulltaker would ever be DLC LLs with ultra complex mechanics. They are super simple characters that offer almost nothing in terms of mechanics. 

I just clearly expressed what my issue with FLC LLs is. 

All of them could have that, especially the Skulltaker, because him I like the most. 

A beautiful Brass Citadel parapet UI, where players could place skulls of felled characters, or keep them for themselves and add to U'zhul's cloak. A twist on the Ancestor Relics mechanic. A split between personal and army buffs. Not to mention other potential dueling features. He also could have really cool animations, especially the sync kill.

The Masque of Slaanesh and Dechala the Denied One both share the dance theme. I don't really mind such overlap, but I would like he former to become a thematic LH for the latter. A dance party of sorts.

I rather have Skulltaker getting a chaotic and more simplyfied twist on Oxyotls teleport missions personally, which seems fine for a FLC LL.

The exact problem lies in these words: "which seems fine for a FLC LL". I passionately dislike to make that distinction. Paid and free content should be of the same high quality.

The teleport idea I like, though. It falls under "other potential dueling features". A nice side addition to the main mechanic.

It's just Skulltaker we are talking about here. 

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 11:18:36 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

I much more prefer excellent Free Legendary Heroes like Aekold Helbrass than the usual Free Legendary Lord slop that only deficients can truly appreciate.

There is a good reason why people do not want their favourites to end up as victims to the format. FLC LL is synonymous with low quality.

And, so, I would rather pay for Character Packs and get proper animations and mechanics than receive free leftovers I wouldn't even feed to a pig*.

*But, to be fair, my illusionary grunters have higher standards than most consumers.

I really don't understand your issue with FLC LLs mate. Its not like Epidemius, Masque or Skulltaker would ever be DLC LLs with ultra complex mechanics. They are super simple characters that offer almost nothing in terms of mechanics. 

I just clearly expressed what my issue with FLC LLs is. 

All of them could have that, especially the Skulltaker, because him I like the most. 

A beautiful Brass Citadel parapet UI, where players could place skulls of felled characters, or keep them for themselves and add to U'zhul's cloak. A twist on the Ancestor Relics mechanic. A split between personal and army buffs. Not to mention other potential dueling features. He also could have really cool animations, especially the sync kill.

The Masque of Slaanesh and Dechala the Denied One both share the dance theme. I don't really mind such overlap, but I would like he former to become a thematic LH for the latter. A dance party of sorts.

I rather have Skulltaker getting a chaotic and more simplyfied twist on Oxyotls teleport missions personally, which seems fine for a FLC LL.

The exact problem lies in these words: "which seems fine for a FLC LL". I passionately dislike to make that distinction. Paid and free content should be of the same high quality.

The teleport idea I like, though. It falls under "other potential dueling features". A nice side addition to the main mechanic.

It's just Skulltaker we are talking about here. 

The Skulltaker. One of my favourite Khorne characters.

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 11:56:57 AM

Both Ulrika and Aekold could've done way better as LLs. Tzeentch melee-build and Malus-like Undead-hybrid for Kislev. And Gorduz should've been a Hobgoblin sub-faction.

I am not against LHs. But they never should/could replace a new campaign. And they should always be included in DLCs, never replace the FLC.

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 12:15:34 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Both Ulrika and Aekold could've done way better as LLs. Tzeentch melee-build and Malus-like Undead-hybrid for Kislev. And Gorduz should've been a Hobgoblin sub-faction.

I am not against LHs. But they never should/could replace a new campaign. And they should always be included in DLCs, never replace the FLC.

Hob faction for CD wouldn't work considering how the race is designed. 

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 12:19:30 PM

I'm more in the middle, i like both equally.

It really depends on a case per case basis to me.

Depending on how much a Character should be introduced to the game, simply because the character is just a fan favorite it should go by "importance" (for a lack of better words).

As in Bragg the Gutsman is an absolute Fan Favorite, i would be fine if he would take up the FLC spot. For reasons such as, Ogres have no LH so adding one more LL to a Faction that has 0 LHs would be counter intuitive to me. 

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 12:45:49 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Hob faction for CD wouldn't work considering how the race is designed. 

I think you could make a Drycha style faction with a unique roster, but seeing as how all the launch LL's usually use the core mechanics, it wouldn't have worked at launch, and I'm not sure if the Chorfs do get a LP, I'd want the dlc character to be someone that plays completely different and uses a modified roster.

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6 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 12:50:14 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Hob faction for CD wouldn't work considering how the race is designed. 

I think you could make a Drycha style faction with a unique roster, but seeing as how all the launch LL's usually use the core mechanics, it wouldn't have worked at launch, and I'm not sure if the Chorfs do get a LP, I'd want the dlc character to be someone that plays completely different and uses a modified roster.

No it wouldn't work unless you want Gorduz, a literal Slave, to be an industrial Tycoon and Daemon Smith that climbs the political Ladder of Zarr Naggrund. The idea alone is so ridiculous and disgusting that it makes me feel sick. 

Drycha still has access to all WE mechanics for obvious reasons. 

If CD ever get a DLC (which they won't) then there is Tordrek as a complete wild card character that differs from the others. But no filthy Hobgoblin Slave should ever ever be in charge of proud and pure Drazh Zarr!

Updated 6 days ago.
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