My 14 DLCs to complete WH3

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 8:48:43 AM

With CA's announcement, we now know that ToD-style DLCs are back on the menu, probably after the success of said DLC. This could very well be the second wind that WH3 so badly needs in order to not get shelved. Now, you all might have seen me posting visualizations of predictions of some future DLCs in various threads, but I thought I'd dedicate this one in order to have everything in one place. This timeline and prediction assumes that ToD-style will be the new standard, alongside various race packs (and that WH3 can survive the arrival of 40k or whatever else is coming). All in all, in order to complete the trilogy, with every race brought to a WH3 standard and being reasonably complete rosterwise, this would entail a total of 14 DLCs. Lets get into it, in chronological order. Brace yourselves...

gwaheahae.png#1: Hungers of Slaughter - This is the coming one you all might've seen me post the most. The crushfest of Khorne, Ogres and Savage/Black Orc-focused Greenskins. A very straight-forward one. Khorne has focus on beasts, daemons and various allies and Ogres on general completion and Greenskins on the much-needed variety of the Orcs. Some would note the absence of Skulltaker here and that is because Gorfang is a huge popular favorite, but since he is already in the game he would need to be FLC just like Boris or Red Duke. But I suppose Skulltaker could be an alternative candidate as well, pushing Gorfang further along.

enregewuio.png#2: Temptations of Excess - The classic Slaanesh vs High Elves vs Dark Elves that we all crave. Both High and Dark Elves would be completed and reworked where needed, Slaanesh likely as well. I would've had Masque as the LH, but I was talked out of it along Epidemius's lines.

eahaenje.png#3: Dogs of War - Nothing strange here. DoW, led by Borgio (Tilea), Lucrezzia (somewhere in the East), Marco Colombo (New World Colonies) and Lietpold the Black (Border Princes). I'll leave out the roster speculation for race packs as one can never be too sure. Assuming though that DoW would have some living pirates in it, this would be the time to rework Aranessa properly, even if she isn't lifted out of Vampire Coast completely. Bohemond and a Greenskin generic lord as FLC.


#4: Chills of Madness - This would be the weakest DLC from a core race perspective, all of the focus would be on the companions. Kislev getting some sort of ranged LL that is totally an Ungol character, or not, as well as maybe some "Ungol" units and a melee hero (don't worry, Kislev's 3rd DLC later will be better). And then we have the long awaited SKAVEN VS DWARFS square-off, with Thanquol facing Grimm Burloksson, filling in the last things for the Dwarfs and giving us the long awaited big man for the Skaven and all his trimmings, as well as some more general things for the Skaven. Josef Bugman and a Moulder Lord for FLC.

reheaeane.png#5: Rise of Destruction - The long awaited Monkey King rises out of the Mountains of Heaven at last! What he brings with him is less clear though, but with it he faces the also long awaited Norsca facelift with Sayl the Faithless, as well as the Chaos Dwarfs who are joining him in the invasion (note that it doesn't necessarily have to be Tordrek though, they can invent a new character as well). Focus is on the Norscan facelift and FLC brings a Fimir LL and a norscan human magical lord option too.

rehaeasret.png#6: Intrigues of Fate - Behold the Cult of Ulric and Egrimm van Horstmann! Here Tzeentch will get the updates it lost out on in Shadows of Change, under the command of the Arch-Traitor himself. Facing him does the Cult of Ulric, bringing religious mechanics to the Empire and the most iconic of units still missing. We also have the Wood Elves (alternative race would be Bretonnia) joining the fray to get the final completions, bringing things like the Shadowdancer, ranged Treemen and even a Dryad lord for Drycha. Boris (naturally) and a Greenskin generic lord for FLC.

erheahret.png#7: Bloodlines - Exactly what it sounds like. CoC-style and treated like a race pack, it is Neferata, Zacharias, Walach and Ushoran leading their respective bloodlines into the game and Vampires getting a general rework. Again, leaving out the roster speculation. Red Duke and again, a Greenskin generic lord for FLC (noticing a theme lol).

nawegai.png#8: Charges of Fire - Welcome to the Rumble in Khuresh! Li Dao has the thankless task of dealing with Greenskin and Beastmen hordes coming out of Khuresh, in the form of Snagla Grobspit and Ghorros Warhoof, with the final updates for both of those races. Goblin focus for the Greenskins and the final stuff with a Centigor twist for the Beastmen. Li Dao brings his southern provinces, as well as the apt Incarnate Elemental of Fire. FLC is Moonclaw and a Lore of Life-wielding wizard hero for Cathay (as Jade-Blooded Sorcerors have a temple Landmark in the Lands of Stone and Steel province), intended to complement Miao Ying.

jwognw.png#9: Diseases of Despair - Its a Race Completion Threesome! Papa Nurgle brings the last of his jolly bois to spread their infectious joy upon the denizens of Bretonnia, from which the selfless Bertrand (alternative LL Bohemond) rises to defend them with whatever defenders he can scrounge together. But countermanding him is also the rise of the nefarious Mallobaude out of Mousillon, bringing the dark side of Bretonnia to bear. Oh and also a final Skaven update in order to get, among other things, a Clan Pestilence generic lord and MORE STORMFIENDS.


#10: Wrath of Conquest - Time for another heavy metal throwdown! Skarr Bloodwrath bring the final Khornate charge and directs straight towards the Empire, where Kurt Helborg has mustered his Knightly Orders (and more steam tanks) to defend against the onslaught. An onslaught which also includes the Tomb Kings, whereas Sehenesmet have come to take revenge for the Imperial Invasion of Quatar in 2141. Main focus here is on the Tomb Kings's WH3 update and the FLC does this with Tutankhanut and his Scythans.

bdnae.png#11: Undead Legion - ARISE NAGASH! Yup, that's it. Maybe he brings along Dieter Helsnicht and Drachenfels, just so that it isn't him alone. FLC is Skulltaker (or Gorfang if we switched it up in the first one) and a Greenskin generic hero.

srheder.png#12: Seas of Destiny - This is another completion one. Yin-Yin brings the final Cathay update with her naval theme against the Lizardmen, who finally get the rework DLC they deserve, as well as the Ogres... or rather the Gnoblars I should say. I'll be honest, this is a tossup between Ogres and a Vampire Coast update (which would bring living stuff to Aranessa), but if Aranessa got a satisfying rework with the Dogs of War, then a Vampire Coast DLC would be rather unnecessary. In that case, it is a Gnoblar-focused DLC for the Ogres, with Katerina de Hansebourg in charge (alternative is Great-King-Lord Bezer, but he is better suited as a LH for Greasus). Really just to have something. Ghark and a Greenskin generic lord for FLC.

dsvosirnb.png#13: Twilight of Chaos - This is it folks, we're approaching the End Times and so, it is time for the final face-off between the nations of the Old World and Chaos. Kislev brings the last of its forces (a generally Orthodoxy themed DLC) to face the Warriors of Chaos, with Crom and Archaon's Lieutenants heralding the arrival of Judgement Day. But Kislev does not stand alone, as Elector Count Marius Leitdorf makes a mad alliance with the Colleges of Magic, the Cult of Morr and the Sisters of Sigmar and then marches to make the charge of destiny alongside the Kislevites. Egil Styrbjorn and Alberich von Korden also join the fray as FLC.

sdv sk sb.png#14: SUMMON THE ELECTOR COUNTS - In a big farewell to the franchise, we bring out one final hurrah from the Empire, from where it all began back in 2016. But not only do we bring out the 6 remaining (human) proper Elector Counts, but also the Halflings under Hisme Stoutheart, who is also an elector damnit! A proper Halflings subroster for the Empire to play with.

Are you still with me guys? Alright then, feel free to tell me how wrong, unrealistic or redundant this is. Hit me!

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 9:03:19 AM

I would definitely be down for 14 or 15 more DLCs if such a thing were possible. 3 per year for 5 years. It's relatively easy money CA, no new engine needed, no new setting, bring it on, my money's waiting. 

Only thing I'd really prefer to see instead of - or as well as - some of this is the proper implementation of Ind and Khuresh as full new races (probably not going to happen, I realise, and I'd take a partial implementation as subfactions over nothing at all), plus a Hobgoblin Khanate Greenskin subfaction up north in an expanded steppe land area and the Realms of Chaos somehow implemented in the IE map as starting points for the monogod races - either on the map, or accessible as 'dungeons' via rifts - other races can enter them temporarily and destroy the monogods' home settlements in the RoC, but not settle there themselves. Daemons shouldn't live permanently in the mortal realms. And I love the RoC maps.

Very comprehensive, glad other people are not yet ready to let go of their dreams. Nice job!

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 9:16:39 AM

turland#8729 wrote:

I would definitely be down for 14 or 15 more DLCs if such a thing were possible. 3 per year for 5 years. It's relatively easy money CA, no new engine needed, no new setting, bring it on, my money's waiting. 

Only thing I'd really prefer to see instead of - or as well as - some of this is the proper implementation of Ind and Khuresh as full new races (probably not going to happen, I realise, and I'd take a partial implementation as subfactions over nothing at all), plus a Hobgoblin Khanate Greenskin subfaction up north in an expanded steppe land area and the Realms of Chaos somehow implemented in the IE map as starting points for the monogod races - either on the map, or accessible as 'dungeons' via rifts - other races can enter them temporarily and destroy the monogods' home settlements in the RoC, but not settle there themselves. Daemons shouldn't live permanently in the mortal realms. And I love the RoC maps.

Very comprehensive, glad other people are not yet ready to let go of their dreams. Nice job!

I was generally focused on completing the races we have + obligatory Nagash and DoW, but believe I would've loved to get those races as well.

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 9:23:40 AM

I agree with many of the ideas, even if I don't expect that many DLCs. Most importantly for me are:

1. DoW

2. Bloodlines 

3. Slaanesh x HE x DE

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 10:26:49 AM

That's a nice proposition but it could be heavily trimmed down. There are some very uneeded stuff that are not at all required to get the complete Warhammer experience.

To focus on the obvious:

- 3 Cathay DLCs ? No need, Li Dao can easily come with the Monkey King.

- 3 Empire DLCs --> That's just bloat

- Katerina de Hansebourg as an Ogre LL ? This is delusional and adding a nobody as LL (even if it would indeed be fun to play Ogre Tarzan) unfortunately discredits your list.  A VCoast LL would be more relevant indeed with or without a rework for Aranessa.

I applaud the effort though, it is a great basis to find what would be the perfect number of DLCs. IMO going down to 7-10 would be enough to cover everything, even if it is still probably delusional in terms of support from CA.

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 10:45:53 AM

MalalTheRenegade#5644 wrote:

That's a nice proposition but it could be heavily trimmed down. There are some very uneeded stuff that are not at all required to get the complete Warhammer experience.

To focus on the obvious:

- 3 Cathay DLCs ? No need, Li Dao can easily come with the Monkey King.

- 3 Empire DLCs --> That's just bloat

- Katerina de Hansebourg as an Ogre LL ? This is delusional and adding a nobody as LL (even if it would indeed be fun to play Ogre Tarzan) unfortunately discredits your list.  A VCoast LL would be more relevant indeed with or without a rework for Aranessa.

I applaud the effort though, it is a great basis to find what would be the perfect number of DLCs. IMO going down to 7-10 would be enough to cover everything, even if it is still probably delusional in terms of support from CA.

1. Depends on if Li Dao has his own theme or not, which he could have.

2. Admittedly yes, could be condensed to 2

3. As a Gnoblar-focused DLC, there really is only two options for LLs. Her or Bezer, who is almost equally "a nobody". There aren't any other really prominent Ogres, as Braugh really isn't LL material. But I agree its a stretch. This would be the alternative:

sbwsrnwe.pngWhich would assume that Aranessa doesn't get a roster lent to her by DoW. The units would come from Town Cryer, the Mordheim magazine. Would be a weird one, especially since Vampire Coast doesn't have other potential units (except maybe an Undead Merwyrm).

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 10:58:23 AM

Hmm. firstly i like your optimism and 14 more DLCs would be awesome... but i dont see it happening. My future would look like:

Khorne vs GS (Snagla) vs OK

Slaanesh vs HE vs DE

VC bloodlines

Empire (Emir Valgeir) vs Monkey King vs evil Bretonnia 

Thanquol vs Nagash vs Glottkin

If we get all of the above im happy. Anything on top i consider a welcome bonus

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 11:02:49 AM

Theo91#7431 wrote:

Empire (Emir Valgeir) vs Monkey King vs evil Bretonnia 

This is... how would you motivate this matchup? That is one of the most unusual I have ever seen.

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 11:08:09 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Alright then, feel free to tell me how wrong, unrealistic or redundant this is. Hit me!


TheWattman#7460 wrote:
2: Temptations of Excess 

The Dark Elves aren’t going to get a DLC filled with units that don’t exist and elite versions of their currently elite units. They’re done outside of some TW Access LH or generic lord coming their way.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Dogs of War

Marco Columbo is dead-dead.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
#4: Chills of Madness

The Dwarfs are done. No need to give them the Shard Dragon when we were so lucky to dodge it this last time.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
5: Rise of Destruction 

The Chaos Dwarfs are done. They aren’t going to make a pack filled with lore units and redundant units for an unrelated Dreadfleet character just so that they can force a second DLC. 

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Intrigues of Fate 

Egrimm will be Tzeentch’s FLC LL. The Wood Elves are done (Meadow Chariots…)

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

We’ve been told already there are no CoC-DLCs planned at a time CA already mentioned that they had plans for Neferata. No chance this happens. Even then, we wouldn’t get Wallach when we have the Red Duke as a Blood Dragon rep. I doubt the VCounts randomly go up to 10 LLs while some are stuck at 3.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Charges of Fire

Li Dao is definitely going to an FLC with the Monkey King. They’re connected characters who should be designed around each other. Greenskins will likely be done after this upcoming DLC.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Diseases of Despair

My guess is if Khorne doesn’t get the units this go around we might not see End Times-specific units at all in WH3. Bretonnia is likely done, and even then Mallobaude would be the more interesting character to base a DLC around for. Skreech (if he shows up) will be an LH for Thanquol, and there’s otherwise zero chance for a 5th Skaven DLC.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Seas of Destiny

Even Ogre fans are going to balk at a DLC that offers two characters hardly anyone knows or cares about with mostly redundant gnoblar chaff.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Twilight of Chaos

The WoC are done, no need for discount Archon. The Empire are not going to get this many DLCs.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

The Empire are not going to get this many DLCs. They are not going to flood the Empire with a ton of redundant, and unexciting, LLs that make playing any Empire campaigns in the area an absolute cakewalk with zero challenge. This would be bad for a myriad of different gameplay reasons.

Lots of otherwise good ideas for lists, and I think a bunch of DLC ideas can be chopped apart and recombined. I appreciate the effort of putting all these lists together.

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 11:14:18 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Theo91#7431 wrote:

Empire (Emir Valgeir) vs Monkey King vs evil Bretonnia 

This is... how would you motivate this matchup? That is one of the most unusual I have ever seen.

Full disclosure, i hadn't really thought about it when i wrote it, it was just 3 races i wanted.

But i would market it as a faith centric DLC. So Emir Valgeir as religious fanatics is the starting point. Monkey King has the fanatics/ faith theme for him in contrast to the ying/ yang of other Cathay lords. And then evil bretonnia is the corrupted version of the faith/ chivalry. Almost a bit of a Jedi vs Sith type thing (sorry couldnt think of a better example).

Evil Bretonnia i think has a lot of scope for fun if they lean heavily on it. I'd love it if you could capture and corrupt all the other Bretonnia lords as their mechanic. so you confed the other lords and you get a corrupted version of each lord with slightly different visuals and skill trees

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 11:59:28 AM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:
The WoC are done

Unlike many other "races that are not done according to OP", WoC are actually missing units from their 8th army book and major supplements.

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 12:02:04 PM

SerPus#7395 wrote:
Unlike many other "races that are not done according to OP", WoC are actually missing units from their 8th army book and major supplements.

I think you’re referring to the Monogod and Norsca hand-me-downs.

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 12:08:48 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Alright then, feel free to tell me how wrong, unrealistic or redundant this is. Hit me!


TheWattman#7460 wrote:
2: Temptations of Excess 

The Dark Elves aren’t going to get a DLC filled with units that don’t exist and elite versions of their currently elite units. They’re done outside of some TW Access LH or generic lord coming their way.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Dogs of War

Marco Columbo is dead-dead.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
#4: Chills of Madness

The Dwarfs are done. No need to give them the Shard Dragon when we were so lucky to dodge it this last time.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
5: Rise of Destruction 

The Chaos Dwarfs are done. They aren’t going to make a pack filled with lore units and redundant units for an unrelated Dreadfleet character just so that they can force a second DLC. 

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Intrigues of Fate 

Egrimm will be Tzeentch’s FLC LL. The Wood Elves are done (Meadow Chariots…)

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

We’ve been told already there are no CoC-DLCs planned at a time CA already mentioned that they had plans for Neferata. No chance this happens. Even then, we wouldn’t get Wallach when we have the Red Duke as a Blood Dragon rep. I doubt the VCounts randomly go up to 10 LLs while some are stuck at 3.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Charges of Fire

Li Dao is definitely going to an FLC with the Monkey King. They’re connected characters who should be designed around each other. Greenskins will likely be done after this upcoming DLC.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Diseases of Despair

My guess is if Khorne doesn’t get the units this go around we might not see End Times-specific units at all in WH3. Bretonnia is likely done, and even then Mallobaude would be the more interesting character to base a DLC around for. Skreech (if he shows up) will be an LH for Thanquol, and there’s otherwise zero chance for a 5th Skaven DLC.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Seas of Destiny

Even Ogre fans are going to balk at a DLC that offers two characters hardly anyone knows or cares about with mostly redundant gnoblar chaff.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Twilight of Chaos

The WoC are done, no need for discount Archon. The Empire are not going to get this many DLCs.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

The Empire are not going to get this many DLCs. They are not going to flood the Empire with a ton of redundant, and unexciting, LLs that make playing any Empire campaigns in the area an absolute cakewalk with zero challenge. This would be bad for a myriad of different gameplay reasons.

Lots of otherwise good ideas for lists, and I think a bunch of DLC ideas can be chopped apart and recombined. I appreciate the effort of putting all these lists together.

It is very likely that all Legacy Races will get a WH3 DLC. Including DE and LM. 

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 12:10:51 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
It is very likely that all Legacy Races will get a WH3 DLC. Including DE and LM. 

Call me a pessimist, but I don’t personally think that’s true. I hope you’re right tho

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 12:16:55 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
It is very likely that all Legacy Races will get a WH3 DLC. Including DE and LM. 

Call me a pessimist, but I don’t personally think that’s true. I hope you’re right tho

Considering that we get GS with the Khorne DLC (despite the fact that they just got a DLC in WH2), I think DE have a very good chance to be part of the Slaanesh DLC. CA said they are going for strong themes with the following DLCs and an all Elves DLC is the most popular matchup for the Dechala Pack. 

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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 12:19:38 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

I think you’re referring to the Monogod and Norsca hand-me-downs.

I doubt that whatever CA add to Norsca will be shared with WoC. WoC didn't get Mammoths, Fimir nor Skin Wolves, and any new units would probably also remain Norsca-only.

As for monogods, sure, but that won't work for every single unit. Even leaving aside the question of how many units will be added in the remaining monogod DLCs, there are some units that are unmarked by definition. You just can't put unmarked version of Chaos Ogres or Great Chaos Spawn into a monogod DLC, that's impossible.

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