Where is the roadmap?

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a month ago
May 26, 2024, 7:58:28 PM

There have passed almost 1 month since the launch of ToD. The Warhammer Skulls was the moment to launch the DLC and tell the community their thoughs and plans, but nothing of this happened. Just the announce for a LH without launch date.

Pharaoh, a game no one cares about with literally 1000 players, has its detailed roadmap. Where is the roadmap of the only thing they can live of?

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a month ago
May 26, 2024, 8:13:27 PM

I think this week might be a good time to hear something about patch 5.1, which will probably bring Karanak into the game. That might also be a good time to give us something about the roadmap, or even the roadmap itself. A word from the developers would be appreciated, yes, especially because of the anxiety and turbulence the franchise has been in the last couple of months. Those rumours are generally not really helping, either. They create a lot of questions: how many DLC are left? Will the remaining launch-races of WH3 receive their DLC? What about remaining reworks of legacy races? Etc.

The players would like some clarity (and positivity). ToD seems to be a step in the right direction, I just hope the multi-year commitment to this franchise is still intact.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
May 27, 2024, 12:16:43 AM

Tuesday Newsday brings with it glorious gifts. 

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a month ago
May 27, 2024, 6:53:56 AM

Stop with the hate on Pharaoh.

Especially when the upcoming massive free update will probably draw more players to that so far overlooked game.

I love Total War: Warhammer but Total War isn't just about Warhammer.

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a month ago
May 27, 2024, 6:54:49 AM

Slayer_Yannir#8069 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

Tuesday Newsday brings with it glorious gifts. 

So thursday?

Quite possibly. It can occur at any time, we only know that it is soon

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a month ago
May 27, 2024, 7:06:53 AM

It's really sad to see radio silence regarding the road map and plans. I hope CA won't return once again to their regular ways and probably start communicating with the fanbase that keeps the studio's lights on. 

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a month ago
May 27, 2024, 9:53:47 AM

I think it will be on July 5. Matches the patch number.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
May 27, 2024, 10:09:58 AM

Thomashu#5291 wrote:

Stop with the hate on Pharaoh.

Especially when the upcoming massive free update will probably draw more players to that so far overlooked game.

I love Total War: Warhammer but Total War isn't just about Warhammer.

Im of the opinion that the update wont actually make much of an impact - and it was largely just more wasted effort.

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a month ago
May 28, 2024, 8:23:07 AM

I don't need a Roadmap with Dates on it which they can't hold because they are CA. I only want a whats next with Hints to the next 3-4 Content Packs and that we have YEARS left. Not only 1,5 year like some speculated on the internet. Whats with Slaanesh High Elf DLC? Is the Dog of War Karanak or do we get a real DoW faction? :) Whats with Khorne and Norsca? When are sieges fun?

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a month ago
May 28, 2024, 8:42:08 AM

kaiki#4128 wrote:

That's CA's Precious, barely let others know about it.

屏幕截图 2024-05-28 163626.jpg

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a month ago
May 29, 2024, 1:26:22 AM

They would be really annoying a lot of customers if the abandon the game half cooked. CA, People want to buy dlcs for this game, sell them dlcs and make your fan base happy while you make a profit. Thats the way... if you abrupty abandon the game that will draw a lot of bad will and would make you look very bad.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
May 29, 2024, 12:57:21 PM

Every thread now is... so and so leaked this or that. Listening to LoTW in the background at work atm and he seems pretty convinced it's over for WH3.

For gods sake CA release a roadmap and put an end to this speculation!

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a month ago
May 29, 2024, 1:25:48 PM

Theo91#7431 wrote:

Every thread now is... so and so leaked this or that. Listening to LoTW in the background at work atm and he seems pretty convinced it's over for WH3.

For gods sake CA release a roadmap and put an end to this speculation!

At least 3 more DLC doesn't sound like it's 'over'.

Legend can be quite obnoxious/negative sometimes, too.

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a month ago
May 29, 2024, 1:33:48 PM

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

Theo91#7431 wrote:

Every thread now is... so and so leaked this or that. Listening to LoTW in the background at work atm and he seems pretty convinced it's over for WH3.

For gods sake CA release a roadmap and put an end to this speculation!

At least 3 more DLC doesn't sound like it's 'over'.

Legend can be quite obnoxious/negative sometimes, too.

3 more really isn't much. if those were Cathay vs OK, an end times DLC, perhaps DoW race pack... then that means no more DLC for Khorne, Slaanesh and Kislev. No more DLC for HE, DE, LZM. No cult of ulric DLC. No GS dlc (so no Snagla or Gorfang DLC)... no Bretonnia DLC etc etc

I dont necessarily believe there's only 3 DLC left, but if there is only 3 left, that kinda feels like it's 'over' for WH3

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