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a year ago
Oct 17, 2023, 7:04:44 AM

Hello CA !

I write you here because the fluorescent/pastel colors you chose for the empire factions in battle are just awful and they hurt seriously our eyes. Have a look here :

You MUST do something to fix that. People with frail vision can be affected and it's just ugly. You would just have to respect the faction flag colors you already have. Can you change those colors please ?

Thank you for reading this CA !

EDIT (10/07/2024) : Really thank you CA for finally removing those fluo/pastel colors for Empire roster ! :)

Updated 2 months ago.
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a year ago
Oct 17, 2023, 7:48:00 AM

I suspect it's just too much work. One of the things modders found that is that TWW2 switched to PBR (Physically-Based-Rendering) materials, whereas before they used another type of material in which texture information like shadows and shades are "baked" onto the base color map.

The result of this is simply the materials already made for TWW1 simply won't work with PBR so they had to remake them using the new (and admittingly, better) system. See this image how PBR differs from the older classic material type:

Source: Configura Help Center, "What Are PBR Materials and Conversion Guideline", access:web, support.configura.com.

But the texture maps used for the two schemes are all different (well, except for the base map). In short, CA evidentally didn't want to redo all textures by hand so they probably did some sort of automatic process and ran a simple conversion for all TWW1 units to TWW2, but lost the shadows and shades in the process (the PBR base colors do not have shadows information, it's placed on the other maps).

Honestly, how PBR worked, if they lost the original hi-poly meshes, there isn't much they can do. But they can use the TWW1's base color map as diffuse map for TWW3, which isn't ideal, but at least the models won't look so ugly and plain in the game.

P.S. fix the damn bloom too, CA, what's going on with my Empire Kngihts is unacceptable!

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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 12:16:35 AM

Not only Empire, almost all faction colours are awful, especially Dark Elves, Warriors and Daemons of Chaos factions. But CA ignores faction colour issues, idk why? I've created a thread like this here and on old forum.


Bug Reports


Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 12:30:07 AM
sirmicou#9380 wrote:

Hello CA !

I write you here because the fluorescent/pastel colors you chose for the empire factions in battle are just awful and they hurt seriously our eyes. Have a look here :

You MUST do something to fix that. People with frail vision can be affected and it's just ugly. You would just have to respect the faction flag colors you already have. Can you change those colors please ?

Thank you for reading this CA !


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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 2:58:15 AM

Army colors have been a problem since launch and considering we got behind-the-scenes confirmation from a developer interview with "Great Book of Grudges" that an army painter was in the works, but scrapped and abandoned as an idea a long time ago, it seems it might be a problem that's here to stay, until the DLC really gets rolling.

Minor factions have it the worst across the board in-game. The Dark Elves for example: Drackla Coven, Ghrond and the Forgebound all basically have the same color scheme. Rakarth's faction colors are just a slightly more vibrant copy-paste of the Blood Hall Coven, and Morathi/Malekith/Malus basically share the exact same purple colors too.

I'm hoping this will change for the Empire at least in the coming update; especially in regards to Wissenland, who should really have the mostly jet-black attire of the army of Nuln; as opposed to how they look now, which is just a weaker version of Reikland's colors.

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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 8:21:08 AM

This has little to do with the "faction colour choosed for battle". There are two problems:

- The lighting and HDR are generally bad in WH3, for every faction. I suggest using the "ultimate liighting" mod, it's much better

- The converted textures for WH3 for the Empire (and other factions, it's particularily visible for the Empire) are the same resolution as WH2. There was no real loss... But.. the base colour textures are too bright and lack contrast, that's mostly why they look bad.

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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 8:55:12 AM
sirmicou#9380 wrote:

You MUST do something to fix that. People with frail vision can be affected

I hate hate hate when people make up rubbish like this to try and prove their argument. You could have just said 'They are ugly' and you would have had a point - but this is just ridiculous and immediately puts my back up. Anyone whose eyes are so frail that the yellow empire uniforms are hurting them should NOT be playing this videogame at all. The first time they boot up a Realms of Chaos battle their eyes will explode.

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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 4:33:50 PM
Steph#6413 wrote:

This has little to do with the "faction colour choosed for battle". There are two problems:

- The lighting and HDR are generally bad in WH3, for every faction. I suggest using the "ultimate liighting" mod, it's much better

- The converted textures for WH3 for the Empire (and other factions, it's particularily visible for the Empire) are the same resolution as WH2. There was no real loss... But.. the base colour textures are too bright and lack contrast, that's mostly why they look bad.

The colours were already ugly in Wh2. HE factions also have horrible colours in general with some honourable exceptions like Imrik or Alith Anar. But that's not a problem exclusive to WH games. The Empire Divided DLC for Rome 2 probably have the most horrible colours I've seen in a game. 

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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 5:12:44 PM
Manpersal#3961 wrote:
Steph#6413 wrote:

This has little to do with the "faction colour choosed for battle". There are two problems:

- The lighting and HDR are generally bad in WH3, for every faction. I suggest using the "ultimate liighting" mod, it's much better

- The converted textures for WH3 for the Empire (and other factions, it's particularily visible for the Empire) are the same resolution as WH2. There was no real loss... But.. the base colour textures are too bright and lack contrast, that's mostly why they look bad.

The colours were already ugly in Wh2. HE factions also have horrible colours in general with some honourable exceptions like Imrik or Alith Anar. But that's not a problem exclusive to WH games. The Empire Divided DLC for Rome 2 probably have the most horrible colours I've seen in a game. 

Developer is talking, ''This has little to do with the "faction colour choosed for battle" 

I wonder, what kind of lighting is this? Red, Green, yellow, orange or brown colour doesn't turn into another colour but purple turns into violet and blue. Shadow legion faction flag colour is DARK BLUE. But Shadow Legion unit/lord/hero colour is BLACK. WOAAAAWWW! BLUE TURNS INTO BLACK! I GUESS BECAUSE OF ''LIGHTING''.

Updated 10 months ago.
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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 9:51:10 AM

Not developper, but modder who actually has an idea of where the colours are defined in the tables, what textures are used, what wsmodel, material and shaders are used to define a unit in game.

Do you?

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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 10:40:56 AM
Steph#6413 wrote:

Not developper, but modder who actually has an idea of where the colours are defined in the tables, what textures are used, what wsmodel, material and shaders are used to define a unit in game.

Do you?

I'm exhausted.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 11:14:02 AM

As you can see here, the colours defined for banners and units for Sigvald faction are exactly the same.

The difference is not because CA used different colours, it's because their base texture to which the colour is applied is often too bright.

And their shader and HDR for WH3 is different from WH2, and usually not for the better.

You are focusing in the end result, where the colours don't look the same, but you are not infering the correct cause. It's not a colour issue, it's a texture/shader/ligthing issue.

It doesn't mean it doesn't have to be fixed. But that won't be by changing the base colour.

Updated a year ago.
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10 months ago
Oct 31, 2023, 5:08:59 PM

Hey, @Steph#6413 is correct - the colours defined are the same as the banners. Colour work would require a significant amount of character art tweaking. As with all things we have to look at cost (dev time) vs demand for different changes - I know and appreciate the love of detail that you all have, and we make a note of all feedback. I can't promise anything on this right now, but I will take it forward. Best, CA_Nova 

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10 months ago
Oct 31, 2023, 5:16:28 PM

To be frank, I think this kind of small details can be fixed relatively easily by mods. So I agree CA resources should be focused on other issues, such as fixing bugs, AI behaviour or siege, which may require engine update and thus not really possible via mod.

CA : focus on engine correction / improvement 

Modders: the grunt texture work.

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10 months ago
Oct 31, 2023, 8:01:15 PM
CA_Nova#4724 wrote:

Hey, @Steph#6413 is correct - the colours defined are the same as the banners. Colour work would require a significant amount of character art tweaking. As with all things we have to look at cost (dev time) vs demand for different changes - I know and appreciate the love of detail that you all have, and we make a note of all feedback. I can't promise anything on this right now, but I will take it forward. Best, CA_Nova 

Thank you for your answer but personnally I find that the chosen colours are often quite odd, lighting or not. Just a few examples like Tyrion's secondary blue been too saturated and not the same as in his banner, Teclis secondary yellow is too pale, Lokhir's secondary orange is also too bright, Middenland's and Yvresse blue,s are hurt my eyes.... and all this examples were the same in Wh2.

I don't expect you to update all the colour schemes, as Steph said it's something easy to mod, but maybe being more careful about it in the future.    

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10 months ago
Oct 31, 2023, 8:12:40 PM

@Steph#6413 There're multiple examples where battle banners and faction colours don't match. Yvresse banner are sky blue and white but the units use an uglier darker and more saturated blue and grey for example.

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10 months ago
Oct 31, 2023, 9:06:31 PM
Manpersal#3961 wrote:

@Steph#6413 There're multiple examples where battle banners and faction colours don't match. Yvresse banner are sky blue and white but the units use an uglier darker and more saturated blue and grey for example.

It can happen. But it wasn't the case for issues reported by OP. Anyway, these cases are extra easy to fix, two values to change in a table for a mod, it takes 2 minutes.

Changing the textures when the colors for banner/uniform are the same in the table is heavier work.

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