My attempt to ideate a Norsca update

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5 months ago
Apr 15, 2024, 6:54:59 PM

So, I started a IE campaign with Norsca today, and dear god, it feels so old.
It feels old enough that Settra and his buddies were still full human when it dropped.
So I tried thinking on how to rework it a bit, and I got this down.


Basically, I took inspiration from the Demons of Chaos Glory mechanic (which I will call Faith for Norsca) and from Nakai horde mechanic.
First things first, the Faith: instead of having 5 bars (one of each god + undivided), you have four (one for each god).
How do we fill up the bars? Winning battles, with four options instead of the usual three:
1 - Kill (dedicated to Hound)
2 - Replenish (dedicated to Raven)
3 - Ransom (dedicated to Serpent)
4 - Enslave (dedicated to Eagle), and this would give you a boost for city growth or research
And another way to fill the bars would of course be dedicating your settlements: how? By splitting in four the Ruinous Altar chain building, you could dedicate the province to one of the four gods (obviously each alter would give different bonuses, maybe in line with the after battle option: Hound-unit rank and recruitment slots, Raven-replenish rate and growth, Serpent-more trade income and money, Eagle-Winds of Magic and research).
The third way to fill up the bar would be similar to the Nakai mechanic: when you don't want to occupy or sack a settlement, you could raze it to dedicate to one of the four gods, and in doing so you could create a vassal faction per each god (Cult of the Hound, Cult of the Raven, Cult of the Serpent, Cult of the Eagle).


Not much to say here, but allowing Norscan factions to get only the Marauder units from each god would make for a easy way to spice up the roster without diving too much in copying WoC. And you would not be getting the promotion mechanic WoC has. Also, the units would be locked up in the Faith mechanic, and the Marauder Chieftain lord could get a mutual exclusive choice if he wants to boost one god in particular.
Talking about Lord, we need at least two normal lords to have some company for the Chieftain: my proposals would be a Fimir Lord and one between a buffed Werekin or a buffed up Shaman.
Other units added would expand the Fimir and the Kurgan side of Norsca (so, more cavalry).


Now, hear me out: we can get two legendary lords here without any effort, and a notable mention (because he'd feel better suited in the WoC roster imho). Starting with the notable mention:
1 - Sayl the Faithless: self-explanatory, having a Kurgan and sorcerer lord starting in the East would spice things up a bit for the Norscans, but giving his lore, I'd rather put him into WoC, which are more suited for him.
And for the two actual lords:
1 - Mòna Mimn: the Fimir matriarch would be amazing, opening up a direct confrontation with the Empire and Bretonnia, starting in the Wasteland. She could also bring up Fenbeasts with her and would be a better suited sorcerer lord for Norsca than Sayl. According to lore, she seems to be able to mess with Herdstones, so as a lord mechanic she could colonize Beastmen hunting grounds even after the ritual. Only problem is that she doesn't have any legendary items that I know of.
2 - Adella of the Thousand Mouths: if you don't know her, I don't blame you. She (like Mòna tbh) comes from the Lustria supplement of WFRP 4th edition, and she's the current "King" of Skeggi. Another sorcerer lord (and blessed by Tzeentch), she's got at least one item (Sword of Warping) and would open the Lustria bowl to Norscans (and provide a decent sparring partner to both Mazdamundi and Morathi). By opening up Skeggi, as a lord mechanic she'd have a bonus to relations with Bretonnia, Empire and Southern Realms and maybe be able to recruit some of their units (if Southern Realms actually drop), as all three factions (despite having boots on the ground already as New World Colonies, Markus and Alberic) in lore use Skeggi as an arriving point for their explorers and settlers for the New World and in doing so they actually "tolerate" the fact that Norscans worship their gods there.


It needs fixes and a touch up for sure, maybe an expansion in monsters, but it's not that bad imho. 

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5 months ago
Apr 15, 2024, 9:20:21 PM

I'd also like to see a some kind of raiding mechanic as Norscans and Kurgans are famous for sea and land raiding around the world, maybe similar to the Vampire Coast's pieces of 8 quests. Also maybe some kind of Werekin LL would be out of left field but a very interesting to how Norsca plays. Also Skinwolves are some of my favorite units in any of the chaos aligned rosters.

Also Sayl the Faithless should absolutely be a Norscan lord, he is a specifically Kurgan character who's schtick is war mammoths. In the the Tamurkhan book he leads the mostly Kurgan chaos undivided portion of Tamurkhan's army and ends up assuming de facto leadership for the entirety of the non Nurgle and Dawi Zarr forces as Tamurkhan slowly goes insane during the march to Nuln. The force he leads at the battle of Nuln is a horde of Kurgan horses and War Mammoths that get the farthest of any of the chaos forces before being shot to pieces by the Ironsides and riverside artillery.

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 3:35:55 AM

LL: Sayl the Faithless

LH:  Beorg Bearstruck

L: Fimir Meargh

H: Horsemaster Hero

Hung Archers

Hung Horse Archers

Chaos Ogres

Chaos Fenbeast

Curs'd Ettin

Race is renamed to "Northmen" or "Tribes of Chaos".

Infantry marauders/berserkers/champions/hunters renamed to Norscan.  (i.e. Norscan Berserkers, Norscan Hunters, etc.)

Horsemen/Horsemasters/Chariots renamed to Kurgan.  (i.e. Kurgan Horsemen, Kurgan Horsemasters, etc)

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 7:47:31 AM
DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

LL: Sayl the Faithless

LH:  Beorg Bearstruck

L: Fimir Meargh

H: Horsemaster Hero

Hung Archers

Hung Horse Archers

Chaos Ogres

Chaos Fenbeast

Curs'd Ettin

Race is renamed to "Northmen" or "Tribes of Chaos".

Infantry marauders/berserkers/champions/hunters renamed to Norscan.  (i.e. Norscan Berserkers, Norscan Hunters, etc.)

Horsemen/Horsemasters/Chariots renamed to Kurgan.  (i.e. Kurgan Horsemen, Kurgan Horsemasters, etc)

Switch the Fenbeast with the Dreadmaw. Fenbeast should come as a DoW unit together with Thruthsayer Heroes. Instead of Hung units I'd prefer Kurgan units since tehy would be more thematic with Sayl. 

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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 8:24:17 AM

I hope CA will give Norsca some tools and changes to let them play more of a raider faction as was intended. So big movement bonus so we can attack settlements all over the world without painting the map. Also the aggression between norscan factions should be changed or a mechanic implemented to deal with it, I have not played Norsca in WH3 yet so I don't know if it is still the case but it was frustrating to always getting attacked by other norsca factions when I tried to raid the south.

And please no marked units, demons or chaos warriors for norsca! I know in some way it would make sense but imo it would be so boring if they get access to them.

CA should make Norsca / tribes of chaos their own thing.

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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 8:26:24 AM
DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

LL: Sayl the Faithless

LH:  Beorg Bearstruck

L: Fimir Meargh

H: Horsemaster Hero

Hung Archers

Hung Horse Archers

Chaos Ogres

Chaos Fenbeast

Curs'd Ettin

Race is renamed to "Northmen" or "Tribes of Chaos".

Infantry marauders/berserkers/champions/hunters renamed to Norscan.  (i.e. Norscan Berserkers, Norscan Hunters, etc.)

Horsemen/Horsemasters/Chariots renamed to Kurgan.  (i.e. Kurgan Horsemen, Kurgan Horsemasters, etc)

That would be great but I would hope CA goes the full way and also tweaks the voice lines of the units to show the different origins.

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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 8:53:06 AM

huh funny you forgot to add Rhinox as monstrous cav units. They would also make a good additon although I don't think the Empire needs ANOTHER hostile LL starting in its borders. Vlad, Drycha, Khazrak, Festus, The Changeling is quite a lot. Be'lakor, Kimmler, Azhag, Skragg, Azazel and Wulfrick tend to show up shortly afterwards as well so its packed for enemies as is

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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 9:57:28 AM
Gangstamonkey214#3448 wrote:

huh funny you forgot to add Rhinox as monstrous cav units. They would also make a good additon although I don't think the Empire needs ANOTHER hostile LL starting in its borders. Vlad, Drycha, Khazrak, Festus, The Changeling is quite a lot. Be'lakor, Kimmler, Azhag, Skragg, Azazel and Wulfrick tend to show up shortly afterwards as well so its packed for enemies as is

Why would you add Ogre units to Norsca? Makes no sense at all... 

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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 10:34:55 AM
Slayer_Yannir#8069 wrote:

I'd like for one of the Northmen/Tribes-factions to not be Chaos-aligned. 

And keep any Chaos references out of the unit names.

There is a whole race like that. It's called Kislev.

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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 10:42:16 AM
Slayer_Yannir#8069 wrote:

I'd like for one of the Northmen/Tribes-factions to not be Chaos-aligned. 

And keep any Chaos references out of the unit names.

Non-chaos Norsca os Oldhammer and retconned. Doesn't also quite fit into the Race. What we need is a Kurgan LL like Sayl. 

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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 11:23:03 AM

Cool ideas but I do not like the idea of giving settlements to an AI faction exactly like Nakai does. It brings so much problems...

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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 12:14:01 PM

Whatever they add for Norsca, I hope they are actual units for Norsca and not just WoC d-list units thrown in for the sake of adding them

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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 12:38:12 PM
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Switch the Fenbeast with the Dreadmaw. Fenbeast should come as a DoW unit together with Thruthsayer Heroes.

The Truthsayer version of the Fenbeast should come as a DoW unit.

The Dark Emmisary version of the unit should come as a Norsca unit.

Dreadmaw belongs to Khuresh.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Why would you add Ogre units to Norsca? Makes no sense at all... 

Chaos Ogres make perfect sense for Throgg.

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 12:41:09 PM
DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Switch the Fenbeast with the Dreadmaw. Fenbeast should come as a DoW unit together with Thruthsayer Heroes.

The Truthsayer version of the Fenbeast should come as a DoW unit.

The Dark Emmisary version of the unit should come as a Norsca unit.

Dreadmaw belongs to Khuresh.

There is no Khuresh and never will be, so might as well add it to Norsca aka the Monster bash Race. Dread Maws populate the northern chaos wastes after all. Give me Sayl Al Gaib and his army of Chaos Worms!

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5 months ago
Apr 16, 2024, 1:16:14 PM
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
There is no Khuresh and never will be, so might as well add it to Norsca aka the Monster bash Race. Dread Maws populate the northern chaos wastes after all. Give me Sayl Al Gaib and his army of Chaos Worms!

I imagine we won’t see the Dread Maw at all considering it has loose ties at best to any race and would be awkward to model and animate for TW.

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5 months ago
Apr 17, 2024, 10:00:26 PM
Passthechips#4366 wrote:
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
There is no Khuresh and never will be, so might as well add it to Norsca aka the Monster bash Race. Dread Maws populate the northern chaos wastes after all. Give me Sayl Al Gaib and his army of Chaos Worms!

I imagine we won’t see the Dread Maw at all considering it has loose ties at best to any race and would be awkward to model and animate for TW.

My honest guess? I bet the Dreadmaw could come as the big bad T5 monster for Dark Elves, considering the faction's got some units reptilian adjacent

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 9:53:38 AM

and What If we would get some good alignment Norsca?
Not against lore if I am correct,not all of them worships chaos gods.
Or a mechanic where you can switch your alignment that would bring some fresh choices and moves to them.

Anyway some new changes would not hurt :)

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