Who's your favourite Legendary Lord in TW:WH and Why?

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 12:02:53 PM

Hi again all, 

Following on from last post about your favourite unit in the game right now and why, I was also curious what your favourite Legendary Lord choice is in the game and why that is?

Much same as before i'll go first;

Archaon the Everchosen

Perhaps a bit of a "boring" choice to some :D but i have always loved the visual design of this character and how he is this unstoppable force of evil in the wider Warhammer World - the black armour, horned helmet and the burning sword all just add to the "Awesome at being evil" vibe he gives off as the Everchosen of Chaos. Since Champions of Chaos DLC release too, I really enjoy the way the Warriors of Chaos faction plays now. I was never a fan of the horde setup he had as it was very hard to never lose a battle that way, and now being able to upgrade and progress my units in his army, seeing them eventually become Chosen, etc. (I'm a player who really likes to try and keep my units alive in TW campaigns so for me this helps even more to build reason around keeping valued units in games) and being able to upgrade my heroes into more badass versions to accompany his armies i've also really enjoyed. Also being able to get the Swords of Chaos RoR almost right away with him makes it a lot of fun to immediately start steamrolling in campaigns now :P. I wasn't happy that he "won" the End Times, but i do think he's a very badass character so he's top of my list overall :)

I've also always loved his miniature so here's a look at my own. :) I have him on Dorghar too but haven't finished painting that one yet. I put Crom next to him as these are 2 of my only 3 remaining Warhammer Fantasy minis I own (until Old World rerelease)

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 12:23:20 PM
CA_Archimedes#9221 wrote:

Hi again all, 

Following on from last post about your favourite unit in the game right now and why, I was also curious what your favourite Legendary Lord choice is in the game and why that is?

Much same as before i'll go first;

Archaon the Everchosen

Perhaps a bit of a "boring" choice to some :D but i have always loved the visual design of this character and how he is this unstoppable force of evil in the wider Warhammer World - the black armour, horned helmet and the burning sword all just add to the "Awesome at being evil" vibe he gives off as the Everchosen of Chaos. Since Champions of Chaos DLC release too, I really enjoy the way the Warriors of Chaos faction plays now. I was never a fan of the horde setup he had as it was very hard to never lose a battle that way, and now being able to upgrade and progress my units in his army, seeing them eventually become Chosen, etc. (I'm a player who really likes to try and keep my units alive in TW campaigns so for me this helps even more to build reason around keeping valued units in games) and being able to upgrade my heroes into more badass versions to accompany his armies i've also really enjoyed. Also being able to get the Swords of Chaos RoR almost right away with him makes it a lot of fun to immediately start steamrolling in campaigns now :P. I wasn't happy that he "won" the End Times, but i do think he's a very badass character so he's top of my list overall :)

I've also always loved his miniature so here's a look at my own. :) I have him on Dorghar too but haven't finished painting that one yet. I put Crom next to him as these are 2 of my only 3 remaining Warhammer Fantasy minis I own (until Old World rerelease)

The Monkey King ;)

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 12:34:48 PM

Thats a hard question, there are so many good ones. 

Archon is great the archetypal badguy of the fantasy verse and his model is somewhere in my closet and it is awesome. Easily the best WoC lord to play as well after the updates he is fun if entirely a bit to OP to become my favorite. But for Archon it is in theme to be OP so I'm not really complaining.

Next up is N'kari a monsterous slaanesh creature whose goal it is to enslave all the elves of the donut how can that not be fun and he is a fresh with WH3. Always had a soft spot for slaanesh, and with N'kari CA did a great job bringing them to life. Easily the best new lord in WH3 but still not a contestant in top three.

Third and he nearly made it to the top is my boy Karl, Archon's reverse the archetypal good guy. Played more campaigns of Karl than probably all the other lords on this list and it is still my go to campaign for testing anything since I have such a good grasp of how it should work. His campaign has become both better and much worse at the same time in WH3, the Authority system is completely out of wack these days but the challenge of fighting all the empires enemies make him such fun for the first 50ish turns!

Second and runner up is Settra, probably the coolest dude of the setting with an awesome model also somewhere among those old models in the closet and the TK head honcho. If the game allowed me to run a all chariot / cavalry army with him on his golden chariot and be effective I would probably put him at the top for pure TT nostagia. 

Best LL of WH3 and WH2 is easily Morathi what can go wrong with a slaanesh inspired dark elves combining two good things into a very good thing. She also had one of the more challenging starts in WH2 which made her much more interesting than the other DE lords. WH3 removes most of that challenge with the new slave system, trade provinces and map changes make her a bit too easy. Still my favorite but she is living on old glory.

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 12:36:43 PM

I guess that would be Vilitch the Curseling. I like his model, I like how he plays. The only thing I don't like about him is his starting position. 

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 1:10:53 PM

My first choice is Orion. He is the living avatar of kurnos. What else do I need to say :).

Runner up is Lord Skrolk. In my option he has the clearest view on the hornet rat and is one of its most passionate followers. Hope his faction will receive more love at some point in the future…Lustria campaign book… :)

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 1:17:13 PM


Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 1:22:04 PM

I love how the Sisters of Twilight ended up. While the actual models for the sisters are fairly simple, the voice work and banter they do all campaign makes them really enjoyable to play.

Plus playing a flying bomber is fun. I'm not super into lords that are forced to be mounted though, as sometimes I'd like to take them on foot, and having the sisters be a legendary lord with 2 units could have been interesting.

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 1:33:49 PM

"You are the true king of the elves, Malekith. You are the son of Aenarion, champion of the Daemon War, heir to the Phoenix Crown. It is your right by deed, merit and birth and I would give my life to see that ancient wrong reversed and your rightful position restored. As an elf I can think of no higher calling."

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 1:46:55 PM


He is very versatile as he is a wizard but has decent combat stats, has passive and active abilities that buff nearby allies. Also flies, is very fast and can support anywhere in the battle, thanks to the fact that he is mounted on Skullmuncha, a Wyvern with poisoned attacks that causes terror.

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 1:53:49 PM

Mechanically and design-wise, Sisters of Twilight, any day of the week. WE are probably my favorite faction, to begin with (thought the competition is stiff), and they are the most interesting WE Legendary Lord(s).

I also have a soft spot of Nakai, even though his campaign mechanics and personal prowess need several mods to get him to a working state. In general though, I just like LLs that changed up the status quo of a race or provided an different play-style from the rest, so Vlad (playing him as Friendly Neighborhood Vladdie Daddie and getting in the good graces of the Order races by fighting Norsca and Greenskins was my go-to playstyle in the first two games), Ikit (bringing out the mad science aspect of the Skaven instead of the "we have reserves" rusher they were in OG TWW2), Alith Anar (that ambush stance was so broken on him at release), Repanse and her crusade mechanics taking her out of the Old World, and both Grom and Eltharion, with their fun personal and campaign mechanics.

It's unfortunate that I can't pick any favorites from the third game, but to be fair, it has yet to do any LLs that greatly expand and/or redefine the way their faction plays, and no, dumping LLs into lore-implausible locations just to give them different factions to fight than usual doesn't count.

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 2:00:38 PM

I'm torn between Malus Darkblade and Morathi.

Morathi is one of the most ancient and evil character of the setting, she's quite an interesting character. Wish her ingame model wasn't missing the sword though, it's been bugged since WH2.

Malus, the edgiest edgelord of all because I really liked his novels and the banter between him and Tz'arkan on the campaign map is great. I also like his focus on Cold Ones even though it's not as much as I would like.

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 2:04:49 PM

Lots of great choices here again too :)

Wurzzag and Azhag are both very cool yeah - although Grimgor is still my favourite Orc :D

Malus is cool too, his mechanic is quite unique compared to most other lords i think :)

Keep 'em coming all :)

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 2:13:19 PM

Skarbrand the Exiled: Khorne is my favorite of the 4 Gods and Skarbrand probably has the funnest campaign of any Lord i've played. 

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 2:14:23 PM
XxXScorpionXxX#2310 wrote:

Skarbrand the Exiled: Khorne is my favorite of the 4 Gods and Skarbrand probably has the funnest campaign of any Lord i've played. 

Skarbrand is defo my favourite Lord in the Chaos Gods rosters for sure. He just looks so rad. :)

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8 months ago
Nov 3, 2023, 2:24:45 PM

Astragoth, who doesn't like a senile magic wielding cyborg going around doing haymakers to anyone that gets in his way?

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