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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 9:33:50 AM

I keep seeing all these rumors, and in the article I keep seeing the words “fans clamoring for Star Wars”. Am I out of the loop?  The only thing I see fans asking for are historical titles that feel extremely overdue and fixing Warhammer. So, help me get a small inclination as to what you all are looking forward to please, thanks. 

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 9:40:26 AM

Im really not interest in star wars. i dont think it would translate into total war and disney have ruined the franchise in any case.

tbh most of the rumours don't appeal much to me. 40k would be interesting but id much rather WH3 felt complete before CA moved on to 40k. Id be pretty disappointed if we didnt get Neferata, Thanquol, Nagash, Snagla, Cult of Ulric DLC, evil Bretonnia DLC, VC bloodlines DLC etc

ME 3 would be cool though. If it was me organising things at CA, I would have a team doing a historical TW (probably ME3) and a team churning out WH3 DLC

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 9:56:22 AM

damon40000#7640 wrote:

I welcome all possible Total war games. My only wish that there would be no presence of latest SW trilogy in that game/

I can't see that they'll do that anyway. Resistance vs First Order has even less to give to a TW formula than Rebels vs Empire. 

It's Clone Wars or bust for me

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 10:22:38 AM

17th century set in almost the entire world, excluding Siberia, Oceania and parts of inland Africa. Never gonna happen though.

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 10:43:19 AM

As a Warhammer Fantasy fan, I just want my TW Warhammer 3 to feel complete. If, and only if, I think the Warhammer Fantasy World is full with all the characters and factions that are missing, I would consider buying Total War Warhammer 40k and, maybe, some historical title. I'm not interested in Star Wars at all.

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 11:10:40 AM

​I'd like a Medieval 2.5. Medieval 2 but with Three Kingdoms/Troy/Pharaoh-level graphics and UI. Or better if the rumors about a new engine turn out to be true. Also with expanded rosters/campaign map/factions and interesting battle maps.

I feel like any sort of new "mechanics" or shortcuts taken would ruin the core gameplay. Or they need to be really toned down, keeping in mind realism and historical fidelity. I want to play medieval armies, not medieval armies with magical popup towers and pocket ladders. 

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 11:20:35 AM
I welcome a worthy successor for Empire at War. Made almost twenty years back and it is still the best we have for a Star Wars strategy game.

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 11:20:37 AM

​I think people are hyping things without looking at the information sources.


There is only one source who say star wars total war is coming, but somehow makes no mention of empire 2. And claims 40k total war is only a testbed. Which would be the most un-wise thing ever, as the 40k fanbase is beyond autistic and will buy any DLC you put under their nose.


If warhammer 123 total war was as successful in reviving a dead piece of warhammer lore, then 40k is going to be an insane cashcow, beyond what warhammer 123 were capable of achieving.


Let’s just hope they listen to the fans and make sure it is fun to play. 

I pray they don’t make anymore horde factions and instead continue to add depth and complexity to the campaign experience through extra resource management. 

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 12:33:47 PM

I've never seen anyone asking for Total War Star Wars.

But Sega DID have that huge poll, like, last year, where they asked fans a ton of questions and some of them were about what kinds of licenses we'd like to see for Total War.  Pretty sure things like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings was on it.  So, maybe it did really high on that poll.

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 12:47:57 PM

If SW is indeed coming, then the decision was taken several months or even years before that poll.

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 1:18:38 PM

I mean we need a change to the game. 

Historic titles dont cut it anymore... its blobs vrs blobs. 

Medieval 3 if done properly is the only historical titles most of us want.

 A new fantasy or gun warfare game will be a massive breath of fresh air and it will make CA work, all they have done for the past 10 years is copy pasta... 

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 2:26:15 PM

Curropepe#9454 wrote:

As a Warhammer Fantasy fan, I just want my TW Warhammer 3 to feel complete. If, and only if, I think the Warhammer Fantasy World is full with all the characters and factions that are missing, I would consider buying Total War Warhammer 40k and, maybe, some historical title. I'm not interested in Star Wars at all.

Same. I see no point in investing into another huge project from them if they're just going to abandon it once they can no longer get away with anti consumer practices. I just don't understand why they blew up the WH2 monetization model it was working, regular content updates every 3-4 months. Everyone was happy, the Youtubers were pumping out content. They had a good thing and they blew it all up. Unless they fix and finish WH3 I have no interest in their future products.

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 2:26:26 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

I've never seen anyone asking for Total War Star Wars.

But Sega DID have that huge poll, like, last year, where they asked fans a ton of questions and some of them were about what kinds of licenses we'd like to see for Total War.  Pretty sure things like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings was on it.  So, maybe it did really high on that poll.

It did pop up from time to time, bur was never prominent. In fact that regard, a LotR TW was far more often requested. 

But then again, people request sometimes quite absurd TW's (TW Warcraft for example).

The thing which makes this curious for me that it implies that CA does SW and 40K at the same time, more or less.

This is what makes me so skeptical about the claims.

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 4:48:20 PM

L2Sambora#6260 wrote:

I keep seeing all these rumors, and in the article I keep seeing the words “fans clamoring for Star Wars”. Am I out of the loop?  The only thing I see fans asking for are historical titles that feel extremely overdue and fixing Warhammer. So, help me get a small inclination as to what you all are looking forward to please, thanks. 

I wouldn't trust anything written by gaming journalists, especially with more and more of the articles being written by ai anyway.

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 5:21:18 PM

XxXScorpionXxX#2310 wrote:
I just don't understand why they blew up the WH2 monetization model it was working, regular content updates every 3-4 months.

Regular content updates every 3-4 months? What are you even talking about?

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 6:27:37 PM

In my dreams the next title is Medieval 3 with a new engine that actually works decently with melee combat, while support continues for WH3 for a couple of years until its time for Warhammer 40k.

What I think we'll get is something else except that Warhammer 40k is very likely coming eventually.

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 7:50:49 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

I've never seen anyone asking for Total War Star Wars.

But Sega DID have that huge poll, like, last year, where they asked fans a ton of questions and some of them were about what kinds of licenses we'd like to see for Total War.  Pretty sure things like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings was on it.  So, maybe it did really high on that poll.

That’s why I made the poll because I don’t hear people asking for it, but then again I don’t talk to the entire community 

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