Total War: Star Wars in development

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 1:27:02 PM

If this is true, is very unexpected, and kind of a disappointment,  40K is far better than Star wars, and billions time better then disney Star Wars

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 2:03:37 PM

I don't particularly care about the Star Wars Universe much, but I always thought that it is a great setting for video games. Star Wars and Strategy games work well together, I'm hoping it's real.

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 2:06:28 PM

Wow, totally unexpected!/s

Don't worry, Star Wars being in development doesn't mean 40K is not. In fact, it's almost certainly in a much more advanced state than SW.

Yurisusuki#3719 wrote:

If this is true, is very unexpected, and kind of a disappointment,  40K is far better than Star wars, and billions time better then disney Star Wars

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 3:28:29 PM

Actually there might be 0 historical games in development if the recent rumours about the WWI game are true.

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 3:43:20 PM

Sheikh_Nimr#9382 wrote:

Actually there might be 0 historical games in development if the recent rumours about the WWI game are true.

What rumour? Last I heard the WW1 was still coming but there was problems...and that it'll launch after 40k.

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 3:44:52 PM

According to Legend, it has been postponed indefinitely. Not sure how reliable his source is, though.

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 4:12:01 PM

like with any rumour, I’m nowhere near convinced any of this is confirmed, they just point at possibilities. None of the ex employees or TW YouTubers have a great record, so we will see.

I imagine now the games most likely to succeed are proven big sellers like WH and 3K or already big franchises like Star Wars or other examples suited to the TW format.

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 6:11:24 PM

Every article I've seen has Dualshocker as a source and according to Dualshocker it's from their "reliable source" which is incredibly vague. Sounds like bullshit to me.

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 6:34:52 PM

Does this come from Dualshocker which claims that 3 TW games are in development? 

either the term "development" is used very lose, or we are asked to belive that CA works on 3 TW's at the same time. 

Save to say that I don't Believe it.

Not that I would dislike a TW SW games (even thou EaW wasn't bad and has similarities with TW), I just don't think that CA works on that and 2 other Major TW games at the same time.

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 6:48:07 PM

I'd love a star wars game, through I'm not entirely sure which era it would be to work and have much diversity... Its not like the Rebels should ever be a viable actual threat to the empire in a straight fight, so it would need to be clone wars or very low scale.. still I'm open to see it.

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 7:23:42 PM
Lets think about a TW SW for a bit:
who are the starting factions? Can you get 4 Starting factions for a TW SW?
EaW had 2 (rebels and Empire) and with a lot of freedom back in the day, made a 3rd one up for the expansion.
For 40k it is no Problem to have 4 starting races for a whole trilogy, each new game with 4 new races.
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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 7:36:09 PM

I was going to avoid CA games after warhammer fantasy but this really seals the deal.

I am not a star wars fan and as such i struggle to see how they are supposed to ever get enough different factions into such a game i cant see such a game succeed.

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 11:41:37 PM

Bring on the old republic era

crimsonsun#1168 wrote:

I'd love a star wars game, through I'm not entirely sure which era it would be to work and have much diversity... Its not like the Rebels should ever be a viable actual threat to the empire in a straight fight, so it would need to be clone wars or very low scale.. still I'm open to see it.

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4 months ago
May 20, 2024, 8:31:26 PM

SiWI#8629 wrote:
Lets think about a TW SW for a bit:
who are the starting factions? Can you get 4 Starting factions for a TW SW?
EaW had 2 (rebels and Empire) and with a lot of freedom back in the day, made a 3rd one up for the expansion.

Keeping it relevant to the current time period in SW media, so starting in 5 ABY:


The New Republic

Mon Mothma, The Republic Senate, Corellia

Leila Organa, The Republic Fleet, D'Qar

The Empire

Rae Sloane, The Imperial Remnant, Unknown Regions

Gallius Rax, The Shadow Council, Horde starting in the Vulpinus Nebula

Ardus Kaine, The Pentastar Alignment, Ord Trasi

Independent Worlds

Cham Syndulla, Ryloth, Ryloth

???, Kashyyyk, Kashyyyk

Bo Katan Kryze, The Mandalorians, Horde Faction which receives penalties until it retakes Mandalore (then gets bonuses, ala Clan Angrund).


???, Confederacy of Corporate Systems, Vortara

???, New Separatist Union, Eredden Prime

Crime Syndicates

The Twins, Hutt Clan, Nal Hutta 

Eleodie Maracavanya,Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya, Horde Faction


Chiss Ascendancy


Whatever threat exists in the Unknown Regions which prompted the Chiss to ally with The Empire in the first place.

And of course, we can't forget the inevitable Gungan DLC...

Prequel-era would be pretty straightforward too as it wasn't actually just a simple Republic vs Separatists fight. Probably better faction diversity in that era too.

Updated 4 months ago.
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