It seems like no one else is going to do it, so I will.

Copied to clipboard!
a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 6:08:54 AM

Caravans are in a great place for Grand Cathay now! There are new traits for the Caravan Masters and new army compositions as well! The new destinations are pretty cool and can provide units and items that work really well with the army that was sent there. There's even an army with an Alchemist in there! Very nice. 

With a little forethought, I was able to get the item from Nuln along with a Hellstorm Rocket Battery to go along with my gunpowder units from the base army! Love it! I actually find myself deleting starting caravan units in anticipation of getting better units along the way. That was never the case before. I had always been so terrified of facing anything that attacked me after a certain time, that deleting a Peasant unit was out of the question. Not anymore! It's not a walk in the park, though (I've had to make some dark choices...) but it doesn't feel like a mechanic that should be avoided by a certain turn. 

I have fallen back in love with Grand Cathay again! Great work! 

P.S. I got a unit of Things in the Woods! I love Things in the Woods! 

P.P.S. I want a monstrous infantry unit like Things in the Woods for Grand Cathay. Not from an identity standpoint, but the archetype itself. I know. I know. A lot of people want Ogres and or Terracotta Warriors as monstrous infantry. Those people are entitled wrong. The only monstrous infantry archetype better than their archetype, are the ones that move really close to the ground. 

Updated a day ago.
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20 hours ago
Oct 21, 2024, 8:11:52 PM

Good that you like them, but aren't caravans getting worse in late game? And you can't add heroes to caravans anymore.

Great Bastion ''mechanic'' could use a rework too or just a map expansion north of the wall.

with that being said, CA is doing good work.

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20 hours ago
Oct 21, 2024, 8:38:40 PM

Sagez#6761 wrote:

Good that you like them, but aren't caravans getting worse in late game? And you can't add heroes to caravans anymore.

Great Bastion ''mechanic'' could use a rework too or just a map expansion north of the wall.

with that being said, CA is doing good work.

I've never had issues with Caravans in the late game, even before they improved them in the 5.2 patch.

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15 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 1:23:20 AM

Sagez#6761 wrote:

Good that you like them, but aren't caravans getting worse in late game? And you can't add heroes to caravans anymore.

Great Bastion ''mechanic'' could use a rework too or just a map expansion north of the wall.

with that being said, CA is doing good work.

Grand Cathay is pretty strong at tier-three. Every variation of Jade Warrior is still relevant by turn 150. From there it just a matter of bolstering that base with your specialized Caravan Master. Then further enhancing your army by sending them to destinations that have units that support them even further. There's a specific caravan composition that has an Alchemist in it from the start. 

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15 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 1:43:59 AM

You playing Miao Ying/Zhao Ming or Yuan Bo.

Yuan Bo now is fun to play though he seems a little bit op.

Miao Ying & Zhao Ming are just boring, considering they actually have none unique mechanics, totally agreeing with Sagez.

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14 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 1:57:43 AM

kaiki#4128 wrote:

You playing Miao Ying/Zhao Ming or Yuan Bo.

Yuan Bo now is fun to play though he seems a little bit op.

Miao Ying & Zhao Ming are just boring, considering they actually have none unique mechanics, totally agreeing with Sagez.

The Caravan mechanic is universal (as of now) for all of Grand Cathay. 

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14 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 2:13:07 AM

Funzo#7954 wrote:

kaiki#4128 wrote:

You playing Miao Ying/Zhao Ming or Yuan Bo.

Yuan Bo now is fun to play though he seems a little bit op.

Miao Ying & Zhao Ming are just boring, considering they actually have none unique mechanics, totally agreeing with Sagez.

The Caravan mechanic is universal (as of now) for all of Grand Cathay. 

Yes, but that is Carhay's mechanic, not LL's, like Matters of State of Yuan Bo.

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13 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 3:52:38 AM

Funzo#7954 wrote:

I actually find myself deleting starting caravan units in anticipation of getting better units along the way. That was never the case before. I had always been so terrified of facing anything that attacked me after a certain time, that deleting a Peasant unit was out of the question. Not anymore! It's not a walk in the park, though (I've had to make some dark choices...) but it doesn't feel like a mechanic that should be avoided by a certain turn. 

P.P.S. I want a monstrous infantry unit like Things in the Woods for Grand Cathay. Not from an identity standpoint, but the archetype itself. I know. I know. A lot of people want Ogres and or Terracotta Warriors as monstrous infantry. Those people are entitled wrong. The only monstrous infantry archetype better than their archetype, are the ones that move really close to the ground. 

1. Deleting a friendly unit isn't dark.  It just means you're sending those peasants back to their farms.  You're doing them a favor!

2. So what you're saying is you want 4-legged monstrous infantry?

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11 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 5:33:49 AM

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

Funzo#7954 wrote:

I actually find myself deleting starting caravan units in anticipation of getting better units along the way. That was never the case before. I had always been so terrified of facing anything that attacked me after a certain time, that deleting a Peasant unit was out of the question. Not anymore! It's not a walk in the park, though (I've had to make some dark choices...) but it doesn't feel like a mechanic that should be avoided by a certain turn. 

P.P.S. I want a monstrous infantry unit like Things in the Woods for Grand Cathay. Not from an identity standpoint, but the archetype itself. I know. I know. A lot of people want Ogres and or Terracotta Warriors as monstrous infantry. Those people are entitled wrong. The only monstrous infantry archetype better than their archetype, are the ones that move really close to the ground. 

1. Deleting a friendly unit isn't dark.  It just means you're sending those peasants back to their farms.  You're doing them a favor!

2. So what you're saying is you want 4-legged monstrous infantry?

Deleting a Peasant unit is one thing. Suffering from attrition after fighting a battle, only to be confronted by Ogres and their "demands" is something entirely different. 

Two-legged or four-legged doesn't matter the profile is what matters. Skin Wolves are particularly good at killing cavalry specifically. The fact that they are roughly the same height as the cavalry they are killing, makes it difficult for missile units to offer any support. It's a bonus that doesn't show up in a unit card, but makes a huge difference in the outcome of their engagements. Mournguls are even lower to the ground making them even harder to shoot while in combat. Regular monstrous infantry have to fight against infantry while being in the face at point-blank range. 

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9 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 7:16:54 AM

Funzo#7954 wrote:
wo-legged or four-legged doesn't matter the profile is what matters. Skin Wolves are particularly good at killing cavalry specifically. The fact that they are roughly the same height as the cavalry they are killing, makes it difficult for missile units to offer any support. It's a bonus that doesn't show up in a unit card, but makes a huge difference in the outcome of their engagements. Mournguls are even lower to the ground making them even harder to shoot while in combat. Regular monstrous infantry have to fight against infantry while being in the face at point-blank range.

So you want monstrous infantry that's really tiny just so you can deploy gunpowder units right behind them and shoot into melee without having to think about positioning. In other words, you want to dumb the game down so you can be lazy.

Yeah no.

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8 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 8:08:36 AM

The Caravan mecanic need to be improved :

- We need to be able to choose what units we want in the caravan, and be able to change them

- We need more different event and ennemis, not only Ogres...

- It could be a good idea to do the travel in both ways (go to Marienburg for example, then come back!)

- There are a problem linked with confederation, because when you start, there are plenty of caravans around the world, but when you confederate a faction, the world lose one caravan... at the end, you have only one caravan in the same time... it's a problem !

- I think we could have more destination, some of them could be unlock after completing some others or if you have some special diplomacy with very far away countries.

- I think Miao Yin need something special and unique about the Great Bastion, and for Zhao Ming he could have a speciality about caravans ! these two Legendary Lord need something unique, Yuan Bo is too OP compared to them... it's a shame

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6 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 10:21:10 AM

Player#80942 wrote:
We need more different event and ennemis, not only Ogres...

Caravans are attacked by all sorts of enemies, not just ogres.

Player#80942 wrote:
- There are a problem linked with confederation, because when you start, there are plenty of caravans around the world, but when you confederate a faction, the world lose one caravan... at the end, you have only one caravan in the same time... it's a problem !

I mean, d'uh? You confederate with a faction that would be a target for your caravan so of course now it's gone.

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5 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 11:52:48 AM

Ok let me try explain better :

When you start a campaign, there are 9 cathayans factions, so 9 caravans in the world.

After few turns, with confederation or destroyed factions, you have less caravans than before.

At the end when every Cathayans factions are confederated or destroyed, you have only one caravans available in the same time... Do you see the problem?

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an hour ago
Oct 22, 2024, 3:18:13 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Funzo#7954 wrote:
wo-legged or four-legged doesn't matter the profile is what matters. Skin Wolves are particularly good at killing cavalry specifically. The fact that they are roughly the same height as the cavalry they are killing, makes it difficult for missile units to offer any support. It's a bonus that doesn't show up in a unit card, but makes a huge difference in the outcome of their engagements. Mournguls are even lower to the ground making them even harder to shoot while in combat. Regular monstrous infantry have to fight against infantry while being in the face at point-blank range.

So you want monstrous infantry that's really tiny just so you can deploy gunpowder units right behind them and shoot into melee without having to think about positioning. In other words, you want to dumb the game down so you can be lazy.

Yeah no.

Wait. Are you purposely being obtuse or are you just living in a different reality? There's nothing in that comment to even suggest that, that is what I want. 

If you could somehow harness that wild imagination (or those potent hallucinogenics) of yours, I'm pretty sure that you could contribute great things to humanity. As it stands...

Updated an hour ago.
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an hour ago
Oct 22, 2024, 3:22:15 PM

Player#80942 wrote:

Ok let me try explain better :

When you start a campaign, there are 9 cathayans factions, so 9 caravans in the world.

After few turns, with confederation or destroyed factions, you have less caravans than before.

At the end when every Cathayans factions are confederated or destroyed, you have only one caravans available in the same time... Do you see the problem?

That's because only Zhao Ming can natively have more than one caravan on the map at a time. 

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an hour ago
Oct 22, 2024, 3:33:38 PM

Player#80942 wrote:

The Caravan mecanic need to be improved :

- We need to be able to choose what units we want in the caravan, and be able to change them

- We need more different event and ennemis, not only Ogres...

- It could be a good idea to do the travel in both ways (go to Marienburg for example, then come back!)

- There are a problem linked with confederation, because when you start, there are plenty of caravans around the world, but when you confederate a faction, the world lose one caravan... at the end, you have only one caravan in the same time... it's a problem !

- I think we could have more destination, some of them could be unlock after completing some others or if you have some special diplomacy with very far away countries.

- I think Miao Yin need something special and unique about the Great Bastion, and for Zhao Ming he could have a speciality about caravans ! these two Legendary Lord need something unique, Yuan Bo is too OP compared to them... it's a shame

I do not want to travel back from my destination. You could easily find yourself sending out caravans that never return. The items are not gifted to you in perpetuity. Imagine traveling to Sylvania but never getting your money or the unique item because you got ambushed on the way back to Grand Cathay while suffering attrition in multiple places along the way. I would wager that the vast majority of players don't want that type of experience. 

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