A (hopefully) final Open Letter to CA on the State of Total Warhammer (May 21 2024)

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a month ago
May 21, 2024, 7:57:32 PM

Friends at Creative Assembly: after 2022/2023, some of us Total War fans remain bullish on whether CA can deliver - despite the apologies and apparent commitment to start chipping away at the patching backlog for Warhammer 3 in the last 6 months. But others of us (like me) are deciding for now to take you at your word. Here's hoping someone at CA sees this, too.

With various rumors flying around lately, including hints of announced end of support/new content for WH3, there's a palpable feeling that CA risks not living up to the promise we Warhammer players all bought into back in 2016. Regardless of whether they are true or not, Warhammer 3 deserves the care by your studio to not merely hotfix issues that have shown up in your recent releases, but to achieve a level of polish that the scope and quality of the game have deserved and promised. If this doesn't occur, it casts a shadow on future projects. Here is a listing of things that I feel speak for the game, if not all the players of it: 

1 - First and foremost, polish the game experience itself. There are a large number of bugs and lack-of-features which have been with us since the start of Warhammer 3; some even go back to Warhammer 2. Warhammer 3 has a superior interface that is marred by bugs or a lack of quality of life considerations. See at bottom (Appendix) for just a few things that require a minimum of effort to resolve, or otherwise have a high impact to the play experience...

2 - Almost as important as #1 -- make the game more accessible to new/novice/casual players, without wrecking us veterans. The price of entry alone (with all the DLC) is staggering at a glance, and based on my varied success at getting reluctant friends of mine to get on board with Total War, I'm sure that's turning off a lot of potential buyers. Maybe permanently discount the earlier material in a gradient that approaches full price for the newest content. Also, one of the strengths of Total Warhammer is the quality of immersion and difference of the "feel" from faction to faction, but this can be a weakness as well, especially if the mechanics to understand and manage for all factions are intimidating for new players.

3 - Last but not least... finish the job! Add ALL the remaining content that the players of various factions have been waiting (and paying) into the meantime, such as Thanquol, Verminlords, Nagash, the last two Chaos Gods, and of course any re-works of existing factions which are currently begging for it. Tomb Kings, Daemons of Chaos aka Daniel, and Vampire Counts come to mind, in particular.


- Fix the campaign bug where some building upgrades aren't picked up by the notification system. This is a HUGE annoyance for every campaign by the mid game.

- Allow saving of campaign configuration choices (menu) AND camera settings (in-campaign) so that players don't have to constantly re-select their preferences every New Campaign. And make both fixes work for multiplayer, as well.

- Make Immortal Empires the default campaign in the game menu. It's time.

- Fix the multiplayer lobby bug that doesn't actually filter out non-friends games.

- Build mod profile management into the launcher so that it's not such a pain to play games with different friends.

- Fix the exactly-opposite progression of provinces when clicking the L/R arrows, as well as the cancellation effect that occurs when progressing to a province with a settlement that is ruins.

- This one probably isn't easy to resolve, but it's a major fun-killer and needs love - PLEASE fix whatever is going on with units self-cancelling orders constantly in certain situations during battles (pursuit order caused by shattered units nearby, explicit shooting orders getting cancelled, etc)

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a month ago
May 21, 2024, 10:04:34 PM

Mainly complete the game. Do not end support if the game is not complete. I understand that maybe races like araby or nipon wont be added (trying to be realistic) but most players expect still more content for most races:

norsca (needs rework and more units) , korne (more lords amd unites) ,

 slanesh (lords and units), 

high and dark elves (some rework and add some missing units and more flavor,) legendary heroes etc) 

skavern (tanquol), 

empire (boris and ukic cult units), 

Ogres (complete roster)

Vampires (rework and more units)


-Also immortal Empires needs badly a chaos endgame scenario.

-And fix the bugs when the game if complete.

For a company reputation and trust is important. (we haven't forget about three kingdoms yet- that northen expansion you promised).

Hope you listen to yours costumers... 

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
May 22, 2024, 7:31:23 AM

I don't know if CA can even do that even if they wanted to. They very well may want to add as much as possible but their higher ups couldn't care less. It's all about income, not us fans of the games who want a complete game.

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a month ago
May 22, 2024, 8:02:21 AM

Jedidias1#5903 wrote:

Mainly complete the game. Do not end support if the game is not complete. I understand that maybe races like araby or nipon wont be added (trying to be realistic) but most players expect still more content for most races:

norsca (needs rework and more units) , korne (more lords amd unites) ,

 slanesh (lords and units), 

high and dark elves (some rework and add some missing units and more flavor,) legendary heroes etc) 

skavern (tanquol), 

empire (boris and ukic cult units), 

Ogres (complete roster)

Vampires (rework and more units)


-Also immortal Empires needs badly a chaos endgame scenario.

-And fix the bugs when the game if complete.

For a company reputation and trust is important. (we haven't forget about three kingdoms yet- that northen expansion you promised).

Hope you listen to yours costumers... 

I'd also like this with the addition of a Green Knight, Kreel, Sigvald and Aranessa rework. I'd also like Kolek to be remade into a colossal entity.

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a month ago
May 22, 2024, 8:29:25 AM

TheVenge#7909 wrote:

3 - Last but not least... finish the job! Add ALL the remaining content that the players of various factions have been waiting (and paying) into the meantime, such as Thanquol, Verminlords, Nagash, the last two Chaos Gods, and of course any re-works of existing factions which are currently begging for it. Tomb Kings, Daemons of Chaos aka Daniel, and Vampire Counts come to mind, in particular.

Can you elaborate? "remaining content players have been paying, such as Thanquol, Nagash..."

Are you suggesting that CA promised these LL, made you ay for it and didn't deliver?

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a month ago
May 22, 2024, 9:27:58 AM

TheVenge#7909 wrote:

Friends at Creative Assembly: after 2022/2023, some of us Total War fans remain bullish on whether CA can deliver - despite the apologies and apparent commitment to start chipping away at the patching backlog for Warhammer 3 in the last 6 months. But others of us (like me) are deciding for now to take you at your word. Here's hoping someone at CA sees this, too.

With various rumors flying around lately, including hints of announced end of support/new content for WH3, there's a palpable feeling that CA risks not living up to the promise we Warhammer players all bought into back in 2016. Regardless of whether they are true or not, Warhammer 3 deserves the care by your studio to not merely hotfix issues that have shown up in your recent releases, but to achieve a level of polish that the scope and quality of the game have deserved and promised. If this doesn't occur, it casts a shadow on future projects. Here is a listing of things that I feel speak for the game, if not all the players of it: 

1 - First and foremost, polish the game experience itself. There are a large number of bugs and lack-of-features which have been with us since the start of Warhammer 3; some even go back to Warhammer 2. Warhammer 3 has a superior interface that is marred by bugs or a lack of quality of life considerations. See at bottom (Appendix) for just a few things that require a minimum of effort to resolve, or otherwise have a high impact to the play experience...

2 - Almost as important as #1 -- make the game more accessible to new/novice/casual players, without wrecking us veterans. The price of entry alone (with all the DLC) is staggering at a glance, and based on my varied success at getting reluctant friends of mine to get on board with Total War, I'm sure that's turning off a lot of potential buyers. Maybe permanently discount the earlier material in a gradient that approaches full price for the newest content. Also, one of the strengths of Total Warhammer is the quality of immersion and difference of the "feel" from faction to faction, but this can be a weakness as well, especially if the mechanics to understand and manage for all factions are intimidating for new players.

3 - Last but not least... finish the job! Add ALL the remaining content that the players of various factions have been waiting (and paying) into the meantime, such as Thanquol, Verminlords, Nagash, the last two Chaos Gods, and of course any re-works of existing factions which are currently begging for it. Tomb Kings, Daemons of Chaos aka Daniel, and Vampire Counts come to mind, in particular.


- Fix the campaign bug where some building upgrades aren't picked up by the notification system. This is a HUGE annoyance for every campaign by the mid game.

- Allow saving of campaign configuration choices (menu) AND camera settings (in-campaign) so that players don't have to constantly re-select their preferences every New Campaign. And make both fixes work for multiplayer, as well.

- Make Immortal Empires the default campaign in the game menu. It's time.

- Fix the multiplayer lobby bug that doesn't actually filter out non-friends games.

- Build mod profile management into the launcher so that it's not such a pain to play games with different friends.

- Fix the exactly-opposite progression of provinces when clicking the L/R arrows, as well as the cancellation effect that occurs when progressing to a province with a settlement that is ruins.

- This one probably isn't easy to resolve, but it's a major fun-killer and needs love - PLEASE fix whatever is going on with units self-cancelling orders constantly in certain situations during battles (pursuit order caused by shattered units nearby, explicit shooting orders getting cancelled, etc)

how do you think historical title fans feel? Also they delivered fine up until wh3 which should’ve been their prize horse but was just the cash cow 

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a month ago
May 22, 2024, 9:48:35 AM

I agree that the game needs to be finished properly. There some clear DLC which needs to happen. 

Polish the game, fix the majority of the bugs etc and just leave it in a good state before moving on.

This is by far CA's biggest project. It's their only trilogy, it has hundreds of pounds/ dollars worth of DLC - no other title they've ever released has come close, and the way CA are going, no future title might match WH trilogy. Out of professional pride, CA should make sure the game is done justice

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a month ago
May 24, 2024, 10:16:38 AM

Steph#6413 wrote:

TheVenge#7909 wrote:

3 - Last but not least... finish the job! Add ALL the remaining content that the players of various factions have been waiting (and paying) into the meantime, such as Thanquol, Verminlords, Nagash, the last two Chaos Gods, and of course any re-works of existing factions which are currently begging for it. Tomb Kings, Daemons of Chaos aka Daniel, and Vampire Counts come to mind, in particular.

Can you elaborate? "remaining content players have been paying, such as Thanquol, Nagash..."

Are you suggesting that CA promised these LL, made you ay for it and didn't deliver?

What I meant here was that I suspect that a decent count of players have been in on the idea that they would round out the content of this world with all the characters/Lords/heroes of the full world, and in the meantime have been willing to "tread water" with content that isn't necessarily what they are waiting for, but which nonetheless serves to round out the experience.  So, in that sense, those players have been paying for the "here and now" so that the game can be rounded out.

I suppose a great many players might be only after certain Lords or factions (in terms of what they will pay for), but I am willing to bet that almost NO players desire that Warhammer 3 -- the definitive expression of this project -- has an incomplete experience.  I am certainly one of those that has been paying for each DLC (I own all but Vampirates) because I want them well funded to finish the job in entirety, and of course because most of those have content I actually want to dabble with.

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a month ago
May 24, 2024, 10:27:12 AM

L2Sambora#6260 wrote:

TheVenge#7909 wrote:

Friends at Creative Assembly: after 2022/2023, some of us Total War fans remain bullish on whether CA can deliver - despite the apologies and apparent commitment to start chipping away at the patching backlog for Warhammer 3 in the last 6 months. But others of us (like me) are deciding for now to take you at your word. Here's hoping someone at CA sees this, too.

With various rumors flying around lately, including hints of announced end of support/new content for WH3, there's a palpable feeling that CA risks not living up to the promise we Warhammer players all bought into back in 2016. Regardless of whether they are true or not, Warhammer 3 deserves the care by your studio to not merely hotfix issues that have shown up in your recent releases, but to achieve a level of polish that the scope and quality of the game have deserved and promised. If this doesn't occur, it casts a shadow on future projects. Here is a listing of things that I feel speak for the game, if not all the players of it: 

1 - First and foremost, polish the game experience itself. There are a large number of bugs and lack-of-features which have been with us since the start of Warhammer 3; some even go back to Warhammer 2. Warhammer 3 has a superior interface that is marred by bugs or a lack of quality of life considerations. See at bottom (Appendix) for just a few things that require a minimum of effort to resolve, or otherwise have a high impact to the play experience...

2 - Almost as important as #1 -- make the game more accessible to new/novice/casual players, without wrecking us veterans. The price of entry alone (with all the DLC) is staggering at a glance, and based on my varied success at getting reluctant friends of mine to get on board with Total War, I'm sure that's turning off a lot of potential buyers. Maybe permanently discount the earlier material in a gradient that approaches full price for the newest content. Also, one of the strengths of Total Warhammer is the quality of immersion and difference of the "feel" from faction to faction, but this can be a weakness as well, especially if the mechanics to understand and manage for all factions are intimidating for new players.

3 - Last but not least... finish the job! Add ALL the remaining content that the players of various factions have been waiting (and paying) into the meantime, such as Thanquol, Verminlords, Nagash, the last two Chaos Gods, and of course any re-works of existing factions which are currently begging for it. Tomb Kings, Daemons of Chaos aka Daniel, and Vampire Counts come to mind, in particular.


- Fix the campaign bug where some building upgrades aren't picked up by the notification system. This is a HUGE annoyance for every campaign by the mid game.

- Allow saving of campaign configuration choices (menu) AND camera settings (in-campaign) so that players don't have to constantly re-select their preferences every New Campaign. And make both fixes work for multiplayer, as well.

- Make Immortal Empires the default campaign in the game menu. It's time.

- Fix the multiplayer lobby bug that doesn't actually filter out non-friends games.

- Build mod profile management into the launcher so that it's not such a pain to play games with different friends.

- Fix the exactly-opposite progression of provinces when clicking the L/R arrows, as well as the cancellation effect that occurs when progressing to a province with a settlement that is ruins.

- This one probably isn't easy to resolve, but it's a major fun-killer and needs love - PLEASE fix whatever is going on with units self-cancelling orders constantly in certain situations during battles (pursuit order caused by shattered units nearby, explicit shooting orders getting cancelled, etc)

how do you think historical title fans feel? Also they delivered fine up until wh3 which should’ve been their prize horse but was just the cash cow 

I feel you, because I am myself a historical title fan.  Started my journey with Shogun 2, then have gone back and bought Empire, Medieval 2, and Napoleon, as well as Rome 2, Attila, and 3K.  In my personal life, I am a huuuuge war history buff, so historical accuracy of setting and experience are important to me, as is the idea of being able to rewrite history to a different (or same!) outcome.  I love Total War for that -- its entire line, especially and perhaps foremost, because of its historical titles.

While it's true that initially I feared Warhammer would take away from historical titles, I have come to see it as a phase, a probably-inevitable melding of Warhammer and Total War that I'm glad has brought so many years of attention and innovation (flying units, single entities, spells, etc) to the Total War experience.  But if CA doesn't finish the job, it will tarnish the whole memory of Total Warhammer for me, and perhaps more to the point... it will sour the idea of investing in any future projects CA embarks on -- historical or otherwise.

And I bet I'm not alone.

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a month ago
May 24, 2024, 1:29:53 PM

Am i the only one who finds essays written in this style a little cringe?

You aren't writing an open letter... its a forum. No one from CA is going to read this.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
May 24, 2024, 2:13:31 PM

AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

Am i the only one who finds essays written in this style a little cringe?

You aren't writing an open letter... its a forum. No one from CA is going to read this.

This is the point of a forum, to give your opinion  and hopefully, CA may take in on board. They have listened to feedback in the past so, I don't agree.

In terms of the purpose of an open letter then, this pretty much is, it's fine. The cringe factor isn't in the concept of an essay or an open letter but, rather the content,  I don't have an issue with the content either. Apart from a little over confidence in terms of what's easy in relation to what is important. There's a lot in there I personally don't attach a lot of importance to but, others may feel differently. 

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a month ago
May 24, 2024, 4:46:08 PM

AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

Am i the only one who finds essays written in this style a little cringe?

You aren't writing an open letter... its a forum. No one from CA is going to read this.

Yeah, every thread on a webboard is an open letter because anyone can read it. Prefacing posts this way only makes people sound more pretentious.

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a month ago
May 24, 2024, 6:33:59 PM

Jedidias1#5903 wrote:

Mainly complete the game. Do not end support if the game is not complete. I understand that maybe races like araby or nipon wont be added (trying to be realistic) but most players expect still more content for most races:

norsca (needs rework and more units) , korne (more lords amd unites) ,

 slanesh (lords and units), 

high and dark elves (some rework and add some missing units and more flavor,) legendary heroes etc) 

skavern (tanquol), 

empire (boris and ukic cult units), 

Ogres (complete roster)

Vampires (rework and more units)


-Also immortal Empires needs badly a chaos endgame scenario.

-And fix the bugs when the game if complete.

For a company reputation and trust is important. (we haven't forget about three kingdoms yet- that northen expansion you promised).

Hope you listen to yours costumers... 

We still have enough content in the fantasy that they could just make a warhammer 4 and maybe just expand the map and give us a few new factions and new engine features.

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a month ago
May 24, 2024, 11:13:48 PM

What makes this an open letter instead of a normal post? 

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
May 25, 2024, 3:36:38 PM

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

What makes this an open letter instead of a normal post? 

The fact that he said it's a open letter
And btw, yeas CA should finish this game, and when se said finish, is add more content that they can and are allowed to, not that "one more year left" bs

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a month ago
May 25, 2024, 6:03:49 PM

Yurisusuki#3719 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

What makes this an open letter instead of a normal post? 

The fact that he said it's a open letter
And btw, yeas CA should finish this game, and when se said finish, is add more content that they can and are allowed to, not that "one more year left" bs

I repeat, every post here is an "open letter" because anyone can read it, not just the recipient. What's the point other than to sound pretentious?

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a month ago
May 25, 2024, 7:28:23 PM

The open letter label on this forum usually means, on average, more content and more thought than your average post. Not that this rather tedious definition conversation should’ve taken up half the thread.

Things should be improved in general but, I don’t agree with what’s considered easy to do or what’s considered important to the fanbase as a whole.

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a month ago
May 29, 2024, 10:02:12 AM

Hi there, thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback - we read as many posts as we can, and we know that you'd like to see more updates and fixes. We're working on the next hotfix at the moment, and content/updates for future patches. The best place to report bugs is the bug section at the top of the Forum https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/bugs - if it's an issue that's been around for a while then there's a good chance someone else has reported it; in those cases you can search for bugs and upvote. Best, CA_Nova

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