Patch 5.0 Serious Performance Issues

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2 months ago
Apr 30, 2024, 5:40:27 PM

Hey all, I haven't played much since well before Shadows of Change was released, excluding one Zhatan campaign yesterday to get back into the feel of things in preparation for the new patch. Since downloading 5.0 I'm experiencing massive slow down, taking as long as three minutes to load into a campaign and several crashes due to Warhammer 3 not responding. 

Is anyone else noticing performance issues? 

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a month ago
May 16, 2024, 12:41:52 AM

I have today. I got the new dlc and it was working fine, then a few days ago there was another update. Mid game today my game came to a grinding halt, never had an issue before. Some small stutters but nothing where I couldn’t even move across the map. My turn time was taking double to triple the time and moving armies was impossible. I restarted my computer twice and nothing helped. I lowered my graphics to lowest possible settings, and it has helped a little. It’s very  annoying because I started all knew campgain a cause of this new update that stated old save files would not work, but I’m experiencing the same issue. 

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a month ago
May 17, 2024, 7:04:54 AM

Yeah, post 5.0 I've noticed severe slow-down on the campaign map (even just scrolling over world event notifications). Some turns are smooth as butter and others have significant stuttering and hitching.  I play cooperative campaigns with my brother quite frequently and in our latest game (post 5.0.3) we've both been encountering desync's due to hard crashes.  These seem to be triggered when spec'ing characters after a level-up or autoresolving large battles.  There doesn't appear to be anything consistently causing the crashes (reloading the campaign and following the same sequence of events doesn't replicate the crashing 100% of the time). I'm on a 12700k/3070ti/32GB RAM and he's on a 9700k/2080/32 GB RAM. Prior to 5.0 we had no issues and despite the noticeable drop in performance after ToD dropped we hadn't had crashing prior to 5.0.3.  

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
May 22, 2024, 1:51:56 PM

Hi there, sorry to hear that this has been happening. If possible could you provide more information over in the Bug section of these forums? This will help us look at what might be going on. Best, CA_Nova

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a month ago
May 22, 2024, 3:39:49 PM

I did not notice a performance drop the early turns. But past turn 100+ there is always 1 faction (usually one of the stronger ones) that stacks armies in some place and takes a really long time to end their turn. Did not happen in every campaign and the problem ends if the AI moves his armies from that place. Dark elves are usually the biggest offenders because they stack black arks trying to attack a city and they never do.

And if you try to click on your screen while the AI is doing his thing you will get the not responding pop up.

Updated a month ago.
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