Units and generals that need a nerf and a faction that need a buff

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a month ago
Jul 31, 2024, 3:13:03 PM


1.) Vlad was nerfed, fair enough, but TAMURKHAN is as insane as Vlad was, so nerf him. Killed his entiere army and he refused to give up or die and killed many of my troops although he was alone. 

2.) Bloodwrack Medusa. Steam tank was nerfed because the MP guys cried. For the same reason you should nerf the Medusa. It can kill all your infantry without going into malee. While steam Tanks takes ages to kill a unit of infantry by using its cannon the Medusa needs only two or three good hits to kill an entire unit. And while a Steam Tank is very bad in malee against monsters the Medusa can stand the ground. So pls nerf its ranged attack a little bit.

3.)  Grimgor. Same than Vlad or Thamurkhan. If you kill the complet army the genral should die faster. 

4.) Skaven nuke.


The VC need a buff as fast as possible. Instead making the OP Greenskins even more OP with the next DLC CA should buff the VC. They do not have ranged units and their flying units are not that good. The Bloodknights should - according to lore - be more powerful (appr. like Grail Knights?). 

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jul 31, 2024, 4:21:47 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Honestly VC just need a major update. They have no chance against the united Ordertide front sadly. 

They are fine against Empire in the early game which is fine. But they are terrible against late game dwarfs etc. They just feel really weak. 

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a month ago
Jul 31, 2024, 4:25:35 PM

The VCounts don’t need buffs so much as they need to be made more interesting on the campaign map. Their roster is more than capable of dealing with most threats as it stands.

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 6:45:18 AM

Empire Nerfs:

- Master Engineer: This lord type has just power creeped nearly every other generic Empire lord.

- Leadership nerfed to 65 from 75. Slightly higher than their hero counterpart. Won't matter when they take the steam tank mount. Puts greater emphasis on leadership skills when leveling up in the campaign, or keeping them out of harms way in multiplayer.  

- Nerf health to 3688 when on foot from 3854. Same as Empire Captains. They should be the least durable LL. 

- Nerf health to 4176 when on barded warhorse from 4300. Same as Empire Captains.

- Nerf armour to 45 when on foot from 50. Same as Huntsman Generals and Witch Hunters. 

- Remove missile resistance when in steam tank. Just seems unnecessary. 

- Engineer: 

Leadership nerfed to 60 from 70. Engineers are more of a stand-in for the actual tabletop Master Engineers who were heroes not lords in 8th edition. They were Ld 7 the same as State Troops, so I've lowered the Engineers Ld to match the many State Troop variants in-game. 

Nerf health to 3420 when on foot from 3548Same as Wizards. 

- Nerf health to 3848 when on barded warhorse from 3986. Same as Wizards.

- Nerf armour to 45 when on foot from 50. Same as Huntsman Generals and Witch Hunters. 

Knights of the Black Rose:

Nerf health to 116 per model from 126. Same as Reiksguard

- Remove Immune to Psychology. Reiksguard and Greatswords don't have this and they were stubborn on the tabletop.

Empire Buffs:

- Archers: 

- Buff range to 140 from 120. 120 range is pitiful and 140 would at least keep archers usable beyond the first 10 turns.

- Swordsmen:

- Buff melee defence to 34 from 32. It's pretty disappointing seeing this unit lose to chaff. Especially when they share the same tier, cost more than, and perform worse than Spearmen (Shields). This small buff should help them perform better. On the tabletop you were paying that extra point compared to Spearmen with shields for the increased WS (weapon skill) value and parry saves. Which meant you hit better and were harder to hit in close combat.

- Flagellants: 

- Reduce their SP & MP cost to 550 from 600. Way too expensive for what they offer.

- Reduce their SP upkeep cost to 138 from 150.

- Buff melee defence to 17 from 12. 12 MD was incredibly pitiful. Worse than Archers, Crossbows, and Handgunners. This increases Flagellant MD to those missile units levels. 

- Empire General: Nothing too drastic, just fixing some inconsistencies between units. 

- Buff leadership to 75 from 70. Empire General's were Ld9 with a 3D6 discard the highest in the tabletop. It seems strange they have lower leadership than Arch-lectors Ld9 and Master Engineers with Ld 7 on the tabletop.

Buff armour to 95 when on foot from 85Same as Arch-lector and Greatswords.

- Buff armour to 120 when on barded warhorse from 105. Same as Arch-lector, Reiksguard, and Knights of the Black Rose.

- Buff charge bonus to 70 when on barded warhorse from 65. Seems very strange that Empire Captains have a higher charge bonus than their lord counterparts. 

- Buff charge bonus to 85 when on imperial pegasus from 80. As above. 

Empire Captain:

- Buff leadership to 70 from 65. Same reason as Empire General's except with Ld 8 instead of 9.

Buff armour to 95 when on foot from 85. Similar to the above, doesn't seem right that a hero with full plate has less armour than Greatswords. 

- Buff armour to 120 when on barded warhorse from 105As above.

Empire Rebalance:

These aren't really necessary. I'm just tweaking things for consistency sake or changing a unit to make it more accurate to the tabletop. 


- Buff speed to 34 when on foot from 31. Seems very strange Arch-lectors are slower than Warrior Priests. 

- Buff charge speed to 41 when on foot from 39. As above. 

- Rebalance melee attack to 50 from 30 and rebalance splash max attacks to 5 from 8. This makes the difference between Arch-lectors and Warrior Priests the same as Empire Generals and Empire Captains. 

- Nerf melee defence to 35 from 55. Again, this puts their melee defence much closer to Warrior Priests with a similar difference between other lords and heroes. 

- Buff weapon strength to 270 base damage and 120 AP damage from 266 base damage and 114 AP damage. Similar to above, seems strange that Warrior Priests have higher AP damage than their lord counterparts. 

- Buff charge bonus to 30 when on foot from 26. As above. 

- Buff charge bonus to 50 when on barded warhorse from 46. As above. 

Huntsman Generals: They should be a cross between a generic version of Markus Wulfhart and Empire Generals with a longbow from the tabletop. Sadly they are the weakest Empire lord right now, so I think a rebalance is necessary. The biggest difference between the 2 Generals is one has far better armour and MD thanks to full plate and a shield while the other has a ranged attack. 

Buff health to 4068 from 3908. Same as Empire Generals. 

- Buff melee attack to 55 and splash max attacks to 8 from 43 and 5. Same as Empire Generals. 

- Buff weapon strength (melee) to 290 base damage and 140 AP damage from 270 and 90. As above.

- Give them a speed increase skill to compensate for the lack of mount options. Something like Relentless (campaign only).

- Replace standard stance with Stalking stance (campaign only). This applies to Markus as well, to make Huntsman Generals unique on the campaign map.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 5, 2024, 8:17:30 AM


Powerful enemies one have to adapt to take down are a great feature

If they nerfed Vlad to the ground making him just another samey samey vamp lord to encounter it´s a sad day for diversity 

We need the Big Baddies of the setting to be just that...Powrhouses that takes adapting to deal with.

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a month ago
Aug 5, 2024, 9:12:33 AM

Faerie_Storm#3043 wrote:

Jarms48#7854 wrote:<<

Empire Buffs:

- Archers: 

- Buff range to 140 from 120. 120 range is pitiful and 140 would at least keep archers usable beyond the first 10 turns.

>> sniped

Absolutely not. You want to give basic empire archers LONGER range then high elven archers AND then wood elven archers?!! 120 range is longer then most archer type units in the game already.

HE Archers have 180 range and glade guard 170. 140 isn't a crazy demand.

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a month ago
Aug 5, 2024, 12:13:10 PM

Faerie_Storm#3043 wrote:

Jarms48#7854 wrote:<<

Empire Buffs:

- Archers: 

- Buff range to 140 from 120. 120 range is pitiful and 140 would at least keep archers usable beyond the first 10 turns.

>> sniped

Absolutely not. You want to give basic empire archers LONGER range then high elven archers AND then wood elven archers?!! 120 range is longer then most archer type units in the game already.

What game are you playing? the only foot archer in the game that has less range than emp archers are ungor raiders

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a month ago
Aug 6, 2024, 9:46:24 AM

I agree on everything: 

  1. Vampire Counts needings buffs and new content.
  2. Tamurkhan must be nerfed as he always has been much more annoying than Vlad was.
  3. Skaven ranged and nukes needs heavy nerfs too, in table top very often more than half of skaven armies died from backfiring that caused explosions.
  4. Grimgor is too tanky and needs to be nerfed accordingly to new trends like Vlad suffered.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 8, 2024, 1:12:11 PM

Quote remark removed.

I’m inclined to agree that the VCounts do need new content, and Tamurkhan definitely should be nerfed. Skaven buffstacking could also be toned down. 

No idea what fever-dreams inspired the idea that Grimgor needs a nerf tho

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 8, 2024, 1:22:25 PM

Not sure why people are complaining about Grimgor. He's super slow with no mount so offers none of the utility of characters with a monstrous mount.

He has no magic so doesnt have any of the utility that hybrids have like Vlad

He doesn't have regen or access to healing like pretty much all tanky foot characters (Vlad, Malus, Gor'rok and Sigvald)

He doesn't have any physical resistance (eg Gor'rok or Malus)...

IF he catches the enemy, and that's a big if, he gives a good beat down but that's about it. Not sure why anyone thinks he's OP

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a month ago
Aug 8, 2024, 1:33:42 PM

I find the Deck-Dropper line for the coast are all pretty bad, and don't really build any of them...ever, as the damage they can dish out is so much less than even a couple volleys of the ground versions. Shades with duel weapons are worse than greatweapon shades in every way i've tested, and Hawk Riders still feel like they are "hybrid taxed" like many game 1 units were that could fulfill multiple roles. 

Difference between Tamurkhan and Vlad being strong, is that Tamurkhan is a huge target and much easier to kill with anti-large or range than Vlad is. 

Steam Tank was nerfed because unless you specifically built for it, you would lose, and if the enemy didn't bring a Steam Tank, you would also lose because your army was build around killing something that wasn't there. It's still incredibly strong. Bloodwrack Medusa has 30 armor, and can pretty easily be bogged down by just about any anti-large units.

Grimgor? Seriously? How is slow-ass Grimgor overpowered? He's perfectly fine.

"Skaven" don't have nukes, Ikit does. A single faction in the game having a strong weapon is fine, and makes them standout from other Skaven

This all reads like "Well MY toy was nerfed, so everyone else's should also be nerfed too!"

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