Update Ideas for Greenskins and Khorne

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2 months ago
Jul 25, 2024, 2:25:12 AM

This does not include the Ogre Kingdoms as those guys deserve an entire post of their own with how many fixes they need. I've played all greenskin lords and did a Grom and Khorne campaign recently so I'm posting this to discuss and point out issues or mechanics that I found that could perhaps do with an update in the upcoming dlc. Some of the issues are self explanatory.



- A few buildings and units unit tiers could use a balance pass.

- Waagh mechanic should be more investing than it currently is. Right now it's just three clicks and you never have to pay it any heed again for 20 turns.

- Greenskins should still benefit from if not all then most trading resources even without being able to trade. Like the WoC.

- Post battle loot options should have one option giving scrap based on enemy casualties similar to Dwarfs Oathgold.

- All Greenskin lords deserve their own unique mechanic

- Greenskins should have Temperate land, meaning Empire and Bretonnia lands, as suitable climate.


- For the first point, the units that I found issue with that don't belong in the tier they currently are are the goblin wolf rider/archer, the squig units, and spider units. I would remove the squig building unit and instead put them at the tier 2 Arachnarok spider building chain. I would also bring down the goblin wolf rider/archer units to tier 1 and the forest goblin rider/archer down a tier.

- Some people may not like it, but the Waagh mechanic that would fit well for the Greenskins, I believe, would be a reskinned Age of Reckoning mechanic. Make the call to Waagh and based on how many settlements you sack, loot, raze or occupy in a given number of turns you earn a reward and unlock Waagh units. Although, I do hope CA will come up with a better idea and make it more unique and not another reskinned mechanic.

- In my opinion, almost every lord in the game deserves their own faction specific unique mechanic no matter how small it is. Such should be the case for Greenskins. Grimgor could get a 'da best' mechanic, Wurzzag a deeper focus on savage orcs and/or a prophet mechanic, and Skarsnik alongside Belegar and Queek should get an updated race to Eight Peaks mechanic.




- So, the way Khorne plays right now, if you want to play the faction optimally, is running on a deficit and attempting to win as many battles in a single turn as possible to maximize your profits. Battles are your economy. This also means that by the time you've reached turn 30-40 in a Khorne campaign it's as if you've done ~120 turns with another faction. Unfortunately, this presents two big problems which are: most of the time you will not get access to and play with your higher tier units and you won't be able to progress through the research tree since Khorne has no way of increasing his research rate.

- While the tech tree is good there is a prerequisite of research three techs to unlock the next tier of techs.


- Fortunately, an easy solution exists for the first two issues which would be giving armies the ability to reduce building construction time and increase research rate through the bloodletting mechanic. For example, at max bloodletting rank a Khorne army would give a -1 building reduction time and +35% research rate. You might think that +35% research rate is too much but Khorne's techs are inherently long to research and the game doesn't care how much research you have as long it cannot reduce the research time by at least one turn.

- The tech tree should be restructured and the prerequisite of researching three techs to unlock the next tier should be removed. Similar to how Nurgle's tech tree was restructured, but in a more Khornate fashion.


Issues that affect both races:

IMO, most heroes for most races should be unlockable at tier 2 with their capacity upgrade increase at tier 3. So, I would like to see the Bloodreaper hero moved to the bloodletter building and be unlockable at tier 2 and have his capacity increased at tier 3. Likewise, Greenskins would have their goblin and orc shaman heroes be brought down to tier 2 with their capacity being increased once you get the building to tier 3. Moreover, if not all then most races should be able to globally increase their hero and lord recruit rank factionwide so at turn 100 I'm not recruiting a level 1 orc shaman.

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a month ago
Aug 3, 2024, 5:18:55 PM

Sad how no one responded to your post, so here I am! I generally agree, even if I think that Greenskins and Khorne races work pretty well (ok, AI can't play Khorne well... nothing new).

My two cents on Greenskins: I wish CA would make some changes to Skarsnik, as he is ''worse Grom'' or ''cheapest goblins guy''. Skarsnik should imho get default ambush stance and some fun buffs focused on Night Goblins.

Also wolf riders/hobgoblin cavalry should be buffed, as they are very weak right now, too weak. +2 or 3 to attack and/or defence would make them better. I understand getting hobgobs as Chaos Dwarfs, but I've never recruited wolf riders as Greenskins... well, I can get orc boys or regular goblins and they are vastly better!

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a month ago
Aug 3, 2024, 5:45:18 PM

Greenskins need a tech overhaul to make orcs more useful

Khorne should have a more traditional option for playing whilst skarbrand keeps the current system.

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a month ago
Aug 3, 2024, 6:49:09 PM

Sagez#6761 wrote:

Sad how no one responded to your post, so here I am! I generally agree, even if I think that Greenskins and Khorne races work pretty well (ok, AI can't play Khorne well... nothing new).

My two cents on Greenskins: I wish CA would make some changes to Skarsnik, as he is ''worse Grom'' or ''cheapest goblins guy''. Skarsnik should imho get default ambush stance and some fun buffs focused on Night Goblins.

Also wolf riders/hobgoblin cavalry should be buffed, as they are very weak right now, too weak. +2 or 3 to attack and/or defence would make them better. I understand getting hobgobs as Chaos Dwarfs, but I've never recruited wolf riders as Greenskins... well, I can get orc boys or regular goblins and they are vastly better!

Hey thanks mate, and completely agree with Skarsnik and the wolf riders lack of usefulness.

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a month ago
Aug 3, 2024, 6:51:46 PM

dogoska#1535 wrote:

Greenskins need a tech overhaul to make orcs more useful

Khorne should have a more traditional option for playing whilst skarbrand keeps the current system.

True with the way greenskins tech tree is, Goblins end up being much better units than any other orc units with how cost effective they are. As for the second point I am hoping they do that with one of the upcoming Khorne lords in 6.0. I'm thinking Arbaal should be the empire builder.

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a month ago
Aug 4, 2024, 3:37:46 PM


Khorne’s current optimal play pattern is pretty heavily dependent on Skarbrand’s faction mechanic that provides bonus replenishment and campaign movement. It could very well be the case that other Khorne LLs have more traditional campaigns  and have more time for tech and regular empire building. 

For that reason I don’t think Khorne really needs the proposed changes to Bloodletting or tech. That being said their tech tree certainly could be made more interesting.


The Greenskins they really need a nerf or some actual downside to manage that can slow their roll. They have a whole mechanic devoted to maintaining momentum, but unless you’re purposefully trying to throw the campaign it is hard to not leverage your first Waaagh into a constant chain. 

Not to mention it’s ridiculous they have one of the best income buildings in the game available tier 1. You generate so much money just conquering new territories. 

From the unit balance side of things it’s a bit much that Goblins can get as strong as Chaos Warriors. They overall need to have less buffs across the board and a few more techs devoted to Orcs. It should not just be more blanket buffs to more units.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 4, 2024, 5:05:21 PM

All factions garrisons suck pretty hard right now, but Khorne having a garrison of like 3 units really takes the cake. Also I don't think tier 1 chaos warriors of khorne are good for the faction, especially with the marauders of khorne being pretty much non-existent for the Khorne race.

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