With the mention in the 5.1 patch notes, I was hoping this siege issue was fixed...

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14 days ago
Jul 9, 2024, 1:46:56 PM

Patch notes for 5.1 stated.  

  • "Capture points have been reworked to more broadly consider all entities within their bounds. This will specifically help how reliably single entities (such as Lords) can capture points in Domination and Sieges when surrounded by enemies."

They may have done something with single entities?  I haven't really noticed the changes.  But, that first sentence certainly is not true.   CA did not fix the biggest problem IMHO with capture zones regarding sieges.  Attacking units are still capturing wall locations before a single entity has even finished climbing a ladder.  They literally capture some points with zero entities within their bounds!  Zero...

This is broken and is ruining sieges.  It makes attacking too easy and defending unrealistic because defending the central capture point is often better than using the city's actual defenses.  It is bad enough we have to protect HUGE walled cities with the tiny garrisons they provide in game.  We also have to deal with ass ladders where enemy units can get in literally anywhere.  Please, please at least let us have a chance to control the walls where we do commit our units.  If the towers are lost as soon as an enemy unit gets adjacent to a wall there is no reason to have the walls present on the battle map.  

There is a very very simple fix for this issue.  When it comes to capping zones in sieges, the attacker should have to rout ALL enemy units within a capture box to take it from the defenders.  As long as the zone is contested, the defenders should always get the benefit of it being their settlement. 

This should be much simpler to program than the strange calculations we experience in game where the game is measuring the strength of each sides entities inside the control box.  If one side is significantly stronger than the other, soon enough they will be the only entities inside the box anyway.  What is wrong with letting them fight it out?

In the real world, towers on walls had doors and were much more difficult to capture than the walls themselves.  Often a section of wall would fall and nearby towers would stay in the control of defenders indefinitely.  Having to drive all good order defenders from the walls to capture the towers would add realism and accuracy to sieges.  It would make sieges more challenging on attack and finally give us a chance to actually use the walls and towers instead of abandoning them before the battle begins.  When I am attacking an enemy walled settlement, I expect to have to remove defenders to take control of the area.  It only makes sense.  

Yes, sieges need quite a bit of work to fix completely.  I don't want to go into all of the needed changes here.  However, this is an easy fix to move sieges in the right direction.  CA, you went through the effort of making all of these walled city maps.  Wouldn't it be nice if people actually used them in the way intended?  

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13 days ago
Jul 9, 2024, 10:08:22 PM
It has been debated from a very long time ... solutions are known. But at this point, I imagine CA does not care, or does not want to give to much manpower/ressources to improve them.

1/ Make pop-up towers, not pop up  anymore, only buildable in pre-battle. To compensate, give higher supply. Give them better arc of fire (some of them are put in very useless places, it is ridiculous). Make them look like the settlement ... I hate to see a wodden tower in my Dawi, Dawi Zharr or Empire forts ... 2/ Delete pop-up ladders. As past TW games, make them "buildable" before sieges. 3/ Give higher resistance and HP to walls, but way more for the Gates. Basic units could not destroy the gates. Only rams, some huge monsters or specialized units. Allow me to protect my gates too (walls on the side so archers could draw a line of fire on it, oils from above ...).4/ You should not, as the attacker, be able to see what happens inside behind the walls ... unless you have flying units. Attacking armies with 20 ranged units should deal bad in sieges; right now, it is the best tactic. 5/ Beeing able to put artillery on the walls could help destroying siege equipments and the foes outside the walls. Especially for cannons. 6/ to add to your thoughts, giving more missile resistance to troops on the walls could be interesting too. 7/ even more unlikely, some racial "tricks" could be added. Spiders climbing the walls, ghosts running through, dawi runes protecting a gate, magic gathering point for a HE garrison, etc. to add more diversity and fun. 
And so much more. 
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13 days ago
Jul 10, 2024, 7:01:30 AM

Agreed on all points Pr4vda.  Sieges are by far the weakest part of TWW3 right now and need serious attention.  

The worst part about the things you have mentioned, is those are intentionally designed into the game.  

What I am describing is obviously a bug that has not been addressed.  I highly doubt they actually meant for units still scaling ladders to be contesting control of the walls before they even get there...  before they have even engaged a single defender...  and yet that is exactly what happens.  

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10 days ago
Jul 13, 2024, 12:34:38 AM

Pr4vda#6038 wrote:
It has been debated from a very long time ... solutions are known. But at this point, I imagine CA does not care, or does not want to give to much manpower/ressources to improve them.

1/ Make pop-up towers, not pop up  anymore, only buildable in pre-battle. To compensate, give higher supply. Give them better arc of fire (some of them are put in very useless places, it is ridiculous). Make them look like the settlement ... I hate to see a wodden tower in my Dawi, Dawi Zharr or Empire forts ... 2/ Delete pop-up ladders. As past TW games, make them "buildable" before sieges. 3/ Give higher resistance and HP to walls, but way more for the Gates. Basic units could not destroy the gates. Only rams, some huge monsters or specialized units. Allow me to protect my gates too (walls on the side so archers could draw a line of fire on it, oils from above ...).4/ You should not, as the attacker, be able to see what happens inside behind the walls ... unless you have flying units. Attacking armies with 20 ranged units should deal bad in sieges; right now, it is the best tactic. 5/ Beeing able to put artillery on the walls could help destroying siege equipments and the foes outside the walls. Especially for cannons. 6/ to add to your thoughts, giving more missile resistance to troops on the walls could be interesting too. 7/ even more unlikely, some racial "tricks" could be added. Spiders climbing the walls, ghosts running through, dawi runes protecting a gate, magic gathering point for a HE garrison, etc. to add more diversity and fun. 
And so much more. 

Bravo! I'm glad the years of siege critique can be so well summarized. Addressing the crux of why sieges are so boring and unpopular will remedy WH3 greatly.

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10 days ago
Jul 13, 2024, 6:25:04 PM

Pr4vda#6038 wrote:
It has been debated from a very long time ... solutions are known. But at this point, I imagine CA does not care, or does not want to give to much manpower/ressources to improve them.

1/ Make pop-up towers, not pop up  anymore, only buildable in pre-battle. To compensate, give higher supply. Give them better arc of fire (some of them are put in very useless places, it is ridiculous). Make them look like the settlement ... I hate to see a wodden tower in my Dawi, Dawi Zharr or Empire forts ... 2/ Delete pop-up ladders. As past TW games, make them "buildable" before sieges. 3/ Give higher resistance and HP to walls, but way more for the Gates. Basic units could not destroy the gates. Only rams, some huge monsters or specialized units. Allow me to protect my gates too (walls on the side so archers could draw a line of fire on it, oils from above ...).4/ You should not, as the attacker, be able to see what happens inside behind the walls ... unless you have flying units. Attacking armies with 20 ranged units should deal bad in sieges; right now, it is the best tactic. 5/ Beeing able to put artillery on the walls could help destroying siege equipments and the foes outside the walls. Especially for cannons. 6/ to add to your thoughts, giving more missile resistance to troops on the walls could be interesting too. 7/ even more unlikely, some racial "tricks" could be added. Spiders climbing the walls, ghosts running through, dawi runes protecting a gate, magic gathering point for a HE garrison, etc. to add more diversity and fun. 
And so much more. 


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8 days ago
Jul 15, 2024, 4:11:00 PM

Pr4vda#6038 wrote:
It has been debated from a very long time ... solutions are known. But at this point, I imagine CA does not care, or does not want to give to much manpower/ressources to improve them.

1/ Make pop-up towers, not pop up  anymore, only buildable in pre-battle. To compensate, give higher supply. Give them better arc of fire (some of them are put in very useless places, it is ridiculous). Make them look like the settlement ... I hate to see a wodden tower in my Dawi, Dawi Zharr or Empire forts ... 2/ Delete pop-up ladders. As past TW games, make them "buildable" before sieges. 3/ Give higher resistance and HP to walls, but way more for the Gates. Basic units could not destroy the gates. Only rams, some huge monsters or specialized units. Allow me to protect my gates too (walls on the side so archers could draw a line of fire on it, oils from above ...).4/ You should not, as the attacker, be able to see what happens inside behind the walls ... unless you have flying units. Attacking armies with 20 ranged units should deal bad in sieges; right now, it is the best tactic. 5/ Beeing able to put artillery on the walls could help destroying siege equipments and the foes outside the walls. Especially for cannons. 6/ to add to your thoughts, giving more missile resistance to troops on the walls could be interesting too. 7/ even more unlikely, some racial "tricks" could be added. Spiders climbing the walls, ghosts running through, dawi runes protecting a gate, magic gathering point for a HE garrison, etc. to add more diversity and fun. 
And so much more. 

I am ina complete agreement with these propositions. I want sieges to feel like sieges. The glorified urban warfare that we have is awful.

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7 days ago
Jul 16, 2024, 7:50:08 AM

Thanks guys :) of course CA could do even better, with specific maps for the most famous cities for instance, but What I described in my earlier post would be, imo, the bare minimum for better sieges. 

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6 days ago
Jul 17, 2024, 3:15:04 PM

Pr4vda#6038 wrote:
It has been debated from a very long time ... solutions are known. But at this point, I imagine CA does not care, or does not want to give to much manpower/ressources to improve them.

1/ Make pop-up towers, not pop up  anymore, only buildable in pre-battle. To compensate, give higher supply. Give them better arc of fire (some of them are put in very useless places, it is ridiculous). Make them look like the settlement ... I hate to see a wodden tower in my Dawi, Dawi Zharr or Empire forts ... 2/ Delete pop-up ladders. As past TW games, make them "buildable" before sieges. 3/ Give higher resistance and HP to walls, but way more for the Gates. Basic units could not destroy the gates. Only rams, some huge monsters or specialized units. Allow me to protect my gates too (walls on the side so archers could draw a line of fire on it, oils from above ...).4/ You should not, as the attacker, be able to see what happens inside behind the walls ... unless you have flying units. Attacking armies with 20 ranged units should deal bad in sieges; right now, it is the best tactic. 5/ Beeing able to put artillery on the walls could help destroying siege equipments and the foes outside the walls. Especially for cannons. 6/ to add to your thoughts, giving more missile resistance to troops on the walls could be interesting too. 7/ even more unlikely, some racial "tricks" could be added. Spiders climbing the walls, ghosts running through, dawi runes protecting a gate, magic gathering point for a HE garrison, etc. to add more diversity and fun. 
And so much more. 

Fantastic! Just that :)

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