Which race is the most complete to play IE with.

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 1:57:39 PM

I want to start a campaign but dont want to play a race i will likely play if an update or dlc is released. What would people consider to be the most complete race at this point or the race that wont be reworked or have a DLC?/FLC released for it?

I like unlocking the achievements for each race but haven't completed the campaign with the following


High elves

Dark elves


Lizard men


Wood elves

Tomb kings

Vampire coast

For the following im waiting for the DLC thats been confirmed or hinted at.






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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 2:13:04 PM

With the most recent news, it's not unlikely that almost every race gets updates and more content. Though if you want to play a race that most likely won't be getting updates in a long time, Chaos Dwarfs, Dwarfs, Lizardmen, Warriors of Chaos (they'll get little snippets form monogods but as far as LL's probably not) Wood Elves, and Dark Elves are all probably not getting touched for a while

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 2:29:11 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

With the most recent news, it's not unlikely that almost every race gets updates and more content. Though if you want to play a race that most likely won't be getting updates in a long time, Chaos Dwarfs, Dwarfs, Lizardmen, Warriors of Chaos (they'll get little snippets form monogods but as far as LL's probably not) Wood Elves, and Dark Elves are all probably not getting touched for a while

I'd certainly remove LM from that list. They were literally mentioned by Rich in their latest video. He's a huge fan of them and clearly said Geomantic Web is still something on the To-Do list.

With a direct mention, i certainly wouldn't place them in a "least likely" list. I actually expect their rework quite soon as it's long overdue.

Agree with the rest of the factions.

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 2:39:57 PM

John_Kimble#3765 wrote:
I'd certainly remove LM from that list. They were literally mentioned by Rich in their latest video. He's a huge fan of them and clearly said Geomantic Web is still something on the To-Do list.

Their mechanics still suck, but they're one of the most complete rosters.

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 2:44:01 PM

John_Kimble#3765 wrote:
I'd certainly remove LM from that list.

My list wasn't "These races won't get content" as I think just about every race is back on the table, it was just "These guys won't get content for a while."

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 3:00:20 PM

baldrat61#8830 wrote:

I want to start a campaign but dont want to play a race i will likely play if an update or dlc is released. What would people consider to be the most complete race at this point or the race that wont be reworked or have a DLC?/FLC released for it?

I like unlocking the achievements for each race but haven't completed the campaign with the following


High elves

Dark elves


Lizard men


Wood elves

Tomb kings

Vampire coast

From your list, Beastmen, Wood Elves, and Skaven are the 'most' complete. There is one major LL for the Skaven yet to be released, and maybe some small re-works or introducing the Council of Thirteen and Grey Seers but Skaven have most of their roster and all the major clans represented. 

Beastmen have all of their major characters and almost all of their roster. 

Wood Elves still have a few characters that could be added but do have almost all of their roster and quite good mechanics. I would like to see Wild Hunts and Drycha's Beasts of the Forest reworked, but a Wood Elf campaign feels fairly distinct from most other races in a good way with their Magical forests and teleporting. 

Dark Elves are in a good place but still missing some things, not sure if they will get another major DLC added but probably some tweaks at a minimum. 

The Empire is also looking pretty good now, they need a couple more LHs and I feel like missing the Cult of Ulric is a major miss but I haven't seen any hints CA will ever go in that direction so they are probably mostly finished with Elspeth's release. 

Greenskins are also quite good, we know they are getting an update with an LL and some other stuff but they are so big and varied, playing a few campaigns now won't detract from playing them again when the DLC releases. 

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 5:47:08 PM

Beastmen are only really missing legendary named characters, Khorngors, Slaangors, and Preytons (+ generic Centigor lords/heroes from lore). Besides those they are fully complete roster wise and in a very good shape mechanics wise.

Chaos dwarfs are also missing overall very little. Bull centaur lords, hobgoblin heroes, hobgoblin bolt throwers, Chaos siege giants, the Magma cannons/Deathshrieker rocket launchers on Iron Daemons/Skullcracker trains, some lore things, and some old 2nd-3rd edition stuff (light mortar/swivel gun/Bazooka weapon teams, Tenderizer/Whirlwind chariots, Chorf Crossbows). Whilst all of this would make for a fun DLC, I'm somewhat certain CA has other priorities atm.

Finally wood elves are also very complete. They're only missing Lore of Athel Loren magic for their casters, Beastmaster/Shapechanger heroes, Kinsmen infantry, salvaged bolt throwers, Wain lord chariot mounts for lord characters, meadow chariots, couple animals (boars/big cats/forest critter swarms), and a few named legendary characters. Overall, most of this stuff was last seen in Citadel journal issue 34 back in 5th edition (3rd edition being the last one where they were part of the official armybook) so I wouldn't hold my hopes up for any major WE DLC.

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 6:18:38 PM

TV-94#7431 wrote:
(+ generic Centigor lords/heroes from lore)

Not just the lore.  They were in the 4E Armybook.

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