Additional Settlements that I would like to see in the Future

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 12:27:16 PM

I'm not talking about physical map expansions like Khuresh or Ind but new settlements added to the existing map. There is still enough space in most areas. 


- Kraka Ravnsvake (was renamed to Lair of the Troll King in IE) 

- Kraka Dorden (was sadly removed entirely in IE even if the space is still there) 

- Kraka Ornsmotek 

Having all the great Norse Dwarf Holds would be really cool, especially with Malalai starting in the area. Would make his campaign more thematic and CA could maybe even add another minor Dawi faction as a starting enemy for Throgg. 


- Bolgasgrad 

The area between Fort Ostrosk and Zavastra is still pretty empty and there is enough space to place another settlement. This way CA could make the Northern Oblast a 3 settlement Province and Troll Country as a 2 settlement Province with Castle Alexandronov as its Capital. 

Dark Lands:

- Zugulzar (should be a CD port north of Uzkulak. 

- Ghulakta (old Chaos Dwarf Mine filled with Ghouls close to Pigbarter)

- Tower of Grief 

- Chernozavtra (major Kislevite Colony in Zorn Uzkul and mentioned in the Mother Ostankya Short Story)


- Forest of Shadows (New Magical Forest in Ostland)

Chaos Wastes (Skull Road Province):

- Fort Dolganyeir 

- Zamoski 

- Dolganyeir Forests (magical Forest province and pefect start for Mother Ostankya)

The Skull Road Province is still way to big and has pointless settlements like Tribeslaughter which was basically just a battlefield/ name of a battle and not an actual Landmark. Ideally CA would create a new Province with Zamoski, Fort Dolganyeir and Fort Dwarrslav. The current Goromadny Mountains province is also way to big.

Northern Worlds Edge Mountains:

​- Seep Gore 

- Kurak Peak 

The Northern WEM are still just a massive Mountain area without any settlements or roads. Feels like a waste. These 3 new Settlements could form a new Province together with the Silver Pinnacle which shouldn't be part of a Dark Lands Province. Neferata being forced to expand deep into the Dark Lands to complete her first province would also be really odd. 


- Nuevo Luccini (Tilean Colony in Lustria, potential DoW start position) 

- Santa Magritta (Estalian Island Colony at the Lustrian Coast) 

- Tip of Lustria (HE Colony Island next to the Citadel of Dusk that was sadly removed for IE)

Southlands & Araby:

- Leopoldheim (Imperial Jungle Colony close to Tictaktoes start position) 

- Jaluk Oasis (sadly removed for IE)

- Wadi El Tebuk (sadly removed for IE)

Another minor Empire subfaction would spice up the quite boring Southlands. 

The current Great Desert of Araby is weird with only one Settlement that isn't actually a real settlement. So bring back these 2 from ME would be nice and make that area more interesting. 


- Summersfall Fort (Carcasonne minor Settlement)

- Dragon Falls (Carcassonne minor Settlement or Bretonnian version of the Empire Forts)

- Tancred Castle (Couronne minor settlement or Bretonnian version of the Empire Forts)

- Reavers Point (Couronne minor Settlement) 

- Rachard Castle (Mousillion minor Settlement) 

- Turis Vilgulans (Bordeleux minor settlement) 

- Barley Motte (Lyonesse minor settlement. Castle Lyonesse should be on a small island)

 Ideally each Dukedom would be its own Province but that isn't possible really without physically expanding Bretonnia. There is still room to make at least some more into their own province. 

What settlements would you like to see added to the current Map? 

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 1:27:45 PM

Amazon Island: Minor settlement island of the coast of Lustria

Remas: Province Capital of a reworked Tilea divided in 2 Provinces, similar to Estalia.

Durango: 1 settlement province in the middle of the Irrana Mountains in Estalia, similar to Massif Orcal.

City of Spires: HE single settlement Province south of Ghorst's forest, where IMO Imrik should start.

Drakwald Forest: Magical forest next to Middenheim (quite surprised this isn't a thing yet considering that far less important forests are already settlements)

This are the only ones that come to mind right now, but I agree your choices as well.

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 2:14:56 PM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Amazon Island: Minor settlement island of the coast of Lustria

Remas: Province Capital of a reworked Tilea divided in 2 Provinces, similar to Estalia.

Durango: 1 settlement province in the middle of the Irrana Mountains in Estalia, similar to Massif Orcal.

City of Spires: HE single settlement Province south of Ghorst's forest, where IMO Imrik should start.

Drakwald Forest: Magical forest next to Middenheim (quite surprised this isn't a thing yet considering that far less important forests are already settlements)

This are the only ones that come to mind right now, but I agree your choices as well.

Fully agree with all of them. For Tilea I actually hope for a physical expansion once the DoW drop. The ocean is big enough to expand Tilea a bit. Ideally we would get Remas, Trantio, Pavona and Monte Castello as new settlements. For Remas they would just have to rename the stupid Riffraffa settlement. 

The Amazon Island settlement could form a new Island Province with Santa Magritta and maybe Zamuda. 

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 3:37:08 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Amazon Island: Minor settlement island of the coast of Lustria

Remas: Province Capital of a reworked Tilea divided in 2 Provinces, similar to Estalia.

Durango: 1 settlement province in the middle of the Irrana Mountains in Estalia, similar to Massif Orcal.

City of Spires: HE single settlement Province south of Ghorst's forest, where IMO Imrik should start.

Drakwald Forest: Magical forest next to Middenheim (quite surprised this isn't a thing yet considering that far less important forests are already settlements)

This are the only ones that come to mind right now, but I agree your choices as well.

Fully agree with all of them. For Tilea I actually hope for a physical expansion once the DoW drop. The ocean is big enough to expand Tilea a bit. Ideally we would get Remas, Trantio, Pavona and Monte Castello as new settlements. For Remas they would just have to rename the stupid Riffraffa settlement. 

The Amazon Island settlement could form a new Island Province with Santa Magritta and maybe Zamuda. 

According to this map that show the area in detail there are more than enough island to form a province.

Screenshot_20240703-172702.jpgProvince: Warmbloods Islands

- Capital: Amazon Island

- Minor Settlement 1: Xocibiki

- Minor settlement 2: Iabazco

- Minor settlement 3: Island of Sacrifices 

Santa Magritta can be part of a reworked Old World Colonies area in the north and Zamuda can be a 1 settlement island province.

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 4:16:56 PM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Amazon Island: Minor settlement island of the coast of Lustria

Remas: Province Capital of a reworked Tilea divided in 2 Provinces, similar to Estalia.

Durango: 1 settlement province in the middle of the Irrana Mountains in Estalia, similar to Massif Orcal.

City of Spires: HE single settlement Province south of Ghorst's forest, where IMO Imrik should start.

Drakwald Forest: Magical forest next to Middenheim (quite surprised this isn't a thing yet considering that far less important forests are already settlements)

This are the only ones that come to mind right now, but I agree your choices as well.

Fully agree with all of them. For Tilea I actually hope for a physical expansion once the DoW drop. The ocean is big enough to expand Tilea a bit. Ideally we would get Remas, Trantio, Pavona and Monte Castello as new settlements. For Remas they would just have to rename the stupid Riffraffa settlement. 

The Amazon Island settlement could form a new Island Province with Santa Magritta and maybe Zamuda. 

According to this map that show the area in detail there are more than enough island to form a province.

Screenshot_20240703-172702.jpgProvince: Warmbloods Islands

- Capital: Amazon Island

- Minor Settlement 1: Xocibiki

- Minor settlement 2: Iabazco

- Minor settlement 3: Island of Sacrifices 

Santa Magritta can be part of a reworked Old World Colonies area in the north and Zamuda can be a 1 settlement island province.

I like this change, we need more island settlements on the map. Wulfhart could even move there to break up the congestion on the mainland at the start of the campaign. Also Zarmuda as future Fisherman start (I wish!)

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 8:31:32 PM

If they won't give us Battle for the Eternal Tides quest battles for Vcoast, then I propose putting some more Sea areas or encounters that use that map. Also Realm of chaos for IE please.

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 10:34:13 PM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Amazon Island: Minor settlement island of the coast of Lustria

Remas: Province Capital of a reworked Tilea divided in 2 Provinces, similar to Estalia.

Durango: 1 settlement province in the middle of the Irrana Mountains in Estalia, similar to Massif Orcal.

City of Spires: HE single settlement Province south of Ghorst's forest, where IMO Imrik should start.

Drakwald Forest: Magical forest next to Middenheim (quite surprised this isn't a thing yet considering that far less important forests are already settlements)

This are the only ones that come to mind right now, but I agree your choices as well.

Fully agree with all of them. For Tilea I actually hope for a physical expansion once the DoW drop. The ocean is big enough to expand Tilea a bit. Ideally we would get Remas, Trantio, Pavona and Monte Castello as new settlements. For Remas they would just have to rename the stupid Riffraffa settlement. 

The Amazon Island settlement could form a new Island Province with Santa Magritta and maybe Zamuda. 

According to this map that show the area in detail there are more than enough island to form a province.

Screenshot_20240703-172702.jpgProvince: Warmbloods Islands

- Capital: Amazon Island

- Minor Settlement 1: Xocibiki

- Minor settlement 2: Iabazco

- Minor settlement 3: Island of Sacrifices 

Santa Magritta can be part of a reworked Old World Colonies area in the north and Zamuda can be a 1 settlement island province.

I must admit to a little chuckle when I figured out the pronunciation of Xocibiki, that may be my new favourite spot in the warhammer world.

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3 days ago
Jul 4, 2024, 4:44:54 AM

No thanks. The game's map is already too crowded and makes siege battles practically the only type of battle you'll fight for most of the game.

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3 days ago
Jul 4, 2024, 5:09:29 AM

I really want CA to do a map expansion on what's already there. Everything is so incredibly squished together. Such as:

- Naggaroth and Lustria are squished into the left side. Naggaroth should be widened and the massive island chains off the Western coast should be added. Someone made a great post on expanding Lustria last month. 

- Albion should be roughly double its current size. 

- Araby should be 4x the size it currently is. Which means there would absolutely be room for an Araby DoW faction. 

- Kislev needs a forest for Mother Ostankya, as well as more settlements to make them more interesting. 

- Ulthuan is too close to Bretonnia.

- The Eastern Steppes should be expanded on. 

- Ind and Khuresh should be made accessible. 

Then this is outside of my above scope but I really want to see it done:

- Expand the map East and add Nippon & Isles of Elithis.

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jul 4, 2024, 7:14:10 AM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

No thanks. The game's map is already too crowded and makes siege battles practically the only type of battle you'll fight for most of the game.

You know that minor settlements are just normal land battlers don't you?

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