Slayers dying should be a good thing

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 12:12:16 PM

This is a small thing that I feel would fit the immersion, but probably not affect gameplay too much. I'd like to see some kind of reward if a slayer dies in a good way (dying in a heroic victory, or a loss against overwhelming odds). Perhaps an increase in recruit rank for units and characters for a few turns? A boost to public order? Just something that might tip the balance so that we play with slayers like we are suppose to (in the lore) ie send them out to die in a heroic death.

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 12:20:00 PM

Seems like a very niche gameplay situation that would likely either be not very impactful or has the potential to be abused in some way (throwing away Slayers to get the bonuses).

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 1:10:10 PM
Makes no sense. The slayer oath represents an elaborate suicide ritual for a dwarf that has been personally shamed beyond their ability to bear it. A slayer dying in battle would be a solemn occasion, not a reason to celebrate.

In fact, the very opposite should be a mechanic, having too many slayers in your army should act discouragingly on your regular troops because it would show that things are not going well when so many Dawi are looking for death.
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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 1:30:31 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Every dead Slayer could gain some grudges. Seems like a simple and loreful interpretation.

Probably the only reasonable way to do it.

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3 days ago
Jul 3, 2024, 1:31:27 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Seems like a very niche gameplay situation that would likely either be not very impactful or has the potential to be abused in some way (throwing away Slayers to get the bonuses).

The former, it would be fluff, not cheese.

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