Immersion Updates

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 12:13:08 PM

This might be a hot take, and by no means do i mean with this that this Game needs Immersion updates more than it needs actual bug fixes or reworks, but imo its one of those things that are overlooked for far too long by now.

I am speaking of Immersion in the game, it is something that has been severly lacking for quite a while now.

So i hope that we get to see some of that in patches, since they mentioned that from now on Patches will be more than just simple Fixes and will actually feature more or less major things.

Things i would love to see in Immersion Updates are:
Banner Bearers - Officers - Musicians

The Warhammer Universe has way too much amazing and iconic Heraldry that it is almost borderline criminal not to have Banner Bearers, who have also played a Role in the TT, who hold up their Banners with all the unique Heraldry on it. Also Officers & Musicians, though neither of them would have as much of an impact as Banner Bearers imo.

Battle Maps

While we fight in the insanely diverse and unique world of the Warhammer Universe, the vast majority of Battle Maps feels super vanilla and uninspired. I am fully aware that it is a major undertaking to make more immersive and unique Battle Maps, but given how much focus is on actual Battles in this game it would be a nice change to see Villages on the maps, corn fields, big forestry areas and positions that just HEAVILY favor one side. 

I am fine with it if not every Battle is balanced. Thats how things go in a world of endless, merciless wars. Sometimes you see yourself in the unfavored situation and have to overcome it. 

Sadly with the current Battlemaps that hardly ever a thing. 9 out of 10 times one gets excited if there is a big rock in the middle of the map that makes it unpassable terrain because that is considered unique. 


The Warhammer Universe is usually known for its Grim Dark & Gritty Style, right now the game is way too bright and nice looking. There needs severe tweaks to lighting to give it back the style of what Total War Warhammer 1 had.

Animations of older Heroes

Compare the Animations of a Cathay Caster Hero to those of the Empire. Where the Cathay Caster uses cool looking magic attacks that reflect them being a caster, the Empire Wizards just swing their sword as if they lost all will to live ages ago. Not the biggest Deal, but still something i personally would love to see being changed.

I am saying this because i personally think, while apart from Battle Maps, those things would not give new Gameplay experiences, it would drastically enhance the Feeling of the Gameplay. Immersion is something that has a big impact on how one feels while playing the game, and should not be overlooked.

Hope y'all got a nice weekend. And i hope CA sees this, and atleast considers it. 

Updated 11 minutes ago.
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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 1:24:16 PM

1. CA has already said several times that things like Banners and Musicians won't ever be added because at this point in the trilogy it's simply an enormous undertaking for absolute 0 gain.

2. Don't really have an issue with the current maps beyond things like mayor/famous cities or locations getting specific maps.

3. Setting being grim ≠ Geography being grim.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 1:33:09 PM

I only agree with getting more varieties of maps, or at least getting rid of the tree acne maps by reworking them to something realistic. I like the lighting as it is, want to see all my units properly with their colors.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 3:23:51 PM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
1. CA has already said several times that things like Banners and Musicians won't ever be added because at this point in the trilogy it's simply an enormous undertaking for absolute 0 gain.

I can understand not being willing to do all the effort of adding a banner and musician to every unit in the game.  But I would still like to see at least an Army Standard Bearer.

1 extra Support Hero for each Race doesn't seem like too big of an ask.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 3:33:35 PM
Banners: Don't care

Battle Maps: Gotta balance it with everything else, remember there are terrain effects as well
Lightning: Don't Care
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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 4:32:00 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
1. CA has already said several times that things like Banners and Musicians won't ever be added because at this point in the trilogy it's simply an enormous undertaking for absolute 0 gain.

I can understand not being willing to do all the effort of adding a banner and musician to every unit in the game.  But I would still like to see at least an Army Standard Bearer.

1 extra Support Hero for each Race doesn't seem like too big of an ask.

Oh that I agree, Battle Standards as a Hero option for every Race would make perfect sense while also adding some of that feeling without CA having to add banners and musicians to the literal hundreds of units.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 4:51:28 PM

At least they should fix the engine, and change it a bit to make it more modder-friendly for battle standard support. And then let the modders to the grunt job of adding it to every unit.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 6:02:08 PM

If there's any chance of any of that stuff it appears it is now, given it appears Aldridge has more control than before. I hope his efforts are rewarded, because I essentially think he wants the best TWW possible.

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12 minutes ago
Jul 1, 2024, 2:42:53 PM

neverending#5226 wrote:

If there's any chance of any of that stuff it appears it is now, given it appears Aldridge has more control than before. I hope his efforts are rewarded, because I essentially think he wants the best TWW possible.

Thats what i think too, yes the chance is not high, but if there is ANY slim chance to see any of those things. I am absolutely down for it.

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