If Arbaal is the FLC Will he be The 100th lord?

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 7:01:04 AM
Good afternoon everyone, I just wanted to ask and draw attention to that if Arbaal is the FLC won't he be the 100th lord? Wouldn't CA give him extra attention if he is?
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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 7:32:11 AM

CA never said that the 100th LL would be special or anything, they simply said that they already had in mind who it was going to be.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 7:37:40 AM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

CA never said that the 100th LL would be special or anything, they simply said that they already had in mind who it was going to be.

That was probably pre-Shadows Of Change though, so that statement could no longer be valid. Maybe they reshuffled a bit.

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 8:22:00 AM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

CA never said that the 100th LL would be special or anything, they simply said that they already had in mind who it was going to be.

That was probably pre-Shadows Of Change though, so that statement could no longer be valid. Maybe they reshuffled a bit.

We know they reshuffled because the Slaanesh DLC was supposed to be next in line but we are getting the Khorne one.

But it doesn't change the fact that the 100th LL was never advertised as being special, they will acknowledge it, but nothing more.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 10:08:02 AM

The only thing they ever said about the 100th lord is they specifically selected someone to be the 100th LL. Doesn't mean they are special.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 12:45:53 PM

Due to the constant reshuffling, I think it gets harder and harder to arrange something special for the 100th lord. Maybe they could add a bit of extra content when the lord actually drops.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 2:08:13 PM

I'm curious why Slaanesh got pushed back. I mean it's not a huge deal as Khorne was in the same boat, just wondering what changed.

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 3:25:36 PM

Because all 4 of them are releasing at the same time, the 100th LL is whichever LL CA says it is.

They could count it:

97.  Skulltaker

98. Arbaal

99. Gorbad

100. Golgfag

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 4:55:19 PM

Now, let's be brutally honest here... this is probably super pie in the sky.  But, why not?

What if the course of 'reworks' before the next DLC includes some FLC lords? 


Red Duke

...Monkey King (or maybe Neferata?)

Nagash for 100!

Or if Toddy and the Duke count (I don't recall) already?  Neferata, Thanquol, Monkey King, Nagash!  (Or some variant of that order, or swap a Dragon Kid for one of them as an easier one to add too)

I highly doubt this, but I can't say I'd be unhappy with it!

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 5:04:16 PM

KhorneFlakes#3727 wrote:

Nothing special about the 100th lord. 

yep. I think it’s silly to arbitrarily assign an order to the next 4 LLs (assuming they’re released at the same time) to make a 100th LL.

If they’re released at the same time then there is no special 100th LL

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 8:26:07 PM

I hope Arbaal will be the FLC Lord. The guy looks ridiculously cool, has simple but great lore and is probably the most overpowered Chaos Champion next to the Everchosen himself. 

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15 minutes ago
Jul 1, 2024, 11:12:27 AM

I personally think they will release the next expansion getting us to 99 LL's.  I then think the FLC Khorne character is going to be delayed for a little bit to allow for a surprise free special LL to drop as the 100th close to the Christmas season as a special gift to the community.  It would have to be someone that doesn't need a lot of new units, but perhaps a unique LL mechanic for their faction.

Speculation... Bugman? Toddy? Rotgut?

I think this will be done because they will want the hype and good will to continue towards CA that they have garnered since ToD and the recent transparency has afforded the franchise.  Not taking advantage of the 100th LL would be a missed opportunity by CA for free press and hype.  The game already has enough sellable content.  They just need to draw more attention to the game so people keep buying all of the previous/future DLC and versions of TWW.  

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