How do you get a message or request to the devs? (Regards Chaos Mounts oversight)?

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3 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 5:52:15 AM

Do the dev's read these forums? (I'm kind of new here, since I havent been active on these boards since Medieval 2)?

The reason I am asking is because I have been wanting to bring something to their attention that may have been an oversight. OR it may simply have to do with DLC paywalls....

Maybe you guys can help me with this as well, as it matters to most Chaos fans. And if they DONT read this, one of you might know how to send it up the chain. 

On the TT game AND in the Lore, generic Chaos Lords and Heros have these mount options- Chariot, Daemon steed, Manticore, Chimera (not yet in game) Chaos dragon, and god touched mount IF marked. However, the way they have done it, if a Chaos champion/lord gets marked, they lose half their mount options! Now I know they wanted to highlight the God-touched new mounts, and that is cool for the release....But this comes with two major reasons it needs to be fixed, especially since the assets are already in the game. In fact their are no less than 3 mods who have corrected this, and these are massively popular mods with 1000s of subscribers and rewards showing this is something chaos fans were bothered by. But there are also alot of players who DONT like using mods and prefer their game vanilla. Or perhaps these are incompatible with other mods and can't use it. Either way, it WOULD be an easy fix!! As modders have shown.....

1) Its immersion and lore breaking. These champions undergo rigorous and deadly trials to bond one of these creatures. They would not ditch it simply because their Chaos god of choice graced them with a mark.....When playing WoC, marking them feels like a downgrade if you like using either mount. So you are stuck using an undivided character to use them, OR you can do your army themed and lose them. 

2) All chaos factions have certain limitations, like no ranged, no artillery, no magic. They make up for this with high melee skills, and greater daemons and giant beasts. They NEED all their tools to expand choice and tactics.

3) Okay....So at the VERY LEAST Chaos Dragons are behind the original DLC paywall...This is fine, as they should just make the mounts available to those who own the original WoC DLC. Better yet, they could THEME these Chaos Dragons (and even manticore if they are feeling creative) giving them a color swap or even a slight reskin to fit Khorne, Tzeench, ect. I can ASSURE you this would be extremely well received! It would also give even more incentive to purchase the original WoC DLC (Just as Champions of Chaos did)

I've been reading various posts on here yesterday and this evening. And I can tell you guys are true fans and easy to talk to people who KNOW Warhammer. If a Dev reads this, PLZ take these words to heart and address this. If its fans reading it and know how to pass this along to the creative powers that be, plz make this heard!

Thanks for reading, guys.

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