Snaggla Grobspit as flc LL and Night Battles would be very important to feel greenskins completed

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3 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 11:35:25 PM

​The arrival of the Greenskins DLC for Total War: Warhammer 3 has fans excited, but there is a growing sentiment that the addition of Gorfad alone may not be enough to satisfy the community. While Gorfad is a notable figure within the Warhammer Fantasy lore, his impact and uniqueness are overshadowed by other legendary characters. In contrast, Snaggla Grobspit, a renowned Goblin Warboss and master of ambush tactics, holds a special place in the hearts of many fans.

Snaggla Grobspit is known for his expertise in leading night raids and guerrilla warfare, making him a distinctive and strategic addition to the Greenskins roster. His inclusion as a free-LC (FLC) character before the DLC release would enrich the Greenskins' tactical options and align with the lore's emphasis on cunning and unpredictability. This move would not only enhance the gameplay experience but also demonstrate a commitment to delivering a comprehensive and satisfying expansion for one of Warhammer's most iconic factions.

Also, Night battles could be a new thing, and be used for more LLs. Is very demanded for Vampires, and could work for Dark Elves too.

Fans are eager to see Snaggla Grobspit join the fray, as his presence would ensure that the Greenskins feel complete and true to their lore. His unique abilities and historical significance make him an essential addition, promising a more diverse and engaging gameplay experience for all. Thus, integrating Snaggla Grobspit as an FLC character ahead of the DLC's release would undoubtedly resonate well with the community and elevate the overall quality of the game.

LL Snaggla Grobspit 

Gigantic spider riders and forest gobbo spears/ archers

(Upvote this thread if you agree)

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 12:05:22 AM

Surprisingly, if I ignore most of your post and just focus on the premise of Snagla FLC LL + Gigantic Spider Cav + Night battles I find myself in agreement.

Throw in there the Arachnarok with Web Flinga and I'm totally on board.

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 12:13:05 AM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

We were already told that the FLC will be for Khorne.

True, but we can ask for Snagla to be added in the future.

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3 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 4:42:36 AM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Surprisingly, if I ignore most of your post and just focus on the premise of Snagla FLC LL + Gigantic Spider Cav + Night battles I find myself in agreement.

Throw in there the Arachnarok with Web Flinga and I'm totally on board.

LL Snagla

LH ???

L Forest Goblin Great Shaman

H Forest Goblin Big Boss

Forest Goblin Spearmen

Forest Goblin Archers

Gigantic Spider Riders

Arachnarok Flinga


Almost an entire LP.

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3 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 6:29:56 AM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Surprisingly, if I ignore most of your post and just focus on the premise of Snagla FLC LL + Gigantic Spider Cav + Night battles I find myself in agreement.

Throw in there the Arachnarok with Web Flinga and I'm totally on board.

lol same

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2 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 7:56:23 PM

I really want this, and I think could be the most popular greenskin campaign

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