The new "AI Cheat"

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3 months ago
Jun 11, 2024, 2:10:51 AM

the AI seems to be able to do things with their units that the player just cannot do, and I'm not referring to their ability to spam multiple inputs at once (though this might absolutely be contributing to the issue). No, the "new" cheat i'm talking about is the AI's ability to control single entities of a unit of say zombies or goblins. They're able to take one goblin or zombie and spread them out to attack every single one of your ranged units. This also doesn't seem to have any range limit as to how far their single entities (and i say THEIR because the player can't do this without some sort of hack or mod). If you take 2 ranged units and place them behind your frontline, the AI will be able to send single entities of a 100 unit group and engage your ranged while still engaging the frontline. While they've removed (or at least given you the option to remove) their stat cheats. It seems they've either implemented this or they've changed how melee units stick and interact with each other. As the player units seems to get "stuck" far more easily than the AI. The solution? Limit the amount of inputs the AI is allowed or, if a unit isn't ordered to attack a unit they're engaged with, they immediately lose all their melee atk and defense. Sure they should be allowed to input multiple commands, but not to the point where it literally is breaking the game (which with CA's spaghetti code this seems VERY easy nowadays). Anyone else's thoughts on this? Mind you this happens with ANY race you place as that you'll want a frontline and some ranged units. The AI seems to just be able to squeeze single entities through the frontline (and your units aren't smart enough to stop them even if they are heavier).

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3 months ago
Jun 11, 2024, 3:12:57 AM

Now if only they would make them move past melee infantry and characters in order to attack the missile units in the back of the formation instead of forming blobs on our flanks. 

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3 months ago
Jun 11, 2024, 10:25:28 AM

I'll admit I did see something similar in a game recently. One unit managed to lock down 2-3 seperate ranged units which were spread out. I assumed it was just class Total War shenangins.

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3 months ago
Jun 13, 2024, 5:10:32 PM

Manpersal#3961 wrote:

You can add bending thé units in impossible ways to avoid vortexes.

"everything changed when the unit-benders started glitching"

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3 months ago
Jun 13, 2024, 5:45:37 PM

AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

I'll admit I did see something similar in a game recently. One unit managed to lock down 2-3 seperate ranged units which were spread out. I assumed it was just class Total War shenangins.

Using a mod that lets me see my enemy's commands, it seems that the AI is placing multiple attack commands for the same unit on multiple units (meaning it's asking a melee unit to attack multiple ranged units at the same time). This effectively means the AI can "drag" its entire melee to engage your frontline while still engaging pretty much all your ranged units. The only way to counter this is to place the melee units so for in front of the ranged units that essentially they're at the max range of your firing line. This poses another problem as the AI is also designed to mass its army on your flanks (i don't think i saw it input more than 10-20 attack commands on my frontline, I can see teh AI just spamming away at my arty and/or ranged units). You just can't do this as a player and I'd highly recommend the devs looking at the AI's ability to do this at it's kinda breaking their own game. If they're not going to look at the AI just spamming commands like there's no tommorrow, and they likely wont as this has been something people have been complaining about for a while, then they should just remove the melee atk and defense for every unit that's out of formation. So if the ai is trying to drag its units across your entire army the melee unit will just completely melt (currently it doesn't do this, it thinks itself still to be "all together" and in formation so the can't be flanked due to how spread out they are which means no leadership penalties for flanking them, they still get the same power as if they're in formation so one goblin can just chew through an entire unit of archers without you being able to do anything since the AI is spamming its attack command on your ranged unit it'll never escape.

This brings up another point that the DEVS HAVE AKNOWLEDGED TO ME IS WHAT THEY WANT ALREADY. They know this is an issue and aren't doing anything to solve it so the players have had to fix it themselves using mods. What i'm talking about is your units just ignoring or forgetting their commands. If anyone remember's CA's attempts to fix the Sunfang quests, THIS IS THAT but for pretty much all of TWW3 your units just ignore your commands. One dev has confirmed to me already this is because they place higher efficacy on the unit finishing its animation than they do on it actually following your commands (which should be opposite imo). This leads to the unit actually FORGETTING what you commanded it to do after it finishes its animation. So the dev team want the unit to finish its animation, but the unit can't remember what order you gave it after it has finished the animation... Great work guys. There's a babysitter mod out there that KINDA works for this, but as it stands the animations will make units stand in place and just take a spell right to the face becasue "we gotta finish the  animation" Which is honestly just a lazy way of saying, "we didn't know how to make our units break animation to follow the command so we hamstrung the players instead of doing our job properly".

edit: i'd also like to add this note in here too that this is something that other games with RTS elements have mastered but CA just can't seem to get it right. I know Manor Lords, Red Alert, Tiberian Sun, and Starcraft aren't great 1:1 comparisons, but we can see that the ability for units to animation cancel and follow your commands has been put first and foremost over the unit completing whatever command you initially gave it. Battles are hectic and everchanging. CA needs to realize that just because you gave a command before, doesn't mean that in the 20 seconds it takes for that unit to complete the command (there is SIGNIFICANT input delay even in vanilla, it's better with mods) that something hasn't changed and now we need to readjust our strategy. ESPECIALLY in a Warhammer game, magic is an active part of most battles and can be cast quickly and pretty much anywhere so long as the mage is in range. Units need to be able to respond as quickly as you can cast a spell. Which is odd that the AI can effectively even dodge your spells (someone made mention of a unit completely bending around a vortex, that's not as uncommon as you might think). CA needs to re-evaluate the unit's priorities when it comes to following commands. It should first and foremost ALWAYS reorient itself to follow the player command first, not "finish what it's doing, and then MAAAYBE follow my command". 

Literal insubordination but only for the player

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jun 15, 2024, 1:28:40 PM
image loaded from urlHere's a GREAT example of the AI's ability to completely ignore your frontline without any repercussions. You can see i have 2 units of dwarf warriors desperately trying to chase down a group of night runners that THEY ALREADY ENGAGED. Meaning, they met both the units in melee combat, but as you can see, the AI has just dragged the unit across my army to engage all of my thunderers. EVEN THOUGH the dwarf warriors have guard mode off, and are desperately chasing the skaven. Also note that there were NO GAPS IN THE LINE. The only gap was the smallest little sliver so my thunderers can shoot through them. The spot where the night runners broke through actually had NO GAPS AT ALL it was on my flank. The AI was somehow able to drag the entire unit THROUGH MY DWARF WARRIORS SOMEHOW WITHOUT THE DWARF WARRIORS ATTACK THEM AT ALL. We NEED to reconsider allowing melee stats for units that get this spread out. The skaven especially, they THRIVE on being in tight packed units, if they're THAT spread out they should just lose all leadership and break. one unit of night runners should be able to tie up 4 units of thunderers and 2 units of dwarf warriors. That math just doesn't play
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3 months ago
Jun 15, 2024, 1:32:18 PM

i have a feeling it's he AI's tendency (again) to route through your army. It seems this behavior has carried over into the AI's actually decision making now yet our units don't realize the unit isn't routing and so let's the enemy unit right by. This is literally the only explanation i can thing as to why this could be happening. I've already proposed losing leadership and melee stats when a unit loses its formation. If a player or AI tries to click a unit through a unit that's already engaged with it, that unit engaging should get free swings like it used to be in Warhammer 2; not even sure why they decided to remove that because the AI will break the game as often as the player does so they should add that back in

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3 months ago
Jun 15, 2024, 11:28:48 PM

I'm very much in favor of A.I. that targets our missile units. The vast majority of the damage that is inflicted on an army will come from spells and or missile units. Foolishly engaging in a melee grind in order to achieve victory is something that needs to be addressed. It's something that is heavily contributing to the demise of enemy races. 

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3 months ago
Jun 16, 2024, 2:05:02 AM

This has happened for ages... they do it on walls too... just walk right past your units on the walls down into your town and go cap stuff... your units can't stop them! It's a pita!

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3 months ago
Jun 16, 2024, 8:14:37 PM

Funzo#7954 wrote:

I'm very much in favor of A.I. that targets our missile units. The vast majority of the damage that is inflicted on an army will come from spells and or missile units. Foolishly engaging in a melee grind in order to achieve victory is something that needs to be addressed. It's something that is heavily contributing to the demise of enemy races. 

true and i don't disagree with you, i just don't think this should be doable with just a single unit. especially one that's already engaged in melee (remember, i didn't have a gap in my line at all. In most battles if you tried to just run through the gap you'd be alone and stabbed by the rear ranks. Why doesn't this happen in game?). The player should be punished if they don't develop their position as the battle goes on. The thing is, EVEN if you do develop, if a single unit reaches your frontline they can just bypass it and head to the rear. And at that point, why even bring melee infantry if that's how the AI behaves? In TWW2 we didn't use melee because their stats just sucked, in TWW3 we're not going to use them because they just don't work? Really? that's the excuse?

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3 months ago
Jun 16, 2024, 8:17:40 PM

hurricane501#1568 wrote:

This has happened for ages... they do it on walls too... just walk right past your units on the walls down into your town and go cap stuff... your units can't stop them! It's a pita!

i don't normally hold the walls for this reason and i believe it comes down to ability of the AI to spam attack orders on multiple units all game. There needs to be a hard cap on how many attack commands the ai can issue to a unit (and also limit how many units they can command at once). I wouldn't be against the AI being able to control 2-4 units at a time, but their entire army? and also spamming attack orders on the entire army on seperate units? Rough man, rough. It's sad to see that streamers are still doing the single entity spam still because of this interactions

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