My list of changes I'd like to see in Warhammer

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a month ago
May 27, 2024, 8:27:15 AM

Since the thrones of decay update which has been on of the best DLC's ever released (Warden and punch being the best. ) The game is now in a good state, However, There are still some things that need to be done to take it to an even higher level. So here is my list of changes/ updates that would make the game even better.

  1. Rework items ,traits(defeat etc) to make more sense e.g a green item with the same effects should not be better than a blue item with same effects.
  2. Allow siege equipment and monstrous units (ogres etc not) to mount walls.
  3. Wall breaker to the appropriate units (e.g Dreadsaurian)
  4.  Gates should only be attackable by units with wall breaker trait. For e.g Weak that a dog unit can beeline to gate and attack it.  Also siege attacker trait reworked.
  5. No instant ladders. Must be buildable and visible on the unit carrying it. 
  6. Spider units and ethereal units can scale and go through early level walls but occur a debuff.
  7. Defensive supplies can be used to replenish units , recruit and replenish ammo. 
  8. All races should have building chains updated similar to the empire (heroes at tier 2)
  9. Races skill lines brought inline with the Empire after current update.
  10. All races should be able to confederate make the game better overall e.g Settra confederating other Tomb Kings 
  11. Multiplayer balance is good for single player.
  12. AI lords each type should have a template that they stick to. Eg. Empire lord has 4 templates types, One where they focus on range type army and skills. The higher the difficulty the more types they have.
  13. Taken from3k collations and growing alliances. 
  14. Tradable ancillaries (Not racial ones). This will allow Tomb Kings and Dwarfs to trade items they craft.
  15. As seen with Dwarfs update , Formations. 
  16. For single entities add a wounds 2 that triggers on 25% health. 
  17. Spells should have more counter play (longer windup time)
  18. Buff and debuffs should have times increased 
  19. Some faction effects should apply to more factions (trading caravans.)

This list will be updated over time. 

Anything you would add? or Disagree with?

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    a month ago
    May 27, 2024, 8:42:55 AM

    "Spider units and ethereal units can scale and go through early level walls but occur a debuff."
    If I recall the setting they go with that walls are warded against ghost going through walls. However it doesn't stop them from just flying over walls so could probably work spider and wraith units to scale walls with no debuffs (I forget how ladders are handled since I don't use them as I prefer siege towers as they give a better unit performance).

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    a month ago
    May 28, 2024, 8:29:09 AM

    Arthas_Menethil#3421 wrote:

    "Spider units and ethereal units can scale and go through early level walls but occur a debuff."
    If I recall the setting they go with that walls are warded against ghost going through walls. However it doesn't stop them from just flying over walls so could probably work spider and wraith units to scale walls with no debuffs (I forget how ladders are handled since I don't use them as I prefer siege towers as they give a better unit performance).

    What do you think about making warding apply only to tier 3 and up walls?

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    4 days ago
    Jun 27, 2024, 7:07:27 AM

    Since ca latest video asking for feedback i have some more to add to my list.

    19. Allow Tomb kings to confederate 

    20. There should be a wounds 2 for single entities that trigger under 25% health (high debuff on weapon strength, melee attack defence etc ). 

    21. Vigour should effect a units speed and debuff/buff accordingly 

    22. Dwarfs,Helfs, Empire etc should also have trading caravans. 

    23. More weapon counters as in axes do more dmg to shields etc (3k)

    24. Large unit type it too broad, it should be mounted(cav) , Large(trolls etc) and massive types (dragons etc).

    25. Units should allow other friendly units to pass through without issue (Rome 1, 3k etc) where units would create gaps 

    26. Allow more recruit dead legendary lords of the same faction (dwarfs ,beastmen etc) like Karl Franz should be able to use prestige to get them.

    27. Allow AI to use Sea lanes

    28. Allow 3-4 way battles in campaign. 

    This is it for now will continue to update. Any disagreements please let me know. 

    Updated 3 days ago.
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    2 days ago
    Jun 29, 2024, 2:37:06 AM
    Dyiz#1321 wrote:

    1. All races should have building chains updated similar to the empire (heroes at tier 2)

    Be careful what you wish for here. CA forgot to give the Empire a way to increase Lord, Captain, and Witch Hunter recruit rank. So have fun recruiting level 1 lords 100 turns into the campaign. 

    So far I do agree with pretty much everything you've suggested. I'd also suggest:

    - Vigour no longer degrades armour. 

    - Forum needs a dedicated feedback/suggestion section (like the old forum). Not game related, obviously. 

    - CA should allow players who own WH1 and 2 to play the campaigns from those games in WH3. Age of Empires III ported each campaign across with every expansion, and it was great playing through them again with the new content and mechanics. 

    - Bring back Avatar Conquest for multiplayer. How great would it be to make your own Vampire Count, Empire General, etc? Then have an army painter like Dawn of War and make your own colour scheme. I'd pay for that as a multiplayer focused DLC.

    - More multiplayer campaign stability/bug fixes. WH3 has the perfect multiplayer campaign, and it's what my friend group and myself have been dreaming of for the Total War series forever. I really want this to be the standard moving forward and hope CA do everything they can to improve its performance. 

    - Reloading animations. So many units are still missing them. 

    - Seasons. To make maps around temperate areas a bit more diverse. 

    - Night battles. This is basically lightning strike, but night battles were also beautiful to watch. The lanterns carried by infantry and flaming arrows flying through the night sky. 

    - Trade routes displaying horses & carts/ships on them, with more being displayed depending on the value of the trade route. 

    - Dismounting from cavalry. Would make cavalry in sieges far more viable. 

    - Actual formations. That way I don't have to manually checkerboard everything when I play Empire. 

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    2 days ago
    Jun 29, 2024, 10:24:43 AM

    Dyiz#1321 wrote:

    Since ca latest video asking for feedback i have some more to add to my list.

    19. Allow Tomb kings to confederate 

    20. There should be a wounds 2 for single entities that trigger under 25% health (high debuff on weapon strength, melee attack defence etc ). 

    21. Vigour should effect a units speed and debuff/buff accordingly 

    22. Dwarfs,Helfs, Empire etc should also have trading caravans. 

    23. More weapon counters as in axes do more dmg to shields etc (3k)

    24. Large unit type it too broad, it should be mounted(cav) , Large(trolls etc) and massive types (dragons etc).

    25. Units should allow other friendly units to pass through without issue (Rome 1, 3k etc) where units would create gaps 

    26. Allow more recruit dead legendary lords of the same faction (dwarfs ,beastmen etc) like Karl Franz should be able to use prestige to get them.

    27. Allow AI to use Sea lanes

    28. Allow 3-4 way battles in campaign. 

    This is it for now will continue to update. Any disagreements please let me know. 

    Agree with the TK stuff. But I'd add that if you confederate Settra, you stop playing as any TK LL you chose to play as and instead play as Settra for the rest of the game. He takes over your faction, changes the colors and name and voila. Also takes some of your faction traits for himself as commendation for your actions.

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    4 hours ago
    Jul 1, 2024, 7:25:03 AM

    Jarms48#7854 wrote:
    Dyiz#1321 wrote:

    1. All races should have building chains updated similar to the empire (heroes at tier 2)

    Be careful what you wish for here. CA forgot to give the Empire a way to increase Lord, Captain, and Witch Hunter recruit rank. So have fun recruiting level 1 lords 100 turns into the campaign. 

    So far I do agree with pretty much everything you've suggested. I'd also suggest:

    - Vigour no longer degrades armour. 

    - Forum needs a dedicated feedback/suggestion section (like the old forum). Not game related, obviously. 

    - CA should allow players who own WH1 and 2 to play the campaigns from those games in WH3. Age of Empires III ported each campaign across with every expansion, and it was great playing through them again with the new content and mechanics. 

    - Bring back Avatar Conquest for multiplayer. How great would it be to make your own Vampire Count, Empire General, etc? Then have an army painter like Dawn of War and make your own colour scheme. I'd pay for that as a multiplayer focused DLC.

    - More multiplayer campaign stability/bug fixes. WH3 has the perfect multiplayer campaign, and it's what my friend group and myself have been dreaming of for the Total War series forever. I really want this to be the standard moving forward and hope CA do everything they can to improve its performance. 

    - Reloading animations. So many units are still missing them. 

    - Seasons. To make maps around temperate areas a bit more diverse. 

    - Night battles. This is basically lightning strike, but night battles were also beautiful to watch. The lanterns carried by infantry and flaming arrows flying through the night sky. 

    - Trade routes displaying horses & carts/ships on them, with more being displayed depending on the value of the trade route. 

    - Dismounting from cavalry. Would make cavalry in sieges far more viable. 

    - Actual formations. That way I don't have to manually checkerboard everything when I play Empire. 

    That true with the recruit rank. It needs to be fixed asap. (not wait for 6.0)

    "Trade routes displaying horses & carts/ships on them, with more being displayed depending on the value of the trade route. " Like this one. Want more visual map representation like expanding towns/cities etc. 

    Agree with all your suggestions. 

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