I tried posting this as a question yesterday but never got a response so I wanna bring this up here.

I was trying to do a legendary full map completion and two things have happened that have ruined this. The second thing actually bricked my campaign. The first thing is something that I've noticed on several previous campaigns but I was working around it. For some reason, if khatep's faction spawns as a rebellion and succeeds in taking back his original provincial capital, I forget the settlement's name but it's the provincial capital in the Red Desert province, he will derp up and not be able to ever leave the settlement and you also cannot attack him in return to retake the settlement. 

The second thing that I want to report and get some help with (if possible) is that one of the naval rogue armies attacked Lothern and got defeated by the garrison. The whole army didn't die and for some reason retreated across land. Then they got back in the sea and after a turn attacked Lothern again. But, now I'm unable to do anything, I can't autoresolve, fight, or retreat. Since this is a legendary campaign this has essentially stopped my campaign because I'm now unable to do anything but quit the campaign. I have tried reloading several times in the vain hope that maybe it was a temporary glitch and that is unfortunately not the case at all. 

Please help! Or at the bare minimum try to address these things in a future patch or hotfix.