Do You Want Total War: Age of Sigmar?

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19 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 7:18:53 PM

Do you want CA to ever make Total War: Age of Sigmar?

AoS fans and lore experts, do you think AoS would translate well into a Total War game like Fantasy did?

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19 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 7:23:09 PM
I dont know much about AoS but i keep hearing how the setting needs to be more expanded and for the factions to have more units/LLs, so i guess it could use a bit more time.
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19 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 7:27:15 PM

lordzuko1#9840 wrote:
I dont know much about AoS but i keep hearing how the setting needs to be more expanded and for the factions to have more units/LLs, so i guess it could use a bit more time.

People saying that are people who haven't bothered with AoS since 2015. We are up to fourth edition now, the setting got enough content to support a game.

Updated 19 days ago.
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19 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 8:52:31 PM

AoS has the problem where they've made the setting an ocean wide, but as deep as a puddle. Even the AoS people i've talked to don't really care about the actual locations, because the scale is so wide nothing really matters. Imagine if the Empire was this entire Warhammer world, and they also had other holdings on other worlds, and then try and get someone to care about losing a city.

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19 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 8:58:45 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

AoS has the problem where they've made the setting an ocean wide, but as deep as a puddle. Even the AoS people i've talked to don't really care about the actual locations, because the scale is so wide nothing really matters. Imagine if the Empire was this entire Warhammer world, and they also had other holdings on other worlds, and then try and get someone to care about losing a city.

So just like 40k then. No one ever cared about "Tartarus" or "Typhon" did they? And yet we got some great games out of it nonetheless.

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19 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 9:08:05 PM

Age of Sigmar still needs more time in the oven to differentiate itself from WHFB and to flesh out its factions. Too many factions in AoS are just a handful of kits.

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19 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 11:49:11 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

AoS has the problem where they've made the setting an ocean wide, but as deep as a puddle. Even the AoS people i've talked to don't really care about the actual locations, because the scale is so wide nothing really matters. Imagine if the Empire was this entire Warhammer world, and they also had other holdings on other worlds, and then try and get someone to care about losing a city.

Absolutely this. It's the same as 40k now. "Look GW's new campaign book just destroyed a SUPER IMPORTANT forge world, now the Imperium is going to fall." Like, that means nothing. There's a million worlds in the Imperium, there's going to be thousands of other forge worlds and new worlds are being settled everyday. 

All-in-all, would I like an AoS TW game? I'm in different, because it's pretty much going to play the same as WH TW now. It might as well be a different skin with some faction unit shakeups. 

Updated 19 days ago.
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19 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 5:00:05 AM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

AoS has the problem where they've made the setting an ocean wide, but as deep as a puddle. Even the AoS people i've talked to don't really care about the actual locations, because the scale is so wide nothing really matters. Imagine if the Empire was this entire Warhammer world, and they also had other holdings on other worlds, and then try and get someone to care about losing a city.

Absolutely this. It's the same as 40k now. "Look GW's new campaign book just destroyed a SUPER IMPORTANT forge world, now the Imperium is going to fall." Like, that means nothing. There's a million worlds in the Imperium, there's going to be thousands of other forge worlds and new worlds are being settled everyday. 

All-in-all, would I like an AoS TW game? I'm in different, because it's pretty much going to play the same as WH TW now. It might as well be a different skin with some faction unit shakeups. 

Which isn't a particularly fair or accurate criticism.

40K's had real narrative progression and so has AoS. Both are vastly different to what they were 10 years ago. The grand scale does make it hard to care about individual cities, but it also allows endless player imagination. In AoS I can make my faction be wherever I like and whatever size I like, within reason, without contradicting the lore. 

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19 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 8:25:25 AM

I love how people claim that they can't care about the cities in AoS.

As if this game makes me care about any of the cities of WHFB. Lothern gets razed and I...just rebuild it a turn later. The maps don't even resemble what those cities are supposed to look like in the lore. Is Talabheim located in a large impact crater? Is Middenheim some sort of poor-man's Minas Tirith like in the depictions? No. They all look the same.

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19 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 10:10:31 AM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

AoS has the problem where they've made the setting an ocean wide, but as deep as a puddle. Even the AoS people i've talked to don't really care about the actual locations, because the scale is so wide nothing really matters. Imagine if the Empire was this entire Warhammer world, and they also had other holdings on other worlds, and then try and get someone to care about losing a city.

Absolutely this. It's the same as 40k now. "Look GW's new campaign book just destroyed a SUPER IMPORTANT forge world, now the Imperium is going to fall." Like, that means nothing. There's a million worlds in the Imperium, there's going to be thousands of other forge worlds and new worlds are being settled everyday. 

All-in-all, would I like an AoS TW game? I'm in different, because it's pretty much going to play the same as WH TW now. It might as well be a different skin with some faction unit shakeups. 

Not really, things still happen that affects pretty much everyone. The great rift and the reasons behind the crusades are slowly bringing down the defences of the entire imperium. Also, major plot points like the changing of eras, the great rift awakening or empowering the empower affects everyone.

40K has a clear past with popular characters anchored within it, personally, the only real good elements of AoS are those anchored in the OW.

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19 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 11:11:09 AM

If it's at the expense of say Lord of the Rings or Star Wars or another big franchise?

If it doesn't effect other games at all?

Sure Why not.

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18 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 1:23:36 PM

erhartm91#4908 wrote:

Do you want CA to ever make Total War: Age of Sigmar?

AoS fans and lore experts, do you think AoS would translate well into a Total War game like Fantasy did?

NEVER. - Every Strigoi Ghoul King's most polite reaction to people asking them to do something beyond their capabilities.

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

AoS has the problem where they've made the setting an ocean wide, but as deep as a puddle. Even the AoS people i've talked to don't really care about the actual locations, because the scale is so wide nothing really matters. Imagine if the Empire was this entire Warhammer world, and they also had other holdings on other worlds, and then try and get someone to care about losing a city.

This. Not to mention that while the idea of realms based off the lores of magic of yore is a genuinely interesting thing, they had to make each realm this nigh-infinite land.

That and the factions themselves are badly baked. And I can't stand Ground Marines.

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18 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 4:22:37 PM

Hm. No.

My initial enthusiasm for the setting has been replaced with aversion. I do not like where it* is heading. It's a game for modern audiences, amongst whom I don't count myself, for I heartily cleave to my antediluvian sensibilities. I won't deny the beauty of many of its miniatures, though.

I would welcome a TW based on Tolkien's legendarium or the Dance of the Dragons.

*Or, for that matter, GW in general. The company has exhausted the fumes of my goodwill this year.

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18 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 5:19:35 PM

Not interested due to WHFB being a superior fantasy setting with much more fleshed out world. WH40K can be interesting though...

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18 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 11:21:11 PM

Lol, always funny to see knee jerk reactions like we are still in 2014.

AoS needs more time in the oven and for GW to really go hard on adding named characters to most Races before thinking about it, Races like the Fireslayers, Kharadron and Sons of Behemat only have 1/2 named characters, nowhere near enough for a game like TW.

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