So I noticed how public order was not really an important mechanic in warhammer 3. Maybe this could be interesting:

-Each negative point of public order provides a 0.1% chance of causing sabotage (building damage) in the settlement each turn. (As a form of riots)

so -50 public order provides a 5% chance each turn for buildings to blow up

Could be cool? Reward players for having positive public order and make negative public order more noticeable?

Also a short list from my other post:

The administration feature that comes with Pharao is a pretty good way to reduce lategame snowballing 

Per settlement a faction owns, they gain:

+1% extra movement during forced march. (to move around the empire faster)

+0.1 global recruitment slots. (to reduce recruitment waiting time)

I also really like the labour mechanic for Pharao, meaning building any building requires growth, it simply adds more thinking to planning city expansion and makes growth more valuable.

I also hope that some idea's from Shogun 2 return, such as making buildings locked behind technologies, thereby making the technology tree not only provide campaign buffs, but also major strategic city development considerations.

Reducing income or increasing upkeep for all units might also be a good idea to reduce army spamming that becomes a real issue. Or having armies cost +250 gold for each army you have, to incentivise building elite armies over spamming flexible armies. (so 1 army is +250, 2 armies is +1000, 3 armies is +2250)