Total War: Rome II and Attila Total War

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2 months ago
Aug 11, 2024, 6:00:41 AM

Good day to all dear fans and employees of CA. My post will be dedicated to the historical line of games of the CA series. In advance I apologize for my bad English. After the release of Pharaoh, I did not take the game for a long time, but when the extended addition of Dynasty came out, I gladly bought a game dedicated to one of my favorite historical eras - the Bronze Age. Yes, Warhammer Total War is one of my favorite series in the Total War franchise, since I love fantasy and sci-fi, but at the same time my acquaintance with total war began with the release of a wonderful game in the past Rome Total War. And after some time, I bought the game Rome 2 Total War and Attila. Among all the historical eras, for me personally, the most favorite are the Bronze Age and Antiquity. Therefore, such games as Empire, Shogun or I did not buy. The exception was the game Medieval II: Total War only because I wanted to install mods related to the Lord of the Rings or Warhammer universe on this game. I did not play the original. And I rarely play mods for Medieval II: Total War because of the stupid AI that violates established diplomatic alliances.

In addition to the exciting pastime in the game Warhammer Total War, I really like to play Rome 2 Total War, Attila, and now Pharaoh Dynasties. Although my acquaintance began with Rome Total War, nevertheless, unfortunately, I cannot play Rome 1 for several reasons: old graphics, the presence of a small number of game factions, beautiful graphics and animation, and of course the AI. In my opinion, the AI in Rome 2 and Attila is very good, at least on the strategic campaign map. Personally, I do not expect the release of a game dedicated to Medieval III: Total War, or Empire, because I do not like these eras, and they are not interesting to me, but in no case do I engage in hatred or anything like that, knowing that there are many fans among the players who like these eras. Ever since the release of Rome 2 Total War, I really hoped and waited for an add-on to be released that would be dedicated to the Bronze Age. The add-on did not come out, but now there is a stand-alone game for my favorite era, and I am very happy about it! Thank you, CA! Of course, being a fan of the Warhammer world, I am very much looking forward to the release of future content dedicated to Warhammer Total War, however, I would really like that CA does not close and does not abandon support for such games as Rome 2 Total War, Attila and Pharaoh Dynasties.

In my opinion, why do we need another game like Rome 3 Total War when we have great games like Rome 2 and Attila. In my humble opinion, I would like CA to make a large patch for both games and breathe life into these games again through future content. In my opinion, global changes are needed for Rome 2 and Attila such as:

- A system of exchanging (buying, giving) cities in both Rome 2 Total War and Attila 

- A system of destroying cities in Rome 2 Total War. 

- The ability to rename Cities. 

- The ability to change the capital of Factions. The player could change the capitals in the game himself. 

- The ability to have a horde for nomadic factions in Rome 2 Total War (this applies to nomadic factions such as the Scythians, Masagets, Alans, etc.). 

- Level of food and sanitation in Rome 2 Total War 

- Expanding the map to the east and north, for example adding a small part of the lands of India, Hindu Kush, the Volga region, the Urals. 

- In the game we have 2 types of puppet status: Satrapies and Protectorates. I would like to have a 3rd version of "puppets" - tributary - for barbarian factions.

This is what concerns global additions to the mechanics of the games. And now regarding the future of content. I really like these two games, and I would really like that in the future for Rome 2 Total War and Attila DLC content began to come out again. I will start in order, what eras and content in my humble opinion I would personally like to see in these two games For me today, 3 games logically reveal in their sequence historical periods starting from the Bronze Age, ending with the fall of the Roman Empire. After that comes the Middle Ages. For the Middle Ages, of course, in my opinion, it would be appropriate to make separate games with additions, but as I already wrote above, for me personally, the era of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and New Time are not interesting.

Rome 2 Total War: 

1. - The Age of Cyrus the Great. After the Great Catastrophe of the Bronze Age, it would be nice to see a campaign dedicated to the birth of the Ahemnid Empire. The campaign does not yet have the famous Persian Empire, but there are such historical giants as the Median Empire, Lydia King Croesus, Egypt still the time of the Pharaohs, the Neo-Babylonian Empire of the Chaldeans, Phoenicia, etc. And here we have only one province of Parsa, where the player could also choose to play for the famous Persian satrap, who will become the ruler of the Giant Empire (of that time) in the future.

2. - Greco-Persian Wars. Yes, we already have a campaign dedicated to the Greco-Persian wars, but in my opinion it is very dull and boring, only 4 playable factions, even the Persian Empire is not playable. It is important to add here that the campaign map should be approximately the same as the campaign maps before - Global (such as Grand Campaign, Imperator Augustus, Empire Divided). Despite the fact that the Persian Empire will be present in the game, it should consist of satrapies, some of which should be playable, for example, the satrapy of Egypt, which does not lose hope of rebellion and liberation. Or the satrapy of Armenia, Lydia, Bactria or Sogdiana. In addition to playable satrapies. Greek city-states, barbarian tribes (Thracians, Illyrians, Gauls, Dacians, Germans, Iberians, tribes and states of the African and Arabian deserts), colonies of Carthage, and for fun, various Italic tribes (Samnites, Veneti, Etruscans) should also be available. You can take the time of either Darius the Great, or Xerxes or Artaxerxes. Here, by the way, in parallel with such giants, the player could also choose factions dedicated to the Italic tribes, including Rome or Carthage.

3. - Alexander's Campaign (on the global campaign map). Everything is simple here. There is Philip, the king of Macedonia, there is Alexander, and there is Darius, as well as a number of small game factions. I think that those who love the era of antiquity would like to play this campaign.

4. - Wars of the Diadochi. In my humble opinion, this campaign could also be interesting. The campaign begins after the death of Alexander the Great, and the player has a choice of which factions of the Diadochi he could play for, and of course, we should not forget about the minor factions.

5. - The Age of Trojan the Great, in which the player has the opportunity to control a single huge Roman Empire. 

6. - The Age of Constantine. In my opinion, the Age of Constantine would be the final campaign for Rome 2 Total War, where we would directly move on to the game Attila Total War.

Attila Total War. In my humble opinion, Attila lacks only 2 campaigns dedicated to the decline of the ancient era.

1. - The Last Roman. I would like to see this campaign but on the global map of Attila. The campaign could be called "Barbarian Kingdoms".

2. Thematic Campaign that focused on the territory of Britain during the fall of the Roman Empire. Playing for Rome, the player faced a crisis that would give rise to even greater crises in time - the raids of the Celts, the landing of the Saxons, Angles and other Scandinavians.

And finishing my post, I would like to emphasize that I do not demand in any way, but I really hope that Rome 2 Total War and Attila will receive new campaigns. updated mechanics, which I wrote above, and these games will continue to receive their support from SA. Even now, despite the fact that these games came out a long time ago, I personally do not stop playing them, and how many mods there are in the workshop for these games. Personally, in my humble opinion, why do I need another Rome 3. when there are good games. which can be updated and hung with new interesting campaigns. and of course I hope that in the future the game Pharaoh Total War will receive several more interesting Grand Campaigns. Thank you all for reading my post. 

- "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment" Librarian Isidore (Dawn of War).

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2 months ago
Aug 11, 2024, 7:01:49 AM

1.Wrath of Sparta portrays the Peloponnesian Wars, not the Greco-Persian wars, of course the Greeks take center-stage. The Persians weren't even directly involved here, they merely supported one or another city state befitting their agenda

2.Alexander's campaign would be boring due to how you are just rolling the map up from left to right and there's barely any factions to choose from. They already tried and it sucked

3.Rome under Traian was at the height of its power with close to no external threats and a stable society. A boring period to make into Total War. TW always works best with periods of upheaval and turmoil

4.You are not going to get any more campaigns focussed on just Britain any time soon after Thrones of Britannia

There's also close to zero chance for CA to revisit either Rome2 or Attila in the future. CA_Sophia have their own project going and the main studio is probably busy hammering out the next major historical title.

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2 months ago
Aug 11, 2024, 6:48:11 PM

Sorry to tell you but all of these games are out of content support at this point. R2 is over a decade old at this point and Attila is coming up to it (half a year to go). Why they haven't gotten content for a long time and unlikely to get any soon. Few players to pick them up and it breaks a lot of mods plus the Devs are likely to have moved on and been working on the newer engines making going back a lot harder to do. Especially when it comes to game changing systems.

Not personally a fan of much of these time periods especially for side campaigns. These wont have the same choices as a full campaign unless it can use the same map. It's just too expensive to make and sell if you want it to scale up to the grand campaign then it's going to need to be it's own stand-alone game. These also have a bad habit of not adding real value to the overall game that people have picked it up for.

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