Improvement suggestions for future franchise

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2 months ago
Aug 8, 2024, 5:20:00 PM

Hi. Does anyone know how to make your suggestions to CA? Is there already a page/post for it? Otherwise here my suggestions for Medieval 2. You can comment/post those of your own. This could be interesting for further franchise. Thanks for reading.

Beggining with battlemap cos they are the most interesting, and then some for campaign map.

Battlemap suggestions

 Most of the time the AI is dumb. I played this game a lot. And only one time there was an enemy general with extremely high threats that was insanely clever. He won me many times with beautiful tactics. It's a pity that this happens only once. You should make an option to set the AI as smart as possible so the battles would be challenging, no matter the threats. This could be a very big asset to this game. At this point there is nothing "to be busy with", it's all easy as pancake.

 If you let unit formations walk through each other they should be disoriented and, if close to the enemy to panic. So that you should think about how you move your troops. If there has been a big fight going on there are a lot of corpses lying on the ground. Cavalry should fall if they would go through them and infantry should struggle. These would be extra elements for "tactics".

 I don't know if it's already included but you could add an element of how you give commands to your army. A lot of short commands that cancel or contradict eachother should make your army panic, especially when the enemy is close. So you would have to give the army the order to "engage" instead of just moving them closer, and then the first line to "charge front" or something. It isn't told in the tutorial.

 I don't understand how the stats of infantry work. There seems to be no difference. A unit with high attack and charge bonus doesn't do better if it charges, and performs the same against any other unit like spear militia. Cavalry charge should be less powerful so that they are not they key element and so that the infantry would matter too. Infantry shouldn't immediately flee if charged by cavalry from the back. Now every battle is about that, and armies with only infantry vs infantry result in a total bloodbath where everybody wipes out no matter unit stats.

 Arrows: the way it's made right now they really don't matter. I never take missile troops. It's a waste of money. The archers should shoot faster and kill more often. So that it's a real tactical element. You should be able to give them the order to shoot only if they can shoot flat. Also drawing their bow in advance till the enemy is in fire range. And stop shooting immediately and run away. Now the cavalry can catch them on that.

 Cavalry should be able to use their sword only after you tell them to drop their lance. Then it's lost for the rest of the battle. They shouldn't be able to suddenly turn 180 degrees. Instead you should be able to order them to run in a half circle to the left or right, or stop and turn in place. Otherwise they are too overpowered. Charging cavalry with cavalry has no point now, they don't die. Wile normally they should kill each other instantly with their lance. If you play around with your unit formation and stretch it out, you can make cavalry charge useless. They keep sticking to the outer edge. You should make simple FROT CHARGE possible, where they simply charge what's in front of them for 150 meters. 

 The flee mechanism should be different. The enemy often mass-routs, even if they are much much stronger and would have won the battle. They should know it, I should lose. They also should not flee if both armies would wipe out. Only if you certainly will win and they have 20% or less left they sometimes should flee or surrender. If I have a lot of cavalry or they were besieged for too long they should see that they have no chance of running away. Plus if you chase them down, the individual soldiers should still turn around and try to strike the cavalryman at the moment he's there. That would make the gameplay wearing and realistic. Coming back after fleeing is too unrealistic. If you're besieged it should certainly be turned off. The army should be able to either flee, with only the possibility to get killed, or surrender, to later get freed/ransomed or executed. If they surrender you should be able to kill them for the ethics :D

 Siege: the archers should be able to be positioned optimally on the walls and again, shoot faster. Also on top of the towers. Now they often shoot up instead of flat just because of the wall shape. Right now it's like the walls are there for decoration. You should be able to chose for the towers on what to shoot or not to shoot at all in case you want to meet them with catapults once they enter.

 You should be able to teleport your army closer to your enemy unless the AI decides to make important moves during the path your soldiers would "take". Even if you speed up the time by factor 6 the waiting for every battle is too big. Thisone is very important. You should also be able move a group of units in-formation to an other location including determining the direction they should face once they get there. Now you can only turn them, but not displace them to somewhere else. You should be able to order a group of units to attack in formation everything that's on their way, maybe till a certain location. Now I have to give them the order to get closer to the enemy, then pause the game and assign the best mathing enemy unit. I know they can assign it on their own but that doesn't work great. It'd be also more realistic if they'd not target enemy units but instead just attacked the frontline. You could experiment with being able to select a group of soldiers with your mouse like in Age of Empires, and order them to frontcharge or drawing a line on the map where they have attack to. With still having the ability to suddenly give an order to a unit specifically. That would be usefull if the frontline is already broken.

 Most of the keybindings don't work. Especially the camera bookmark keybindings for battles so that you could become a real progamer. That would be great. 

 Campaignmap suggestions

 You can build buildings that give bonuses, but you don't know how the mechanics work. In particular the numbers in settlement details. The same for unit stats like attack, defence, etc. It would be good if you provide an in game "guide" where it's all explained. When attacking neighbouring factions it surprises me how further their cities are developed, and how they can train and finance all their armies. It makes me think that I just don't know the mechanics.

 Making the factions more active on campaign map. Now they are set to be mostly passive, waiting to be conquered. An option to make them more trustworthy or cunning forging alliances. They always randomly attack you, no matter if you are in alliance with them or even have family relations. This makes the aspect of diplomacy totally absent.

 Sometimes I just want to play my kingdom without attacking anybody and defend myself but the campaign rules prevent it. I not exactly want to be the bad guy. You could also make an extra option where everybody attacks you and you have to outlast for x turns. Or withstand the Mongol/Norman attack. Also make Mongols and Norway playable. Some of us want to be badass sometimes.

 I don't see an option to make realigion something reasonable in this game. I see the Vatican just as a coalition for internal peace. For it to work you should make the pope demand that you give some money/a part of your army to AI control to fight "the attacker". If the Pope calls for a ceasefire he should demand that the conquered settlements are given back. This is the only reason why sticking to Christianity is unreasonable. Further you should be able to go off course of any religion, losing the "protection" and having SHORTTERM problems due unrest. You could make all religions have their own council as the Vatican, and make them able to call out for an all out war against an other religion. You should be able to purpose for your alliance to attack a certain goal.

 If I play the campaign map, what annoys me is the playoff of the gestures of the characters every time a general attacks me or a foreign diplomat strikes. Also when I enter a battle the camera first zooms into my general before loading. It really takes a lot of time all together. You want to play the game fastly. This is a very big issue if you get into playing this game MORE SERIOUS.

 The AI is quite dumb when it comes to trading. You can always get extra money for trade rights, and even entire settlements for other stupid stuff. Sometimes when they attack you you can immediately get 2000 florins for offering a ceasefire, after what they will attack you again and you can repeat.

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2 months ago
Aug 8, 2024, 6:35:52 PM

Well depends on what the suggestion is about, as this is about's rather wasted tbh. It'd make sense to put it under the Medieval series section but it's also a dead game they aren't working on it.

It's also now so far back that outside of the historical inspiration it's not going to be using anything from the M1/2 if they make a third iteration and would be building off the recent titles.

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