Comparison Total War historical players vs Total War Fantasy players the last 24 hours

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2 months ago
Jul 30, 2024, 12:10:59 PM

24h peak player count: 

1.Total War Warhammer III: 26,534

2.Three Kingdoms: 7,818

3.Pharaoh Dynasties: 6,719

4.Rome 2 Emperor Edition: 5,964

5.Medieval II Definitive Edition: 4,432

6.Shogun II: 3,450

7.Total War Warhammer II: 3,291

8.Total War Empire Definitive Edition: 2886 

9.Total War Attila: 2,373

10.Total War Napoleon Definitive Edition: 1,458

11.Total War Rome Remastered: 1,273

12.Rome Total War: 994

13.Total War Warhammer: 678

14.Total War Pharaoh: 452

15.Total War Saga Thrones of Britannia: 389

16.Total War Saga Troy: 263

17.Medieval Gold Edition: 175

18.Shogun Total War Collection: 124

Historical Players+mythos: 38,770 players in the last 24 hours

Warhammer Players: 30,503 players in the last 24 hours

Now if we exclude mythological:

Let's recalculate the total number of players for historical Total War games, excluding the players of Total War Saga: Troy and Total War: Three Kingdoms.

Historical  Players  (excluding Troy and Three Kingdoms):


1. Pharaoh Dynasties: 6,719 

2. Rome 2 Emperor Edition: 5,964 

3. Medieval II Definitive Edition: 4,432 

4. Shogun II: 3,450 

5. Total War Empire Definitive Edition: 2,886 

6. Total War Attila: 2,373 

7. Total War Napoleon Definitive Edition: 1,458 

8. Total War Rome Remastered: 1,273 

9. Rome Total War: 994 

10. Total War Pharaoh: 452 

11. Total War Saga Thrones of Britannia: 389 

12. Medieval Gold Edition: 175 

13. Shogun Total War Collection: 124 

= 30,689 historical players

Fantasy players:

1.Total War Warhammer III: 26,534

2.Three Kingdoms: 7,818

3.Total War Warhammer II: 3,291

4.Total War Warhammer: 678

5.Total War Saga Troy: 263

= 38,584

Total Historical Players (excluding Troy and Three Kingdoms) = 30,689 

Total Fantasy Players (warhammer + mythological) : 38,584

Now have a look at player count interested by age/niche:

Total of 24h peak players by AGE/NICHE:

 Ancient History: 15,402 players  

- Rome: Total War: 994  

- Total War: Rome II: 5,964  

- Total War: Rome Remastered: 1,273  

- Pharaoh: 452  -

 Pharaoh Dynasties: 6,719 

 Classical Antiquity: 2,373 players  

- Total War: Attila: 2,373   

Medieval History: 8,570 players  

- Medieval: Total War: 175  

- Medieval II: Total War: 4,432  

-Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia: 389  

​- Shogun: Total War: 124  

- Total War: Shogun 2: 3,450  

Early Modern History: 4,344 players 

 - Empire: Total War: 2,886  

- Napoleon: Total War: 1,458  

​Historical Myths and Legends: 8,081

Three Kingdoms: 7,818

Troy: 263

Ancient History has the most players with 15,402 players. Medieval age follows with 8,570, and the third position is for Historical Myths and Legends with 8,081 players.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Jul 30, 2024, 2:44:19 PM

these are non-sense comparisation

Troy is not a "fantasy" , same with Three Kingdoms, which are "oen thing"

Both Troy and Three Kingdoms are more "historical" than Rome1

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2 months ago
Jul 30, 2024, 5:30:20 PM

It is essential to highlight that even the so-called "historical modes" in these games incorporate significant fantasy elements. Would be more correct to say: Troy and Three Kingdoms have a thin layer of realism in their mythical and legendary storytelling.

Total War Saga: Troy

Fantasy Elements:

1. Heroic Characters: Even in historic mode, figures like Achilles and Hector are depicted with superhuman abilities, making them far more powerful than any historical counterpart could be. Their portrayal aligns more with their legendary status in Greek mythology.

2. Mythos Expansion: This expansion introduces mythological creatures such as Cerberus, the Griffin, and the Hydra, which players can hunt, tame, and use in battles. These additions clearly transcend historical accuracy and venture into pure fantasy.

3.Divine Intervention: In the Mythos mode, gods like Zeus and Poseidon directly affect gameplay by granting powers such as controlling lightning and summoning sea waves. This divine involvement is a hallmark of fantasy.

Historical Mode

Despite offering a historical mode, Total War Saga: Troy still infuses this mode with significant fantasy elements. Heroes possess abilities and strengths that are exaggerated beyond historical plausibility, maintaining a level of fantasy even in what is supposed to be a more realistic setting.

Total War: Three Kingdoms

Fantasy Elements:

1. Romance Mode: This mode draws heavily from the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," where generals such as Lü Bu and Guan Yu perform incredible feats of strength and combat prowess. These heroes can decimate entire units single-handedly, which is a clear deviation from historical accuracy.

2. Mythical Representation: The game merges historical events with legendary narratives, presenting characters with abilities and strengths that align more with myth than with recorded history.

Historical Mode:

Even in the Records mode, where the game aims to be more historically grounded, heroes and characters are still depicted with abilities and attributes far beyond what would be historically accurate. This maintains a level of fantasy, making the game a blend of history and legend rather than a strict historical simulation.

Comparisons to Historical Titles

Total War: Rome I:

- This game is rooted firmly in historical representation, focusing on the realistic depiction of Roman military and political life. While it includes some elements of Roman legend, these do not influence gameplay to the fantastical extent seen in Troy or Three Kingdoms.

 Why These Games Are Not Historical

1. Enhanced Abilities and Characters: Both Troy and Three Kingdoms feature characters and units with superhuman abilities that surpass historical realism.

2. Mythological and Legendary Elements Everywhere: Amazons didn’t exist. The inclusion of gods, mythical creatures, and legendary powers in Troy, and the superhuman capabilities of heroes in Three Kingdoms, shift these games from purely historical to a blend of history and fantasy.

3. Player Choices: These games offer modes to disguise its full fantasy roots, and most features that significantly deviate from any historical accuracy, providing a unique experience that prioritizes a legendary experience born from myth and legend over strict historical fidelity.

In conclusion, while Total War Saga: Troy and Total War: Three Kingdoms include historical elements, their significant incorporation of mythological and legendary aspects clearly categorizes them as heavily fantasy-infused games. This blend of history and fantasy provides a unique gameplay experience that sets them apart from purely historical titles like Total War: Rome I. Therefore, it's important to recognize and appreciate that Troy and Three Kingdoms are purely fantasy games.

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2 months ago
Jul 31, 2024, 6:52:57 AM

As much as I enjoy playing historic Total War games, just imagine if CA were to release a Lord of the Rings Total War instead of Medieval 3?  Since the original Rome Total War there have been mods about Lord of the Rings. If even the number of players of a prospective Lord of the Rings Total War were roughly the same as the Warhammer III players it would comparatively dwarf the number of those playing the historical titles. 

An Elder Scrolls Total War would also be extremely popular too, not to mention great fun.

Troy was good before Mythos, but became a lot more enjoyable with Mythos, the same would be true with Pharaoh Dynasties if that was given the Mythos mode it sorely needs.

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2 months ago
Jul 31, 2024, 8:11:32 AM

this was quite interesting. I’m surprised how many people play wh2 and wh1.

Tbf wh2 was very good so I kinda get that but wh1 now has been surpassed by 2&3 by so so much.

The resurgence for pharaoh is nice to see given the context but I would love more regular updates for wh3

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