I have a new Eldar campaign mechanic 40k total war concept!

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4 months ago
Jun 4, 2024, 7:01:04 PM

I’m sorry if this comes across as spam, but I’m a huge nerd. And you might be able to tell that Eldar are my favourite 40k faction :).

When the map expansion for Pharao was announced I immediately got it and started playing it a bit. 

As the sea peoples I instantly noticed how strong the “influence” mechanic was, which is effectively “wh3 corruption”. However, instead of scaling public order, it scaled the resources you gained from a province.

So if you as the sea peoples captured any settlement, nobody had your culture, meaning you gained almost no resources from any settlement unless you converted them with influence buildings.

Which obviously was a powerful effect, and added another very interesting city planning resource.

Thus, the cogs in my brain started moving, how can this be implemented in the context of a future total war. And could this be a lore-friendly interesting mechanic for 40k total war?

And then my brain aligned, the growth mechanic that I had in mind for the Eldar was unique, but it wasn’t interesting, it was simply growth with a slightly different coat of paint.

But what if instead of the Eldar having a custom growth mechanic, they had this influence mechanic as a unique campaign settlement resource?

And then I realised yes, the Eldar do in fact have a concept like this! Eldar have paradise worlds, or planets that have been terraformed by the Eldar.

This would perfectly fit their lore and add a more interesting unique campaign resource! Slowing their campaign or expansion down, as is accurate to the lore, but allows them to rebuild their empire!

Furthermore, it complimented their Craftworlds perfectly! Encouraging the development of the Craftworld first, as it didn't have to be terraformed!

So here it goes:

Faction: Eldar

image loaded from url​Unique campaign mechanic: Terraforming

Eldar have their own “corruption” which is called Terraforming, this can be increased with a specific building chain and scales from 0 to 100 per province.

At 0% terraforming, Eldar gain 0% income from that province, at 100% they gain the full 100% income from that province.


The Eldar also get +100% campaign line of sight, this resembles their ability to gaze into the future and compensates them for their own mandatory terraforming, slowing down their empire growth.


Additional campaign mechanic: Craftworld

All Eldar factions start with a movable super city called a Craftworld. 

Craftworlds are Dark elf Black arcs that come with standard major settlement buildings.

Craftworlds cannot be built, but can respawn, respawning will reset all its building progression.

Craftworlds are "army" entities, and thus are unaffected by terraforming, meaning investing in them instantly yields 100% of the income generated, making it the highest priority to upgrade in the early game. Only later on in the campaign are provinces sufficiently terraformed to invest in.

image loaded from url

​Battle mechanic: Wraithbone

Eldar units are fast with relatively low HP, however they come with Tzeentch barriers, HP pools that restore after being out of combat for a while.

image loaded from urlThis encourages eldar players to skirmish frequently with the enemy to maximise the effectiveness of their barriers regenerating.

They play much like the Wood elves in battle.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Jun 4, 2024, 7:05:39 PM

Thank you for reading!

This was my original post, encompassing all races that I thought I could reliably fit into a total war campaign concept:


Updated 4 months ago.
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