40k space ship battles race design themes concept

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4 months ago
May 30, 2024, 12:56:57 AM

I previously posted some brainstorm concepts on how 40k races could be implemented on the campaign map and in battles: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/forums/4-%E2%81%82-total-war-franchise-general/threads/4175-more-idea-s-on-implementing-warhammer-40k-races?page=1#post-43762


I thought it might be interesting to explore some 40k space navy theme designs. Yes, if you’ve played gothic armada before, you’ll recognise a lot of these. 

Space marines:

·         Powerful broadside guns

·         Powerful boarding

·         Slow

Space marines play as slow-moving fortresses with high firepower that have devastating potential at close range. If they manage to get into close, their boarding parties are extremely devastating.


Astra militarum:

·         Powerful broadside guns

·         Powerful fighters

·         Slow

The Astra militarum is much like the space marines. However, they have a greater focus on fighters over boarding. While the space marines want to get close to board, the Astra militarum are fine with remaining at range.



·         Speed boost

·         Powerful ramming

·         Poor range

Greenskins are played as bumpers cars, it’s extremely simple. They also come with a speed boost that enables them to deal more damage when ramming. Their guns are powerful at close range but have short ranges.



·         Fast

·         Barriers

·         Poor ramming

Eldar are fast and come with barriers, they constantly hit and run and need to ensure they have a way to escape and restore their barriers. However, their ships are fragile and not at all designed for ramming.



·         Fast

·         Stealth

·         Fragile

Drukhari are played as submarines, they stalk the enemy from invisibility and then strike, focusing down one ship at a time and going back into hiding. They are, however, vulnerable, so planning is key.



·         Ability to hook enemies

·         Powerful ramming

·         Poor guns

Tyrannids are mostly huge creatures with the ability to grab enemy vessels and pull them towards them, ramming them in the process. However creatures aren’t exactly weapon platforms, thus they have ram to be effective.



·         Long range guns

·         Powerful fighters

·         Poor boarding

Tau are played as snipers and are completely reliant on their ranged weapons. However, they need to stay at range, as any boarding action on them is catastrophic as they lack the troops and training to win in melee. 



·         Regeneration

·         Teleportation

·         Slow

Necrons are extremely durable, with their regeneration and ability to teleport short ranges, their ships can stay alive for a long time. However, as a drawback they are relatively slow, so planning and carefully using teleports is key to not getting overwhelmed.


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3 months ago
Jul 12, 2024, 2:35:13 AM

Astra Militarum don't have a fleet in 40k lore. The Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard) are purely the ground forces of the Imperium. All void operations (and atmospheric aircraft) are handled by the Imperial Navy. 

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