SWO-RD: Steph's Warhammer Overhaul - Regional Diversity

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a year ago
Oct 5, 2023, 10:01:11 AM

Collection of my mods for more immersive gameplay.

It includes several independant modules:

- Climate overhaul, with more climate types, more suitability levels, and effects.

- Campaign move: settlements give movement bonuses.

- Diplomacy: changes into the cultural relations.

- Experience and Ranks: more effects for experience, more skill points, some changes in level requirements.

- Fatigue: more effects for fatigue.

- Progressive landmarks: each landmark has several levels. They can be built sooner, but with weaker effects, and need to be upgraded to get the full benefits.

- Siege rework. 

- Size and LODs: LOD removal and size reductions for agents.

- Wounds: 3 levels of Wounds for Single Entity Monsters, lords, and heroes, with more effects.

- New unit category icons to better differentiate units at a glance

- Flying speed increase and jump attack frequency reduction.

- Visibility overhaul: the distance where units can spot or be spotted varies a lot more from one unit to another. Hiding and scouting is more important

And a main module, which bring regional recruitment and other changes:

- Rework of unit speed, armours and shields

- Unique currency for each faction

- Lore specific models for casters.

The most important part is regional recruitment: in your home region, units have their colour, heraldry, banners, or unit card, tied to the region/province where they are recruited.

Knights recruited in Carcassonne have their own graphics, and Knights recruited in Brionne also have ther own graphics!

Allied units keep the colours of the allied faction, not your own.

Link to full collection

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a year ago
Oct 6, 2023, 8:51:39 PM

Great mods mate. I appreciate your efforts 

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9 months ago
Jan 5, 2024, 3:18:59 PM

Mod update with High-Elves released!

As a test, the High Elves (and only them for the moment) have been modified for their buildings.

- The population cost for settlement is now 0,2,4,6,8.

- Basic military do not require population.

- Other building chain requires one popuplation for each new building level, except the first one which is free.

- Military building have a maintenance cost.


- Settlement, ports, resource building, as well as walls, can be converted when the settlement is captured,

- Other buildings (military, economy) will be destroyed when the settlement is captured.

The goal is to slow the expansion in early game.

Please let me know what you think of the changes

- it's nice, and should be expanded to other races

- bad idea, remove it and go back to vanilla

- interesting, but require some tweaking: comment what changes you suggest.

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