My first two creations

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a year ago
Oct 10, 2023, 3:31:13 PM

Hi everyone, I know most of you are not too invested into mods, but today I uploaded my first mods and I´m very happy for it, so I wanted to share it with you. After all, and even if we disagree in many things, I feel we are part of the same community and you are the first ones that came to my mind to share this moment.

Said this, let´s keep the feelings at bay before we are seen by a hag and we end in one of the cauldrons.

You guys know I´m a hard DE/Malekith fanboy, so of course my first mods were going to be about DE and Malekith becoming the Phoenix King after long millennia of suffering and defeats.

Almost every single faction have received mods that created an Upgrade System for each race, except DE. That´s why I started to play with tables, so I could have an edited mod that made me able to play with DE factions and upgrade their units. After many years, I finally decided to give the final step to create a completely new mod to make it more immersive (ithimlar weapons and heavy shields felt not too immersive for my Witch Elves), and after some days and many hours, here is my first work.

I must say that both of those mods would have not been possible if I hadn´t seen the work of other modders. Of course we all work above others´ work, but I feel like a baby giving his first steps, so I must say my knowledge is very limited and I owe almost everything I "achieved" with those mods to the modders that inspired me and showed me the way with their original work.

I have some plans for other mods in the future, we shall see if they are easy or not!

Here are the links for the mods, in case you want to see them:

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a year ago
Oct 10, 2023, 4:14:19 PM

Going to try the Elven Recruitment Overhaul this weekend.  I've always wanted to see more regional recruitment options, and the ability to basically take over the other Elves as Maliketh seems like a fun campaign.  

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a year ago
Oct 11, 2023, 7:18:51 AM

Cool mods I ll use them to make DE AI stronger opponents. Is there chance you ll do some mods for hated HE on request?

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a year ago
Oct 11, 2023, 8:07:32 AM
TancredIIQuenelles#3970 wrote:

Cool mods I ll use them to make DE AI stronger opponents. Is there chance you ll do some mods for hated HE on request?

Of course, if it's easy/medium I can try! Take into account that these are my first steps as a modder so I don't know if I will be able to do something too strange.

Also, with the Elven Recruitment mod, take into account that you will also be able to recruit Lothern Sea Guards in ports when playing as HE.

And I love HE in deep. That's why I want to reunite them and not destroy them as Malekith. I'm more a fan of the Makekith and Nagarythe of old than this sad figure manipulated by his mother. 

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 13, 2023, 6:46:23 PM
TancredIIQuenelles#3970 wrote:

Thanks. I know who to ask for a mod or 2 later on.

I just updated the Runeforge of Hotek mod. Give it a try Tancred, you will surely love it, the High Elves are the ones with the best bonuses!

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