There are quite a few mods I'm a huge fan of, I'll categorise them in two sections:

Game balance and replay ability. Game balance makes it so more buildings or units become viable to play, or adjusts the way the game is balanced so more existing stuff in the game sees play. Replay ability unlocks, adds or reworks stuff the game so there’s more content to play.


Game rebalance:


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Magic damage nerfed

Magic damage spells are extremely strong in Warhammer 3, to a point that casters will rack up thousands worth of gold damage each battle. Thus unit buff or debuff spells in comparison are thus utterly useless. This turns the game almost in an arcade magic bomb simulator and particularly punish infantry builds.


Fatigue system cleanup

Warhammer 3 has a strange inconsistent fatigue penalty system which reduces attack more than defense. This mod equalizes them and makes it so fatigue effects ranged units more as ranged units are extremely powerful in Warhammer 3.


City squalor and less cheap unit spam

Warhammer 3 quickly devolves into spamming armies with loads of cheap units as that is very economically efficient. Advanced units also aren’t worth developing as they aren’t more cost efficient. You’ll also have very few incentives to build growth or public order buildings. This mod fixes those issues.


Orendiz morale tactics

Morale in Warhammer 3 is almost non existent compared to older total war games, encircling a unit or killing the enemy general used to have a devastating effect. This mod thus fixes that my increasing the morale loss.


50% construction cost reduction

Late game buildings are notoriously expensive, and yet their effects are often not exactly worth the cost, this mod solves that issue by reducing the building costs. This also speeds up the early game and results in less boring downtime waiting for a construction to finish.


Game replay ability:


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Map Painter: campaign map editing with

Allows you to customise the faction locations of every faction in the game and build completely unique scenario’s, tons of fun for multiplayer sessions. For example you can remove all minor factions, resulting in a stiff head to head campaign right from the start.


Change starting settlement

This mod enables you to start at a completely different location, extremely fun if you want to start in a very strange start location. Extremely fun if you like an underdog challenge or you want to play your favourite race in an area they never reach.


Major settlements are wood elf cities

The wood elves have a very stale and boring faction design, being limited to magical forests and having no real reason to build a wide and fun empire. This mod fixes that by releasing them from the magical forest restriction.


MIXER – Mixu’s Unlocker

This mod unlocks all minor factions, enabling a ton of replay ability by playing your favourite race in a completely different setting. Often as an underdog.


No climate penalties

This mod removes all the climate penalties, essential if you want to start your campaign in a different location. Essential if you want to experience the full Warhammer 3 sandbox experience.