Norsca faction feedback:

  • Marauder champions (GW)+5 MA, 35->40. Offensive stat too low for a 1100g inf on a melee focused faction. Doesnt get any MA compared to the base unit while losing massive MD

  • Shaman (Norscan Warhorse)+12 speed, 78->90. Missing speed on mount, equalize horse mount speed to the roster standard 90, being slower makes him more vulnerable.

  • Mammoths (All variants)+4 speed, 56->60, increase acceleration to 6, 3.5->6. has been speed creeped compared to similar anti inf SEM speed values (Jabber, Warsphinx, Stonehorn, etc) and gets stuck in combat too often.

  • War Mammoth+10 Missile Range 90->100, Base missile damage 18->36 Armor Piercing missle damage 7->14, reduce ammo by half 200 ->100. Ranged profile is terribly outdated.

  • Mammoth Warshrine: Favour of the Ruinous powers: Aura range increased to 55m 35->55. Too short for pure ld aura.

  • Skin wolves (Armored)+5 speed 65->70. The unit pays excessive speed cost for the armor upgrade that makes them lose agency in battle.

  •  Ice troll, Ice dragon: Remove 25% extra fire weakness. They have 25% weakness to fire when no other ice unit does, makes them extremely frail in some MUs and polarizes roster. Ice troll has 45% fire weakness and frost dragon is the weakest dragon when fire is present, on top of no air support or access to healing.

  • Chariot mount (All characters)-100g, Chielftain and Wulfrick 400g ->300g Shaman 500g->400g.  Price too high compared to WoC similar one.

  • Chieftain+20 armor, 50->70. Armor value really low compared to sword and shield generic lords of similar prices. Also appreciated for SP campaigns.
    Add armour piercing WS effect to Flaming Axe of Cormac and increase the value to 35%. Currently sub par and limited effect.
    Potion of Foolhardiness: replace the charge buff with Frenzy. Makes it worthwhile to use and frenzy pairs well with unbreakable to work.

  • Wulfrick: Sword of Torgald. Bad utility for gold, he is currently a mediocre duelist with low hp, no armor piercing and not access to healing, used mainly for his other item/abilities(which dont even requiere him to be on melee), some options:
    1.Add Sunder Armor improves mainly foot and horse Wulfric.
    2.Replace effect with +50% to B WS and AP WS improves mainly mammoth/chariot Wulfric with AP.
    3.Replace effect with +50% to B WS and AP WS, add Sunder Armor improves all version "equally".
    Seafang: reduce damage by 20% too strong and auto take for the character at the moment.

  • Throgg: Add +24 MD effect to The Wintertooth Crown. Weak item with niche utility.
    Copious Vomit should lose its out of melee condition. Frustanting to use currently.
    Add Colossal Strike to his Customization options For a Melee focused character lacks a WS ability he has access on campaign with a rather small option pool on mp.

  • Rage passive: depleting ammo charges the bar as well, each ammo depleted charges rage by 5% OR TBD Allows norscan ranged units to benefit from army passive which otherwise they aren't capable to charge in any reasonable capacity.

  • Warhounds (Both types)  -25g, 400->375 450->425 OR +8 CB,  20->28. Only really fit to chase ground routing units, a bit expensive for what they can do.

  • Beast of Tashnar (Warhounds):  -25g, 600->575 OR +8 CB,  20->28 Overshadowed by Ice wolves at the same price point currently.

  • Marauder Horsemasters: add bronze shields. Like horsemen throwing axes have makes the upgrade from base horsemen be more worthwhile.

  • Marauder Ice Wolves Chariots: +400 mass, 1100 ->1500. Add Strider, increase ammo to 12->36 Strider like the rest of the wolf units, would help the chariot move on uneven terrain, really low mass for a chariot now and extra ammo will help keep it applying ld debuff under missile fire in battle for longer.

  • Marauder Berserkers: +10 CB, 33 ->43 and +3 speed, 37->40 (and charge speed) . A bit underperforming compared to similar units.

  • Brutes of the Hound RoR: ++10 CB, 33 ->43 and +3 speed, 37->40 (and charge speed), +20 armour, 15->35. Doesn’t gain the armour effect from the Mark of Khorne.

  • Marauders Great Weapons: -25g, 500->475. The cost increase over the basic version is a bit too much.

  • Fimir Balefiend: +8 MA, 27->35. Currently a bit lacking in his hybrid role, a higher hit chance would help him apply armour sundering.

  • Skin Wolf Werekin: Add attribute Strider. Lacks the strider attribute that the other skin wolves units have.

  • Cold Voider (Chaos Frost Dragon): +150g. 1700->1850 Too cheap for the regiment of reknown stats upgrade.

  • Manticore: +4 LD 56->60. Too low LD paired with innate rampages makes it too unreliable to use.

  • Gigant: Add Rage. Integrates into the roster (its not a mindless beast) similar how Greenskin one benefits from Waaagh. Slow unarmored unit that doesnt seen much play atm.

  • Marauder, Marauder spears(the price they would beon WoC), Marauder GW, Horsemen, Horsemen, Horsemasters: Make them into a proper shared unit with WoC, rounding price down. Currently Norsca has one of the most expensive basic frontlines, but not reflected in quality for a melee faction.