Gorduz could use his cutthroat summon in MP

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11 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 12:42:37 AM
The lil' guy doesn't really see any use these days since he is just marginally difficult to kill but doesn't really provide any utility beyond that. At least with a summon he'd be a bit disruptive, even with three charges it doesn't strike as a particularly broken ability given that cutthroats rout about as easily as clanrats.

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 8:16:49 PM

I'd rather they tune up his existing items which aside from slippery are pretty overpriced/bad.  Aside from that he's got his uses as a fast single entity.

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 11:50:39 AM

He is a fast single entity that deals very little damage, has no mass and doesn't have that good of a leadership. Even in campaign, though in there he and his items are free and most importantly he buffs hobgoblin units to an insane degree. I've taken him a couple of times since he is essentially a wolf raider that is harder to rout, but his use case is very narrow since the enemy needs to have a weak unarmoured caster for him to hit. Even then the simple counter is to just move that character inside an infantry unit since Gorduz can't deal with multimodel units.

Updated 8 days ago.
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