competitive multiplayer

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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 6:17:24 AM

Hello I wanted to get a discussion going about the multiplayer co-op campaign. I am currently in a gaming group and we like to do competitive co-op games. It is pretty much the only thing I look forward too with warhammer 3 because having a human opponent makes everything so much more interesting in the campaign. The siege battles are actually crazy fun to fight over in multiplayer campaigns. I am hoping to get multiplayer campaigns to receive some love.

Things that could be fixed without much discussion

  1. Currently when playing a multiplayer campaign if the host loses the campaign everyone is kicked out of the campaign. Can this be fixed? 
  2. When a player initiates an attack (such as attacking an AI) and is deciding whether to auto resolve or manually resolve a fight everyone can see the factions involved in the attack. Even if you are not on the initiating player's team you can see what faction that player is attacking. It would help so much for the strategy in my groups play session if this was not the case and the fog of war was thicker.
  3. If a player decides to manually fight a battle in a multiplayer campaign a secondary screen is entered were other players either takes sides in the manual battle or simply observe. There is no way to back out of this screen though and auto resolve the battle instead. This is very inconvenient. 

Things that will need some thought

  1. Currently if you initiate an attack in a multiplayer campaign everyone in the map is pulled into the battle. It seems like the multiplayer campaign was designed more for co-op than competitive play. I would like to fix this.
    •  Perhaps we can have all conflicts during a turn by resolved in parallel with players who can get involved choosing whether to observe or assist. Players not on the same team as the attacker/defender and not involved in the battle would not see the battle and would simply have to wait in the campaign overworld. This could be controlled by campaign settings as well.

Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think!

Updated a year ago.
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10 months ago
Nov 16, 2023, 3:02:31 PM

I love playing coop TWWH and i generally agree with your points (i am not fully understand #3 though).

With manual battles and who is getting involved: IMO it is a tradeoff. In the current system, you most likely gonna end up battling your opponent player, rather than brain rot AI. In case of campaigns forces of order VS forces of chaos, this system actually creates a very nice war dynamic. As chaos, you have several dozen vassals who will go and battle whatever you will tell them. So while you can't drive them directly, you still can fight battles as them and "loose up" enemy territories before your army comes in a bit more efficiently. On opposite side - say if you are playing as elf lord - you probably don't want Karl Franz to yeet himself at human-played Archeon who will cheese all he can from AI to come out as a winner, with 1:100 losses.

If i understand you correctly, your proposition is to leave all non player factions fully to AI... I personally not sure about it so much. It just opens more possibilities to cheese. In a matter of fact you will have ability to cheese not only bad AI, but also human brain xD if the AI army is comprised of units that need some heavy micro - then you can get a player involved. And unless that player is TW legend and can macro all the units at once, that battle will likely go in your favor. Or siedge battles. God those overwhelm me every time. AI just pushes from all the sides. So usually i don't bother and take defence at the center. While players tend to attack up to 3 directions at once. I don't think average human can efficiently manage more micro =D 

Yeah, so in terms of mechanics, idk IMO it seems acceptable. TW has alot of exploits within itself (example: one man doomstacks) so sometimes you have to get real humans involved just so that the whole campaign is fair.

But what you've brought up before that - aka stability of the campaign. That is 100%, any minor issue with the internet and the client just throws you out of the window. While i understand it is hard to fix (i think stellaris has the same problem for years now),  but even some alternative also would suffice (for example, other players would stay on the server and vote (?) for new game master who will be keeping the save for future games).

On other hand it seems like they have done something, because prior to one of the later updates me and my friend just couldn't play the game with simultaneous turns on. It would just crash indefinitelly by turn 60-80. So whoever fixed that at CA - thank you. It ain't much, but tiz honest work (c)

Updated 10 months ago.
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