The clickfest plague

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7 months ago
Feb 21, 2024, 11:05:48 PM

Do I need to explain what "clickfest" means ? I suppose not. 

As for any real time strategy game, the clickfest is something to take into account. 

In quick games it is not a problem, it may even be the whole point... For Total War battles, there's nothing we can do about it, really. But I think we all agree that for the campaign part of the game, it is just a pain in the ass. In versus (or FFA) campaigns, when opposing armies are engaged in a chase on the map, realtime movements are very poorly handled by the game, and moreover very frustrating to the players who need to forget everything else and as quickly as possible focus the map on the hotspot then either click on their target or click away to escape. Very stupid for strategic moves, and totally unfair to players with events popping up at the beginning of their turn !

Something should really be done.

I know asking for complex gameplay solutions at this stage of the game would be utterly naive, but there may be a simple solution : slowing the animation speed of movements on the map. And that feature already exists in single player campaign ! 

With this feature, multiple solutions would be available : 

- Automatically reduce animation speed (slow, or slowest; I don't know) of lords & heros when at war with another player.

- Automatically reduce animation speed of lords & heros when an opposing (human player) lord or hero is inside the movement range. Sounds smarter, because some lords & heros would not be slowed for nothing.

- Letting players choose on the fly with the same ingame options window as in single player (a player would choose if he needs to reduce an opposing player's animation speed)

The whole purpose would be of course to have more time to react to movements on the map, and not be penalized by any random event pop up or whatever. And not have a chasing army separated with its target by a whole turn of march be able to catch up thanks to a quicker click or anything else preventing the other player to react accordingly.

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7 months ago
Feb 25, 2024, 2:05:06 PM

I think you should explain what is this because developers are probably not playing h2h campaigns often.

I agree with the mentioned above.

From my side, I could add some ideas to improve the gameplay:

  1. Implementation of team turns. For FFA clickfest is not avoidable, unfortunately.
  2. Allow to move battle reinforcements points only during the deployment.
  3. Dilemmas could be solved at any point of the turn, instead of the very beginning.
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5 months ago
Apr 15, 2024, 3:04:33 PM

Developers are not playing multiplayer campaign at all otherwise they would fix something instead of just adding new bugs with each and every patch.

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