Multiplayer Win Conditions

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8 months ago
Feb 12, 2024, 10:26:10 PM

Please make the win condition in cooperative MP to an opitional Setting.

Conquer 100 Settlements is boring and should be possible to switch off.

The best thing would be to take it to the settings like the "Endgamecrisis".

Just a little hook for the ones who don ´t want to win that fast or like to do the "Long Victory" or "Domination"!

When the option is already there, i may be missed it :)

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7 months ago
Feb 14, 2024, 1:08:50 AM

There's real issues in this game to fix. People already do this by making a verbal agreement. Maybe it's capturing the Temple of Nagash. Holding the Sword of Khaine for 10 turns. Capturing all of the Cathay Gates. Capture the X capital. Use your imagination.

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2 months ago
Aug 6, 2024, 10:37:55 PM

There are always issues. But meanwhile (after 6 month) there ist a button to play the Ironman-Mode. That´s in the same menu. 

So it should be no problem to make one to toggle off that "Siege 100 Villages".

You can use your Imagination. I want a clear cut, when someone reaches the goal.

That would be fine :)

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a month ago
Sep 2, 2024, 2:12:32 AM

King of the Hill would be awesome too such as hold Karak Eight Peaks for 20 turns. They could add hold at least one of every strategic resource plus x y z settlement. So on and so forth. This could be established with a toggle. Additionally they could re-prioritize the Ai to go for the same target making it so the Ai can actually win the game without having to wipe you out. I think this is a much needed dynamic to the Ai. I think that would make the replay ability of immortal empires even deeper and add a new layer of some much needed diversity to the victory conditions. Would be a ton of fun.

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