H2h campaigns confederation problem

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8 months ago
Feb 7, 2024, 10:33:13 PM

Hello fellow developers.

I'm a competitive h2h campaigns player who played thousands of hours in many Total War games and want to share feedback on your confederations mechanics.

In the current implementation, I see a big problem. You have made it easy to confederate with some factions (for example Orc, Bretonians, Karl Franz/Gelt, Chorfs) and insanely hard for all others.

Usually, the campaign can last around 50-100 turns. I've barely managed to confederate someone on vh/vh difficulty, so I mostly used my high-level lords as legendary ones. In the best case, you can threaten a faction when it's about to die, for example, I played Marcus having power rank 2 and there was a Gelt, who had only one sacked settlement and still didn't want to be confederated. I tried to threaten with a -33 success chance and it worked, my reliability score dropped to a low which affected a lot on the overall situation on the campaign map. I had one more legendary lord (yoohoo!) and that's it.

When I played dark elfs, high elfs, lizardmen on the mentioned difficulties I never had a confederation with any other major faction. 

Meanwhile, the orc had all legendary lords in a pocket.

Please tell me if you think it's fair. Or else I beg you to rework confederation mechanics so it would be easier to confederate other factions in h2h campaigns. Otherwise, all major factions might die and you'll never get to control those nice and shiny lords in which you've put so much love and effort.

You might wanna use some delay or maybe a hidden penalty in between confederations. For example, there are many legendary lords of one faction, it would be great if you could form at least one confederation with one of the weakest LL's(legendary lords) around turn 20-30, and then with a delay of 10-15 next turns in between it would be great to have all others, so it would be funnier for us to play.

I believe you have statistics and data about the h2h campaigns played on different difficulties. Please go through them and check how many confederations were there and how long the game lasted, which factions could achieve success in this, etc.

The most competitive and experienced players usually choose very hard/very hard for their games, they can capture the map in a very fast and efficient way, but without getting a nice bonus which I mentioned. Would be nice to spice up our games.

Sincerely, a fan of the Total War series.

Updated 8 months ago.
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7 months ago
Feb 21, 2024, 9:42:39 PM

The confederation mechanic is indeed a source of unbalance in multiplayer... But it is merely one aspect of the poor balance of the multiplayer campaigns. 

I only play multiplayer campaigns so I also take this very seriously, but I fear that simply smoothing the confederation mechanic between the different races would only shift the poor balance, not adress it. Maybe the Empire and Bretonnia really need it because they are surrounded by enemies whereas High Elves don't because they'd become too powerful too quickly in Ulthuan and then take over the world too soon.

The real deal is true balance, which takes into account starting positions, race campaign mechanics, and everything.

... And this is of course impossible.

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