Medallion of Chaqua - Development Update #1

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2 months ago
Aug 17, 2024, 7:49:02 AM

In the last month or so I've begun developing my first large scale mod for Warhammer III. A rework of my Medallion of Chaqua mod, completely redesigned from it's version in Warhammer II. I've been sharing some updates on my youtube and X accounts, but thought I might start sharing with a wider audience.

Please note this is a work in progress and some things may change in the released version.

In a nutshell, the ​Medallion of Chaqua mechanic has the player hunting down fragments of an ancient artifact that was lost in the first war against Chaos. As the player locates and claims the fragments (by occupying the settlements they are in) they are able to unlock bonuses for their faction. The search for the fragments will take the player across the globe, with a portal mechanic tied to the medallion unlocked later in the campaign.

Here we have the new Lizardmen ui with new 3 sections. 

   1). Three new buttons leading to the screens related to the medallion and ancient spawning pools. 

   2). Three tilted squares that show geomantic tower levels. 

   3). An icon which links to the spawning tablets you have gained.

2024-08-17  campaign_toolbar.png

We will concentrate on the parts related to the medallion today. We will touch on the spawning pools and tablets in the future. The button on the left opens the new medallion screen. This shows the medallion fragments the player has claimed and the benefits they provide.2024-08-17 medallion_window_1.jpgEffects will be shown as the player hovers over the claimed fragments in the empty space on the right of the screen. No effects defined yet.

Each fragment has at least one effect, with some being upgraded as gems are slotted in the medallion (more on gems in the future).

2024-08-17 medallion_window_2.jpgThere are 16 fragments to collect. The 8 in the inner circle are specific to each Lizardmen lord, with the 8 in the outer circle being added randomly once the inner circle is complete.

The screen also shows the three highest tier geomantic towers the player has built.

2024-08-17 geomantic_towers_tooltip.pngThe towers in the game don't really provide much, so I wanted a way to make them more interesting to build without having to mess with their code directly. Having them impact upon the medallion portal and on spawning pools seemed like a good way of doing so.

The screen also shows the number of turns remaining before the medallion's portal functionality can be used (top right of medallion). The portal does not unlock until the 8 inner fragments have been claimed and a geomantic gem has been slotted in the medallion.

2024-08-17 portal_timer_tooltip.pngThe game starts with the location of one fragment revealed. This is usually the closest enemy settlement to the player's start position. The target settlement will have a vfx active, and it will show on the new medallion fragment map screen (middle button of toolbar).

2024-08-17 fragment_map_effect.png

2024-08-17 map_1.jpgThe map really comes into it's own once the portal functionality of the medallion is unlocked (claim all 8 inner fragments) and the locations of the outer fragments are known. 

The player can then select the location of a fragment to teleport an army to for 3 turns. This gives the Lizardmen some much needed mobility, and will pit the player against a larger variety of enemies in the campaign.

Iv'e been happy with the progress of the medallion mechanic so far, though up to this point it's just ui layout and mechanic logic code, very little database stuff yet. Still in the process of working out what effects each fragment will have for each lord. (more than 200 effects to add for the medallion alone)

If you have any thoughts or ideas, or if you want to get updates more often you can check out my links shown above.

Thanks for reading.

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